Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Butterflies and Bumblebees

Hi everyone. Today I have a page that I think ends up fitting a couple of challenges, even though I made several weeks ago before I knew what any of these challenges were.
This is a page in my summer journal which began with me using some paint and spray in on the base page. I didn't like the mess, so I took some TH tissue paper and laid it over the page. Then I used a bit of spray ink, but not as much as I had on the base. I stamped some big butterflies and painted them.Then I stamped the flower image 3 times on paper, and after painting them, I cut them out and added them. I also used a bit of scrap paper that was in a package of letter stickers. I like the stripes. Finally I added some butterfly stickers, a TH relative that I cut out, and a frame. And finally I added a few butterfly related stamped phrases.
I am linking up to Gill's "Things with Eyes" challenge at Art Journal Journey as well as the new "Butterfly"challenge at Moo Mania.
And the other afternoon while lounging for a few minutes on my back deck, I got these bumble bee photos as they buzzed around my basil plant.

 And you can see the huge orange pollen sacs on these photos.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I adore the depth in the layers of this page, and how the brights pop against the grungy sepia areas - fabulous! Lovely to see the bees enjoying the basil too.
    Alison x

  2. I know it’s still early August, but it’s been way too uncomfortable this year. So I’m happy to see mature plants like your basil,, fall can’t be far off!

  3. Your butterflies 🦋 and flowers makes a very pretty page. I've seen a couple of butterflies on the milkweed. I haven't seen many bees and no bumblebees 🐝Maybe I should get Himself to plant some basil. I bet is smells wonderful. Enjoy your day!

  4. Wonderful journal page, and love all the busy and buzzy bees. Your basil is looking great, too. I need new flowers and herbs to replace all those that the heat killed off. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Your page is full of summer and is beautiful.
    It's busy time for need and butterflies 🦋.
    Thanks for sharing nice photos 🌞

  6. A lovely page and wonderful photos, Erika

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  7. Great nature photos. I also enjoy watching the bees around the basil plant. It's good to see that we still get pollinators even though I never see honey bees any more.

  8. I love the beautiful detailed page as much as the gorgeous photos! A wonderful posting Erika!
    Thank you so much for joining AJJ again and Moo Mania & More!
    So much appreciated!
    Happy evening!
    Big hugs, Susi xxx

  9. Beautiful art journal page. I like the vintage look to it. Great bumble bee photos. I was wondering what that orange thing was, so I'm glad you explained it. It's very muggy here in CT today. How is it in NH?

  10. I love bees and I adore basil. The smell of it is just wonderful. Interesting photographs, love how you pointed out to us the pollen sacs - tremendous! What a fabulous camera.
    Also love your journal page - great build up of collage ideas and the end product is so pleasing to the eye.
    Thanks for sharing both photos and the journal page.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. A fantastic page, great interesting images and details. Its great when pages that don't go to plan can be later used in another way.
    The photos of your herbs looked lovely.
    Yvonne xx

  12. A lovely summer page Erika and I guess those bees do love your Basil plant, loved seeing the photos.
    Avril xx

  13. This is a really beautiful page Erika! Don't you just love it when you rescue a page? Great bee photos! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. Hi Eriks wow love your journal page and the pic of the bees is awesome,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  15. One of the things that impressed me was how the butterflies seemed to fly above the page. You created SO MUCH DEPTH in this piece. I also love the grid pattern you achieved and fussy cutting those flowers must have required a very sturdy hand (around the stems). Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey, too, dear Erika.

  16. This is a lovely page and I enjoyed seeing your photographs too.

    All the best Jan

  17. Thanks for joining in again at AJJ Erika - I really love your page.
    So much to see - love the vintage looking imagery - and gorgeous colours of it all :) ( tissue paper is so much fun to use and a life saver when reqd to cover up things)
    Great photos of the bee - I could almost smell that Basil too.
    Happy Friday and wishing you a wonderful weekend.
    Gill xx

  18. Lovely photos of those busy bees, and a fabulous page too Erika!
    Alison xx

  19. Very pretty page! And check out those bees! Some serious pollination going on!

  20. Lovely artwork for MooManias theme.
    Have a good week.


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