Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Hi everyone. 
It's a much nicer morning than the last 2 have been (for me). It is definitely cooler and no rain like was falling yesterday. So I took a long walk and noticed lots of wildflowers on my way.
 All these lilies are blooming by the side of the road.  I think maybe at some point there was a house here, but it is gone and the woods have taken back the land.

  Here's another spot there must have been a house and now has gone wild.

 Even some grasses are flowering!
 And for some art today, I have a page from my summer journal.
I left the background plain and tried to paint the milkweed growing in my garden fairly realistically from a photo I took. They might not be field guide worthy but I really like how they came out.  I've had a few monarch butterflies in there feeding on them, but I took a lot of artistic license on my page in that area. I used a TH butterfly image, but it was yellow and black, so I used a Sharpie to color it orange. And I added some white. 
And there's my page!
I going to link up the Chris' WE ARE/GOING challenge at Art Journal Journey as today we are going (or went) on a wildflower walk!
Hope the week is going well, and thanks for visiting my blog today!


  1. So glad it's a bit pleasanter for you there, it's rather ghastly hot here! You found some wonderful flowers on your walk, thanks for sharing the lovely photos. And it inspired you to a great journal page, love it. Have a nice day, I'm hiding inside till it cools down enough to go out again! Hugs, Valerie

  2. What a difference a day makes! The wildflowers on your walk are so pretty. I wish I had more variety in my yard so they wouldn't looks so weedy. Your butterfly page is so pretty. Great job on painting the milkweed. Enjoy your day!

  3. Beautiful flower photos. About two weeks ago, Tiger Lilies were blooming all over the place here in southwest Connecticut. I saw many growing on the side of the road, where there were no houses (and never had been), so I'm wondering if they spread somehow, even though I thought they grow from a bulb. Your painting is lovely, and I like the butterfly. The temperature is heavenly today. 80 F and no humidity (well, it's low enough that it's not noticeable). It looks like it will heat up as the week goes on, though, and the overnight temps will be in the low 70s which makes it hard for sleeping.

  4. All the rain has a silver lining, beautiful flowers. Your artistic rendering is lovely!

  5. I do so love wildflowers and I am delighted to see your fabulous painted flower being an entry at Art Journal Journey! Thank you so much for your support! Big hugs, Chrisx

  6. Pretty wild flower photos Erika. Wild lilies are not something I've seen, maybe they have turned wild as some flowers do when as you said nature claimed back the land.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Heavens, Erika. I thought I had already left a comment hours ago. However, I got called away and am just now returning to the computer.

    The flowers in your part of the country are incredible. I see nothing but dead and dying in my garden. You found the perfect place to walk, because nature abounds in your world right now.

    Your drawing is out of this world. I was SO impressed with your journal page. To me it really IS field guide worthy and beautiful, too. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey honoring Chris's theme, too.

  8. Gorgeous flowers! You should dry some, they could make amazing additions to arty projects!

  9. I love the wildflower pictures and your wondergul painting just makes me happy! Great , have a wonderful day dear Erika! Another wonderful entry for AJJ, thank you so much!
    Big hugs, Susi xxx

  10. It's been more moderate here, too, with cooler temps and no rain. It makes a nice break. I love the wildflowers growing along the way, and I'm impressed with your milkweed and how you altered the butterfly to suit.

  11. Beautiful flowers.

  12. Agreed, Erika, that the cooler weather was a welcome relief from the weekend heat wave here in NH. The wildflowers from your walk look very similar to ones I photographed recently on a river walk near the mill apts.

  13. Lovely wildflowers, Erika. Often I think those are the best kind of flowers. My son and I found a lady's slipper (protected species) once on one of our walks. We picked wild berries and then made jam. But I never saw purple milkweed flowers. Ours (in NJ and WI) were pale beige or yellow. Lovely painting in any case. Eileen xx

  14. Lovely to see the photographs of the flowers from your walk …
    I love to see both garden flowers and wildflowers.

    Love the page from your summer journal.

    All the best Jan

  15. You have a ton of beautiful wildflowers, Erika. I think they're so lovely -- and don't they make a walk pretty? And your own garden... a tad envious!


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