Monday, August 5, 2019

T Stands a Cool Summer Drink

Happy T day ladies. Time to share our drink related posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
Today I am inviting you for a glass of sangria.
This is a page from my summer journal which I made after having some wonderful sangria with some friends.
 One thing I wanted to play with while making this page, was painting it so you could see ice in the pitcher, and I think I got it. The sangria came in one of those infuser pitchers, where you place your fruit in  a central perforated tube and the juices diffuse into the liquid. 

 I had some seafood washi tape and I used that in the background as I had one of my favorite sandwiches, a lobster roll, with my sangria. 
And of course I was having fun and forgot to take any photos.
At least some of you won't get hungry from this post. (Smile).

Thanks for visiting my blog!


  1. Hi Erika, I love your page! I have never had a lobster roll they always sound so good, and I have not had sangria in years-hippied days maybe haha I should make us up some one of these days-nice in the summer time
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  2. Yumminess pure. I can tell you I adore your painting. This is such an artful and clever Mixed Media style of painting. Cheers!
    Happy T-Day!
    Susi xxx

  3. Yummy, lobster rolls and sangria, life sounds great! Glad you are enjoying your vacation. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Looks scrumptious Erika! Cheers! xxx

  5. I'd never heard of sangria in infuser pitchers, so did an internet search and saw w3hat you had drawn. YOU DID get it!! It's a wonderful replica and I was really impressed. Yes, I am hungry right now, so seeing a lobster roll would have put me over the top.

    I LOVE your clever painting and it's perfect for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  6. A lobster roll and a glass or two of sangria sounds perfect and I love how you captured it on your page with the washi tape and painting - perfect 😁. Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Your page would be a fun ad for a restaurant. I love your seafood washi tape. We went to the 99 for lunch yesterday. We've been going once a week. So would you believe I was lobstered-out? I didn't want a lobster roll. :-O Opted for scallops instead. No sangria though it was tempting. 99 has a Mango/Orange Bubble Green Tea. Happy T Day

  8. It sounds a perfect drink to have on a warm summers day. I think it sounds good with your lobster roll as well.
    Its a fabulous page and your painting of the ice cubes looks awesome.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Even without photos I can picture the setting :) I've never seen sangria served in a pitcher like this, and I'm thinking it's the _perfect_ way to serve it. Happy T Tuesday!

  10. What a wonderful summer page. That washi tape is very unique and makes the perfect background for your page. The pitcher and glass are beautiful! I love how you put the name of the restaurant on your glass.
    Happy Tea Day,

  11. Great painting on your sangria page, Erika. Yes,I can see the ice! I wouldn't know where to begin to capture that with paint. The orange slice and fruit infuser are very cleverly done.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  12. Fantastic artwork. You did a great job showing the ice cubes. I like the deep red color. The description of your outing sounds like you all had a nice time. Enjoy those lobster rolls while you can. Before you know it, the Summer season will be over. (I can't believe Labor Day is less than 4 weeks away.) Happy T-Day!

  13. Ooh yum! Mainly aimed at the delicious shellfish in the background! Red wine turns my nose red these days, so I tend to avoid it, but count me in for the crustaceans. Great summertime page.
    Alison x

  14. Fabulous page Erika! A lobster roll does sound so tempting! Hugs, Chrisx

  15. What a so so Wonderful Art page Erika !! I simply looove it, so refreshing and cool. Your pitcher with ice is great !! Yes, of course, you got it, fantastic!! I like sangría, but from time to time, I´m more from water. Love the washi tape on the background, super lovely !
    Happy T-day ! (sorry I´m late visiting) and wish you a very nice afternoon, and send big hugs,

  16. Very clever way to document your sangria and seafood.
    Happy T day!

  17. That looks good … I've not enjoyed sangria for quite some time … perhaps need to rectify that!!!

    All the best Jan

  18. Ahhhh. Sangria! Love the seafood washi tape, too. Gives it a fun dimension!


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