Tuesday, August 13, 2019

T Stands for Bye-Bye Bath Tub

Hi everyone. 
This summer my "job" has been to do a bit of cleaning, organizing and sprucing up around the house. Nothing too big, as I've set myself a 90 minute work limit each day.
I started by cleaning my kitchen overflow closet in the basement. 
 And then I moved onto putting up some new shelves in my basement laundry area. These shelves allowed me to get rid of an old particle board cabinet with had seen better days and also to recycle some smaller shelves. You can see them in this photo still holding lots of items before I emptied them and relocated them to another spot.

And this little table was what I kept my laundry supplies on. It was pretty stained from use as well as the fact that I nabbed it out of my mother-in-laws garage over 20 years ago. (I'm not exactly sure how old this table actually is.) The original color is the brown wood you can see in the middle, but I gave it a little color update.
(Sorry, I thought I had a photo of the finished table, but you can get the blue.) The table is now back in my laundry room with my laundry supplies back on it. You can see it in the top photo if you look carefully.

And I liked the idea of color updating so now I am changing the look of some shelves that are in my main bathroom. 
They're great shelves and were in the bathroom when we bought the house.
We kept the brown stain for the past 30 years that we've had the house.
Now they're going to be vintage white, once I finish with them. I have them upside down in this photo, so the tapered end  will be hanging on the bottom once they go back up on the wall.

But what I really wanted to get done this summer  was to start an update on my tiny upstairs bathroom. Other than painting the walls it is still in its original form from the late 1970's when the previous owners built the house.
Step one was to pull out the bathtub, and my daughter's beau told me he would do it for me.
So this past weeked, while he and my daughter were here, the tub was coming out.
You can see from this before photo how tiny this room is.

 Zach is a handy guy!
Within an hour, he and I were carrying out the tub.
 And my bathroom just doubled in size.
Come fall and winter we plan on replacing the floor and the ceiling and then also getting a new toilet and sink. We'll do this work ourselves, unless we can get my daughter's beau to lend a helping hand. (smile)

But since it is time again for T over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog, I need to share my drink related photo.
As the tub was out before 10AM, and since we hadn't had our breakfast yet, the least I could do was take Zach and my daughter out for breakfast. (My husband had a meeting he had to attend that morning. I think he would have rather stayed for the tub removal and breakfast.)
So off we went to our favorite hole in the wall breakfast place.
 I had 2 blueberry pancakes, and you can see my diet Pepsi in the background.
But the breakfast prize went to my daughter who had this breakfast dessert. She had mascarpone stuffed French toast with bananas and walnuts. 

I took a taste. It was yummy!

Today I am off  for a curriculum work day at school. The new (and last for me) school year is just around the corner.

Have a wonderful T day everyone.


  1. Well done on getting so much done around the house. Your little bathroom will be better without the tub. My bathroom is also very small, no room to dance around, that's for sure! Great idea with that wonderful breakfast, yummy! My friend Nathalie is coming in a few minutes and I have everything ready for blueberry pancakes, too! Happy T DAY; hugs, Valerie

  2. Wow - you have been busy Erika - lots going on.
    I love that shade of blue you have painted that table - thats a great and useful looking table :)
    Yummy looking food too.
    Have a great day.. Gill xx

  3. I'm impressed with all of the reorganizing you did this Summer. And it was a good idea to set a work time limit for each day, so that you didn't overdo it. (I need to remember that the next time I start a project around the house.) I like the end result blue table that I went back to look at in the first photo. The bathroom shelves getting changed from stained to white will probably brighten up the room, too. (While stained wood looks nice, it tends to make a room look dark if the stain color is dark.) That was nice of your daughter's boyfriend to help remove the tub. (Hopefully he helps in the Fall and Winter when you continue with the upstairs bathroom update. :-) The post tub removal breakfast looked delicious. (And I'm assuming you had beautiful weekend weather just like I did here in CT.) Happy T-Day!

  4. You've been busy! So nice to have a handy guy around. What will you do with the tub? Oh, that stuffed French toast looks amazing. Enjoy your last curriculum day! Happy T Day

  5. Zack really IS a handy guy. Yes, that's a tiny bath, but I've seen smaller. I suspect people in the UK will not think it's that small, though. What will you do with the tub? Sink it in the ground and turn it into a lily pond? I did one in MO when I lived there. Here in Wichita, I sunk a metal tub and added lilies and water grasses. However, in Wichita, there are far too many mosquitoes, so I got rid of the tub. Thus the remains of the blue plastic liner you see in my front flower bed.

