Sunday, July 21, 2019

Lazy Sunday Morning

Hi everyone. The heat is here and it is making life a slow moving  Sunday morning. I've watched quite a few movies in the last couple of days and also lounged in the lake at my mother-in-laws, which felt good but wasn't even all that cool once you climbed out of the water. (And then had to reslather yourself with sunscreen, and then 20 minutes later you're back in because it is hot in the afternoon sun. Smile)  But I will admit, it was still better than not, and the dogs had  many nice swims too. (Making them clean and fluffy today.) Nothing is better than clean and fluffy dogs. (Just like clean sheets on a bed)

So back in the spring I found these cool journals on sale. They don't have tons of pages, but the pages they do have open up, as I shall show you.

 I've been working on one of the 2 I bought. I'm making a theme journal with one of my favorite art topics.
The Ocean!

 I painted the background and used a lot of collage items and stickers to make my spread. I picked up a vintage ocean collage image set off of Etsy back in the spring also (Scrappybird seller) which was only $5.00 for 60 images which I used a few on this spread. I also used a few stickers and images from my stash, including the quote, as well as a bit of scrap tissue paper also.
I am linking up with Chris's fun theme of We're All/Going this time to the Ocean for another refreshing swim! Check out this challenge over at Art Journal Journey.
That's all for me today. Hope you are staying cool and having a good weekend.


  1. I'm glad you were able to get some lake swimming in during this heat wave. But I know what you mean: when it's this hot, there's no breeze, and you immediately start to bake when you come out of the water. Your ocean themed journal pages are beautiful. That's one of my favorite themes too. I like seeing all of the blue color you used. I don't have AC so I've been sweltering in this heat. :-( One more day, then pouring rain tomorrow, although it doesn't look like it's going to break the heat much, because overnight temperatures will still be in the high 60s F (close to 20 C), which is hard to sleep in.

  2. This weather makes you slow down, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Did you get any thunderstorms last night? We got a wicked one with tons of thunder and lightning for a wonderful show from the sun room.

    What a fun journal! I like your ocean theme. I wish we lived closer to the ocean though after seeing the crowds at Hampton on the news, I think it's be hard to find a spot in this heat. Glad you were able to get out to the lake and cool off. Only one more day and the weather will break. Stay cool.

  3. Sorry about the heat, we're in for a hot week here, too. Love your journals and the gorgeous pages you have made, oceans is a great theme. Hugs, Valerie

  4. You know how they say Arizona is hot, but it's a dry heat? Not where I live, which is very humid and causes the heat index to soar out of sight. I hope YOU are keeping cool. I bet you are glad you don't have to head to school tomorrow.

    I'm LOVING your ocean inspired art. You have done a fantastic job creating these pages. I like how they fold out, too. I like how you included a tag for visual appeal. This is one incredible spread, Erika. It's also wonderful that you shared it with us using Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    As an aside, since your husband liked the ND capitol, he would probably like Florida's and possibly Oregon's capitols. Florida has an old and new capitol. The old or original building has red and white awnings on the windows. The day I was there, I was wearing red and white stripes. I'll NEVER forget that. It's also the one that contrasts old and new with the old being traditional and the new being stark and tall. They sit back to back.

    Oregon is another that is different. It is definitely art deco, but I thought the "dome" looked like a can of paint rising out of the building. Then there's Virginia with its Roman temple. Of course, North Carolina's capitol is classic Greek (one side) and Greek revival. Very austere. Although Louisiana has a dome, it is art deco and also quite austere. I never quite understood Nebraska. According to my notes, it is called Streamline Moderne. To me it's art deco with a gold dome. And finally, the new capitol (built in late 60s) of New Mexico is also different because it is round structure that reminds me of a stack of tortillas. I've heard it referred to as the Roundhouse. These are un-capitol-ish places your husband would probably appreciate.

  5. I love the heat, and lake swimming in these hot days sounds glorious :)

    I love your We're all going to the ocean theme and would gladly join in if only I were closer to an ocean lol But even the gulf is a full day's drive from me. I'll join in virtually :)

  6. A swin to cool down sounds goood and I'm sure the dogs would love that as well. We have a raise in temperature forecast for the UK coming this week.
    Your new journal looks super, the folding pages are a great idea and the extra space will be a big plus when adding images and detail.
    This page looks fantastic.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Hi Erika wish we had the heat down here,its still freezing cold.
    Wow love your journal pages so lovely ,you are very clever,well done my friend xx

  8. I love the ocean and therefore can totally understand that it is one of your favorite themes. And I like what you did - especially that you have a "curvy" mermaid and not those thin girls! She looks so content and her hair is great.

  9. The journals sound great, and your ocean pages look wonderful Erika!
    It sounds like you all had a lovely weekend.
    Have a great week too,
    Alison xx

  10. Your new journal looks fabulous love how the pages fold out. It's a great spread and I love all the details you added along with that cool mermaid. We're supposed to be having warmer weather this week, hope it reaches my little corner of the N.E.
    Have a great week. Avril xx

  11. Fabulous page Erika - love the beautiful sea themed imagery.
    Seems to be hot everywhere at present - our thermometer is showing 33.4c outside at present - phew!
    Keep cool and hope you have a good week.
    Gill xx

  12. Your ocean inspired jornal looks amazing dear Erika.
    I can see how much your heat and the fresh sea insired this all. We are back now and have a heat week prognosed as your fresh pages are the best to cool me down a bit! Great with the tag ..anbd the background colour is so fresh and looks like real water!

    Another fab entry for AJJ! Thank you!
    Big hugs

  13. Ooooh! Thank you for such a fab entry at AJJ! I love all of the pages you have made so far! It's very hot here so it's feet in a bowl of cold water weather rather than dips in the lake - which sounds a much better way to keep cool! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. Wow, what a fabulous journal! I love the pages that you have created to capture your ocean theme - perfect 😁. Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog, we have the funeral later this week which I'm hoping will help. Hugs hugs, Jo x

  15. What a fabulous pack you picked up for only $5 - 60 images is great!
    These pages are stunning and I could go on and on about the various ones I like, recognise the chubby mermaid (from Holland?) The words are just perfect and I do like the way you have used them with the fish and other creatures of the ocean.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. Those are really cool journals -- what a great find and terrific price, too!

    Yes, hot, hot, hot. But it's cooling off a lot here now and I hope there, too. Still warm, of course. Summer. But not that beastly bit. (Though after last winter, I have vowed not to complain. Period!)


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