Sunday, August 11, 2019

Park Geek

Happy end of the weekend everyone.  I am trying out my first post with my new computer. I switched over to a Mac and it is a learning experience how to handle all of the controls. But I can't say it is going horribly, and I like having a smaller lighter machine. (Plus right now there are back to school sales on computers and my old computer, though still working, is starting to have some major issues this summer. I figured better to buy a new one before the old one totally dies on me and I have to go without or spend more cash to get a new one.)
So thought I would write a post to try out some things. 
I have another page from my Dakota travel journal for Gill's challenge at Art Journal Journey. I drew and colored the ranger cap that takes up most of the page and then I added some stickers, a couple of cut outs, a feather I found and a postage stamp for one of the parks we visited. Besides my ranger cap I used a bit of watered down acrylic paint and some wash tape for the background.
Gill's challenge is anything with eyes and Smokey the Bear has eyes, as well as the imaged eyes on the park geek sticker.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. My daughter and her beau are here and it's been busy for me. More about that another time.
Enjoy whatever time is left to your weekend. And as always, big thanks for visiting.


  1. Congrats on the new computer! That's a different kind of exploring than you did in the national parks. Enjoy your company :)

  2. That's a lovely page, love the painted cap. Great that you are able to record so much of your trip. Have fun with the family today, hugs, Valerie

  3. And have fun with your new computer!

  4. Your journal page is very timely as well as wonderful. Smokey the Bear just celebrated his 75th birthday on Aug. 9. I loved Smokey's deep voice Only you can prevent forest fires!

    When I got my new computer, I debated about getting Mac. The photo editing program I use Paint Shop Pro doesn't have a Mac version. I really like PSP as I don't have to buy a subscription like Photoshop, but can buy the program outright. Not to mention that the Mac was nearly 2 times the cost. But I do like the Apple products as I have the iPhone and iPad. Have fun learning all the bells and whistles of your new machine. Enjoy the beautiful day!

  5. Enjoy getting used to your new computer and its good to get a replacement one before the old one refuses to work.
    Its a super page for your travel journal as well.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Really love this latest entry for your So Dakota trip. I love the Smokey the Bear hat and all those stickers and postage stamp, too. Perfect for Gill's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Good luck with your new computer. I am delighted to read you have found one you like. Have fun with your daughter and her beau. I bet by the time you read this they will be gone, though.

  7. A grest page, I love the fun Geek sticker and smoky the bear.
    Enjoy your new computer and have a great week.
    Avril xx

  8. Love this collage page Erika, it's fab!
    I switched to a Mac a few years ago, my daughter's cast off, and got used to it very quickly. Enjoy!
    Happy Monday,
    Alison xx

  9. Nice hat. I know someone who is looking for a hat to keep the sun off his eyes and this one would be just the thing. I like the idea of imagined eyes too, although the bear has the real ones.
    Well done for making your first post with the new computer and a new operating system too.

  10. Fabulous page Erika and as always you have the most wonderful stickers and ephemera to illustrate your adventures. Once again - thanks so much for joining in at AJJ.
    Fab hat! I hadn't heard of Smokey the bear so immediatley thought of Yogi Bear instead :)
    I've heard good things about Macs - but assumed if I changed it would then mean lots of expense changing programmes I like...providing there was a mac version.. Hope it is going well and doesn't take to long to learn and master :)
    Have a great new week... Gill x

  11. Best of luck with learning all about your new computer, Erika. We are also Apple users and both have desktop iMacs. I also have a MacBook air which was purchased as a leftover model for a good price. It is not the most current one, but replaced another one that was about 6 years old so it's new to me. Like yourself, I was also a PC user and much prefer the Apple products and the Apple Care support is always helpful too.

  12. I love how you do your travel journals -- they're such fun.

    I'm a PC person because that's what I've always done. I'll be curious to hear about the transition to MAC.

  13. Good luck with the Mac! A fantastic page for AJJ! Thanks so much! Big hugs Susi xxx

  14. Hi Erika hope you have fun with your new computer,I love your collage,well done my friend xx

  15. I like your park geek art piece. Smoky the Bear is always nice to see. They changed our forecast for today, so we didn't get the heavy rain they originally predicted. The humidity is still 79%, but it feels okay inside my house, with my tower fan going. I'm hoping I can photograph the full moon on Thursday, but there is a 20% chance of thunderstorms, so it might be overcast. I hope you get to enjoy some nice days before school begins again.

  16. P.S. I got so side tracked with the weather, I forgot to say congratulations on the new computer.

  17. Great page, Erika. That must have been a fascinating trip. Good luck with your new Mac.

    Happy weekend. Eileen xx

  18. Lots of eyes here on your journal page. I love the idea behind what you created. Brilliant idea.
    I have a Mac and remember how strange it was to change over. A whole new learning process. You will love it but you seem to be fine already.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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