    Your laundry room looks like you are really getting there. I bet you are excited to finish it before the official opening of school in a couple of weeks.

    Your daughter's breakfast dessert looks amazing. Now I'm really hungry. Of course, I would also eat the eggs in the background of your pancakes, too. I got diabetic shock just seeing all that sugar, including your diet Pepsi.

    Thanks for sharing your week, your breakfasts, and your diet Pepsi with us for T this Tuesday.

    To answer your questions about the bug, it is across the street from the restaurant and not associated in any way with the restaurant. As for the power lines, that's a perfect example of photographic foreshortening. If you look closely at the last three photos, you will see that the power lines are behind the building, while the bug is on its own pole in front of the building.

  6. You are getting lots accomplished! loving the new looks and your new bathroom sounds awesome-hugs Kathy

  7. Boy, you've really gotten a lot accomplished, Erika! Your daughter's breakfast dessert is making my mouth water.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  8. Well done on all your upgrade jobs. I like the blue colour of the little stool. (I think it is actually a magazine rack).
    Zach is a star! Hey ho and you have a bigger bathroom! Are you going to fit a shower?
    The breakfast makes my mouth water. I love the look of those pancakes!
    Happy T-Day,

  9. I will take your daughter's breakfast dessert! Looks delicious.
    I wondered are you going to use your tub in the yard for flowers, like some people do? And, so , you won't have a tub in your bathroom? A shower? Or you just want the sink and stool? If you don't need anything but that, it will be nice to have more room. I love the painting you did on the wall. So, nice.
    Happy T Day!

  10. Major rennovations, plus some updating of colors is so good for the psyche, especially after a long time in the same place. I know about that, we are almost 40 years in our house. Enjoy what’s new!

  11. Gosh you have had a busy time in your home Erika, it was good to read that you gave yourself a time limit each day. It would be so easy to just do a little more and end up having no spare time for yourself.
    Your daughters beau is a handy chap, you must be happy with the space without the bath. The breakfast looks a real treat and delicious as well.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    YVonne xx

  12. We just bought a metal shelving system just like yours. I love that it is heavy duty and has wheels. Organizing can be so much fun but a lot of work. Having a larger bathroom sounds wonderful.I bet you are going to enjoy it.
    Happy Tea Day,

  13. Good for you for tackling a job and just use an hour and a half...good way to do things. I love the way you updated the furniture pieces and can’t wait to see the finished result of the bathroom

  14. You have been busy! That's a sweet little table, blue is always a good choice :-)
    Alison xx

  15. You've been productive this summer! LOVE the laundry table blue and those shelves are a great size. They'll be pretty in white. You make me feel like a serious slacker!

  16. You've accomplished a lot...clearing out & repainting. thank goodness for willing handy fellas too! and wow, what a yummy looking breakfast... happy T day a bit late!

  17. oooo, yummy breakfast :)

    I'd miss the tub, but as I look at houses it seems more and more bathrooms don't have them. It's such a treasure to have people who can do this kind of work themselves with having to call in a pro.

    Happy Day-Late T Day :)

  18. What a good idea to give yourself a time limit! I do that sometimes too - I'm sure it makes tasks finish quicker!You really have made a big difference to your furniture and you will be sure to enjoy the extra space in your bathroom! Your breakfast looks very appealing to me... I love blueberry pancakes! Happy T Day!Chrisx

  19. OOOhhhh my... You are very busy this summer Erika !! yes, you´re right, we have to change and move furniture from time to times, and reorganize the house. Your shelves are great, and I love this blue table. of course your bathroom is bigger now! Good work !
    And yummy breakfast !! Happy belated T-day dear (sorry I´m late)
    I wish you a very nice Friday, and send big hugss,

  20. Oh Em Gee that toast looks so scrummy.
    It iOS nice to have an additional loo in the house. We have ours and a shower room at the other end, great for visitors, plus a toilet/washbasin off the utility which is handy for visitors too. We do lack the beau though and would love to adopt yours. Lol
    Great makeovers, love that blue colour, and the new bathroom shelving is looking good. I like it upside down too.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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