Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Wish You Were Here

Hello there. Tuesday is here and two weeks have passed so it is time for a new challenge at Try It On Tuesday
This time we're asking for you to create art for the theme  Wish You Were Here. 
Think postcards, summer vacation, missing someone...

My page is from my summer journal. I played around with painting a scene of a lake in the evening. (Not sure I captured the look of the water the way I wanted it to be.) The little bird is bringing some mail to whoever is away at the lake. Maybe they are the children at summer camp or a lady away on a girl's trip. Or is the vacationer sending the letter to someone at home.
Hmm.  You will have to decide depending on what you think. 
I did stamp the bird image and then paint it, as well as adding the gold paper crown. I also stamped a few words.
You can see them better here.

And since the bird has eyes, (or the one you can see), I am linking up to Gill's challenge at Art Journal Journey.  This month the challenge is things with eyes.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog; it is much appreciated.
And I hope to see you over at Try It At Tuesday too!


  1. Lovely page, I would like to be at that lake right now! Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  2. This is absolutely beautiful, love it

  3. Your page is a perfect postcard image. I like the bird and his crown taking mail to someone not at the lake.

  4. You have a distinct style, Erika, and if the water you bemoaned had been more realistic, I would not have noticed tour own style. As it is, I clearly see a touch of “ folksy” art, and I imagine Grandma Moses has done similar scenes. I love it, whimsical crown and all.

  5. This looks like a wonderful place to be. It's a terrific piece of artwork x

  6. \a asbulous psge, it would also be a great postcard. Its a super idea to add the bird delivering the mail. It would be lovely to sit by the lake and watch the movement of the water.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Lovely scene and I love the little bird with his crown and letter

  8. What a lovely scene and super quirky bird Erika - I love the perspective of the view. I think the bird is picking up mail to send back home which is probably saying they're having fun and staying longer.
    Thanks for another fab page for AJJ...... Gill xx

  9. I love the feel of this country lake-side place and can imagine this piece as the illustration of a story in which that crowned bird figures prominently. Cool!

  10. You have painted a lovely scene Erika! I love the birds flying over the forest but I especially love the one with the letter...I wonder who it might be for!!! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Hi Erika wow what beautiful journal work love the meaning with the bird and the letter,very clever,well done my friend xx

  12. A lovely landscape painting - the texture of the hill is great and I love the birds flying around giving that real sense of perspective.
    Alison x

  13. I absolutely love your lake spread, Erika! The water is gorgeous and good to know they have Air Mail Delivery, lol. Thanks for the lovely comments you left me, too. Maps are cool, yes they are. xoxox

  14. Lots to keep us reading stories into your page here Erika. I love the little King Bird with his crown and letter. I think the person on holiday is sending a "wish you were here" card to someone - wish it was me. I could just imagine a few days of tranquility by this lake in one of those chairs.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  15. A great page Erika, love the little scene, looks like a good place to camp nice and peaceful. Looks like the little 'mail' bird might be busy.
    Have a great week,
    Avril xx

  16. What an original and fun place to send a postcard from. I applaud you and your incredible painting. Most impressive, dear Erika. This could truly be a postcard from the lake and a bird bringing it to recipients. Great job on this new theme I will be joining soon.

    Thanks too, for the way you focused the bird on Gill's theme at Art Journal Journey. Great of you to support this month's theme, dear.

  17. What a lovely scene, and I love the bird and his crown.

    all the best Jan

  18. It looks like a wonderful spot for a holiday, and I love your very regal bird postman Erika.
    Alison xx

  19. I think he's bringing an invitation to visit that beautiful setting!

  20. Such fabulous pages! I'd love to be sitting in one of those chairs on the deck looking out over the lake right now 😁. You captured such a lovely view! I hope you've had a good few weeks! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x


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