Monday, August 19, 2019

T Day Again

Hi everyone.
 It's been a very humid Monday here, and last night we had a terrible thunderstorm. We just happened to have what was an empty bucket outside and this morning we could measure the amount of rain that fell into it. We got 4 inches of rain in that one short storm. And it sure played a lot of havoc.
Half of the basement needed to be mopped up this morning, and we lost a lot of our driveway.

Our driveway is packed gravel, as is our road, and these canyons are a good 5 inches deep. The storm work me up, but I didn't realize how heavy the rain was as we had our bedroom AC running and it is pretty loud. Looks like there's another house project on our horizon.

And it is Tuesday, so I need to share my drink with you. Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to join in for some drink related fun and see what the T Gang has been up to.

Last Friday evening the hubby and I went out to a local Asian restaurant for dinner, and although usually we don't order fancy drinks, we decided to this time. I had one called a Pearl Harbor.It had melon liqueur and pineapple juice in it and it was really refreshing on a warm evening.
 One drink was enough for me so then I  switched to a glass of ice water.
I can't show you my dinner as I forgot to take a photo of it.

And I want to remind you we have a new challenge starting at Try It On Tuesday so be sure to stop by and check it out.

Have a great T day everyone. And thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. our woods home has a very "rustic" driveway so heavy rains do the same to ours too-your drink looks delicious and refreshing. we have been so hot and humid here too
    stay cool Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. First, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new blog banner. Shades of things to come.

    I feel for you and your driveway. The joys of living on a country road. That could be an expensive project.

    WOW, those drinks are impressive. Although I'm not one to drink alcohol, this looks lovely. Maybe it's the hurricane glass or the fruit, but it sure looks good. Thanks beyond belief for sharing it with us for T this Tuesday. And I hope the driveway isn't as big a fix as I envision it to be (how's that for good grammar?).

  3. Your drinks look good, hope the meal was great, too. Sorry about the storm, looks like your driveway will need a lot of work on it. Happ T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Seeing your photos of the damage the rain caused, it does look like you will be having a bit of extra work, will it need sorting before winter?
    The drink you had with your meal sounds lovely. I've never tasted melon liqueur, it sounds yum.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Wow, what a storm it must have been to affect your drive like that! I hope that it isn't causing you too much trouble getting in and out of your property. Your drink sounds so refreshing, I could happily drink one right about now (just after midday here) 😉. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  6. We missed that rainstorm completely and not sure if it affected Nashua. We spent the evening in Newburyport, MA, as part if our anniversary getaway and the rains bypassed this area. Sorry to see the driveway damage...another home project for sure. The drink sounded refreshing.

  7. wow that was some storm! We did have those threats too but really lucked out with minimal rain or damage in my parts. Your drink reminds me of a sangria I occasionally get in town at a local Tapas place- yum! Happy T day!

  8. Good grief - looks like the rain was really coming down. Hope you can still get up and down that driveway safely... and I hope your dinner was as delicious as the drink looks!
    Alison x

  9. Wow! What a storm! I'm sorry water got into your basement and sorry that your drive suffered so much.

    I didn't know there was such a thing as melon liqueur, but I like pineapple juice and that drink is pretty :) Happy T Tuesday!

  10. That drink looks awesome! And I absolutely ADORE your new banner!

  11. One reason we sold our home and now rent, is that we couldn't take on maintenance projects like that at our age! Sounds like it was quite a storm, though. I do hope the drive way project isn't too expensive and difficult. I will go check out the challenge. Happy T Day!

  12. We too had that storm on Sunday evening. Our power was knocked out for a while but thankfully it came back on that evening. A lot of our area lost trees. Sorry to hear that your driveway was washed away and your basement was wet. Storms always seem to leave behind work.
    Happy Tea Day,

  13. Oh no! 😱 That is a lot of rain n such a short time. Sorry about the mess in your basement and your driveway. Your drink sounds so delicious and looks pretty

  14. That storm damage looks bad! We have seen quite a few areas around here that have had some bad soil erosion - one of our favourite public gardens has had to close one of its paths as it is by a stream! Your drink looks a very nice colour! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  15. Wow, you got hit with much worse storms than I did. We had about 0.9 inches of rain in about a half hour, which I thought was a lot. But 4 inches? Ugh! And your poor driveway. That looks like a lot of work to fix. The heat isn't supposed to break here in CT until late Thursday. Your drink looked and sounded delicious. Happy T-Day!

  16. Water everywhere is beginning to scare me. It seems as if the rains have taken a toll everywhere this year. Heavy rain leads to crop destruction, then erosion which leads or mud slides, and so on. One thing affects another. Not to mention the water, destruction of the oceans and wildlife cause of melting polar ice! The list of hazards is very long and worrisome. Thanks for your comment on my blog about Silk Hankies!I don’t know what I will create with this, but it’s just fun to handle it for now.

  17. Oh dear! That looks like a lot of damage to your driveway. Will you be able to compact it again yourselves, or does this call for a professional?
    We were supposed to have thunderstorms today, but nothing materialized. We so need the rain!
    Your Pearl Harbor drink looks very nice and refreshing.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  18. Love your header, Erika, especially "Postie, postie don't be slow ..." - lol.

    OMGosh, your driveway! Boy that little bit of rain must have been torrential. We had a very bad storm last week too. Two trees and power lines down, no power for 44 hours ...

    Your drink is very pretty. It sounds delicious too.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  19. A fantastic drink, fancy!
    OMG, sorry for the desaster with your driveway. Hope you for it dixed without too much money and work to invest.This crazy weather everywhere. Unbelievable!

  20. Oh how awful Erika - that looks a big job to mend - You really get some extreme and scary weather at your end of the world :(
    That drink looked freshing - I would have needed several of them after seeing your storm damage.
    Gill xx Oh and meant to say loving your new big blog header.

  21. OOhh your driveway has been very damaged Erika , I´m so sorry, you ´ll have much more work now. I hope the storms don´t come back. Here it´s sunny, it´s always sunny, and , we need some rain and storms too. but... they don´t come.
    Hope you had a nice T-day, this drink looks perfect.
    I wish you a very nice Friday, and send big hugs,

  22. That drink looks lovely, I wouldn't mind a sip!

    All the best Jan


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