Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Splatters and Splotches

Hello there everyone. Time for a new challenge at Try It On Tuesday Already!
Thanks to those of you who joined us at Colours of the Rainbow. 
Now are you ready to use Splatters and Splotches?
I am working on an ocean book. The cool thing about this book is that is has these 4 part fold out pages. You can see that in my photos above.
But it is hard to see the splatters and splotches. So let me show you some close ups.

I used some Fred Mullet fish stamps I've had for years to make these fish. They are added to the background which is made by squirting paint and then making splotches with those paint blobs.

 I used the side of some pipe insulation to flatten out out the splotches.

 They I sprayed some liquid black ink and splattered some watered down white paint on the background.
Hope you join us with your own splatter and splotch art.
I can't wait to see it.


  1. Household tools make the best marks and can be so useful! This turned out beautifully, Erika - love the netting. I have some FM fish somewhere that I got in a grab bag...h'mm, I don't think I've ever used them but I know I was amazed by the variety and quality of it when it arrived. Love your foldout pages... great idea and not an easy one to replicate without huge sheets of paper.... Fabulous colours, too - the touches of purple/violet are stunning.
    Cath x

  2. Super splattering, Erika, and very appropriate for the fishes.
    Is this the first time pipe insulation has been used to make a painting?
    I do like the idea of an ocean book, themed art journals are a great idea.

  3. No splattering and splotching going on here, but yours is genius, especially using pipe insulation for texture. Your fish look happy in their environment, and it all makes me wonder how I could have been a fisher woman when we spent time boating. I always felt sorry for them!

  4. Brilliant splotching to create all those underwater currents and textures - what mysterious ocean depths you've created.
    Alison x

  5. Fantastic page, I love the texture.

  6. No ocean today because of the rain though the fish won't mind. I love the color of the water and the clever way you smoothed out the splotches. Enjoy the cooler weather.

  7. Love your ocean pages with the clever splatters. Ocean sounds cool and refreshing on this hot day, too. Have a great one, hugs, Valerie

  8. Great splodges and splatters and I like your shoal of fish


  9. Wow! That background is really special - a brilliant way to splodge paint!! I love those fish and the sentiment has me singing! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. This is fantastic. I love ocean themes. Great idea to use pipe insulation like a sponge / blotter. We didn't get rain here in southwest CT until late in the day yesterday (Monday), but when it came, it was with severe thunderstorms that went into the night. (And of course it started during the evening rush hour, which snarled traffic worse than usual.) It rained overnight and this morning, too. Now there is a 50% chance of rain for the remainder of the day. At least it's cool today. But later in the week, the overnight temperatures will be high, so I think the warm up will return. :-(

  11. Tou have created a fabulous inky background for your ocean scene and what a good idea to use the pipe to add texture. The fish stamps look great. Your journal will look awesome as you fill the pages.
    Yvonne xx

  12. What gorgeous colours you have used to create this four page layout. Love the fish but it is the background that really interests me. Great idea to use that pipe insulation with your paint - I have used something similar on my brayer at times but didn't get such a good effect as you have.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. Hi Erika wow your pages are amazing ,how clever you are,well done my friend xx

  14. What wonderful splatters and splotches you have created with your lovely sea inspired fold out journal. I've admired those Fred Mullet stamps in the past, and now I see I'm too late to buy them. Your insulation material is a great texture tool. It makes great splats. Love it.

  15. A fabulous page, love the deep ocean effect you created with the paints and black ink. The colourful fish look great.
    Avril xx

  16. First of all, sorry for my long absence, but I had family to stay for 3 weeks with not a minute to spare for going on line.

    These look superb, great use of the stamps and I absolutely love how you did the background! Brilliant idea and what a super effect!

  17. Love the fish! Love them a lot! Your ocean book is going to rock. Very clever with the insulation -- great textures here, too!

  18. I love the fold-out pages :) The ocean and fish are just delightful, and it's so cool to see how you created your effects.

  19. What super splattering.
    I love those fishes.

    All the best Jan

  20. Isn't it amazing how things around us can make a mark, I used to experiment a lot more when working with younger children. They just loved to print!
    Fabulous page Erika, took me back instantly to my school days and a project I created about fresh water fish... You've created fabulous depth within the water of your fishes Happy home.
    Creative Hugs Tracey x


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