Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Corn Palace

Hi everyone.  Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Yesterday was a positively dreary day here in New Hampshire (some drizzle, no sun, but lots of low clouds) and I spent about 6 hours in my happy place making art. It was the perfect way to spend  such a dark day. (Except maybe taking a nap that is.)
So you might be getting sick of my trip journal, but I am back with another page today. Today's page I made yesterday and I also have some photos to show you that inspired the page.
So let's go  to the world's only corn palace.
Before I show you anything, let me explain to you what the corn palace is. (Some of you may already  know.) It is basically a building that gets decorated with corn each summer. Here's a zoomed in example of what I mean.
I had read about the corn palace when I was a kid, and I had always wanted to see it. (It is strange what sometimes what you remember as a kid. I can even see the Weekly Reader (a kids newspaper we got in school) story in my mind even now.) Since it was right on our way as we headed back to Minneapolis through South Dakota, I told my husband we were  stopping in to see it.
(He got it because his memory was reading an article in the same school kids newspaper about the Spruce Goose, a wooden airplane build by Howard Hughes. When we could go see that in Oregon he was pretty insistent also.)
Anyhow, enough babble. Here is my page.
I decided to stick with just corn as my drawing/painting skills could at least represent that.
But here's the actual building and some other photos.
 Here's yours truly. 
 The military was theme they put up last year, and they were just starting to take it down to put up the new theme for this year.
If you look at photos online you will see these colors are pretty muted because they are faded because when they are  first put in place they really bold and beautiful.

 And a close up although the corn around it had been taken off.

 You can see the plywood underneath here.
 And inside this building is a civic center/auditorium. 
 Here's yours truly again .
And this duck shows you how they do the designs.
 There even are some designs inside the main stage part. (And lots of vendors selling souvenirs.)
These look older in design (not military) so I don't know if they are new or have been there a long time. 
 And the pillars inside were decorated in tiles to look like corn.

I really like the looks of these tiles.
And on my journal page, I did some drawing, marker coloring and painting of the corn.
I don't think this page really fits any challenge so I am not linking up, but hope you enjoyed your visit as much as I did.
Enjoy what's left to your weekend.


  1. I didn't know about the corn palace. What a great place to visit and see. Wonderful photos of it. I like your artwork, too. It was muggy here in CT yesterday, and even more so today. It's going up to 90 tomorrow. 70s for lows overnight until Friday night, so it's going to be an unpleasant week for sleeping. Ugh. I'm glad to hear you spent yesterday crafting during the dreary overcast day you had.

  2. I heard of the Corn Palace when a friend from Minnesota visited. I didnt realize it’s decorated every year. Very cool. So far beautiful weather today. Hope your weather is just as nice

  3. Really cool place! You make a very happy ear of corn! I love the tiles as well. Great page!

  4. Never heard of a corn palace before, but I would love to see one in real life. Must be a lot of work. Loved the fun photo of you! Glad you had some fun time. It rained here all day, and we so need it. Hugs, Valerie

  5. So cool! I've never heard of this -or perhaps I should say I don't remember it, since I read Weekly Reader faithfully :)

    I love that the display changes, and the tile pillar design is nice.

  6. YES, YES, YES. I've been there, too. I love how they change the design each year and you were lucky to see the 2018 just before it was removed. You have brought back SO many memories of your trip and this is another great one. Thanks for sharing these, bringing up old memories for me, and showing a lovely journal page, too. I'm reliving this trip right along with you (grin).

  7. I was looking around and to my surprise, I DO NOT remember flags on top of the building, yet they are there in every photo on their site, including yours. Memory has some funny side effects at times, I guess.

  8. Hi Erika wow what an amazing place ,thankyou for sharing it with us xx

  9. This was very cool-thanks for sharing-when I was out west two years ago we saw the sign to the corn palace but no one wanted to go-now I know wheat it was. Love those tiles too and your journal page-

  10. It looks amazing Erika, and I love your painting of the corn. Love those tiles too!
    Happy week,
    Alison xx

  11. A great post Erika, I really enjoyed your visit to the Corn Place, and the wonderful photos, how interesting and the displays must look fabulous when they are first installed. Love the journal page to remind you of your visit.
    Avril xx

  12. This is really cool and fascinating! I love what they did -- had to be a major effort! It looks womderful! (It reminds me of when Martha Steward covered the front of her house with chicken wire and stuffed it with boxwood!) Major impact; loads of work.

  13. Wow - the corn palace is completely amazing - thank you for sharing that... I had no idea! What people will get up to, eh?! Love your tribute page, your ears of corn look good enough to eat.
    Alison x

  14. Wow, stunning! I am impressed with this!


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