Monday, August 26, 2019

T Stands for this Season's Last Trip to Pop's

Hi everyone. Tuesday has arrived, and it is once again time to share our drink related posts. Be sure to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's  blog to join the T Gang and see what they have been up to.
As August winds down, the tourist season in my area also drastically slows down. Kids are going back to school, days get shorter and cooler, fall is on its way. It's not that the season is actually over, but seeing this upcoming weekend is the long Labor Day weekend in the US, there are places closing down for the season.  On of those is my local clam shack, Pop's.
It doesn't seem that long ago that I showed you this sign on the restaurant.
And this photo from early summer.
 We haven't been to Pop's since early July, but with the closure coming up in a week, and seeing May of 2020 when they reopen is still quite a ways off, we decided to go for a late lunch/early dinner this past Saturday.
Here's my drink, a diet coke. And for lunch, I had one of my favorite sandwiches.
 On the left is my lobster roll which comes with French fries. 
My husband had chicken tenders with a side of onion rings. We shared the fries and onions rings, but he doesn't like lobster roll.
Lobster rolls around here aren't anything exotic as we live about 30 minutes from the ocean (depending where you are actually going),  And the lobster industry is huge on the New Hampshire coast, so it's nice to support local independent industry. Plus lobster meat is low in fat and calories, but yes, I know, when you add a bit of mayo and then fries or onion rings you're still getting plenty (of calories).
But it is my favorite summer sandwich.
Today all the kids arrive back at school, and the real teaching year begins. But it is my last first day. Next year at this time I will still be taking my first thing in the morning walks and not rushing out the door for work at 6:30. It puts a new perspective on the first day of school for sure!
That's all for me this week.
Hope everyone has or is having a wonderful T Day.
And thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. I have never had a lobster roll so I enjoy seeing yours at your favorite spot. Enjoy your last year before retirement-you must be excited Happy T Kathy

  2. Love your new collage header Erika! Oh, the lobster rolls.. I would be sure to have one more before the closing for the season too-YUM! And now I will look forward to enjoying one in Sept. when I get back to Cape May:)
    What a great way to see your school year through- you're RETIRING??? Wow- hooray for you! My hubby cannot wait til retirement but alas, he's got at least 5 years yet. Have a super new school year, and happy T day!

  3. Hi Erika great pics my friend and boy your food looks so yummy its making me very hungry ,think i had better go and get some lunch lol,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

  4. First, I love the retrospective of visiting Pop's and your last lobster roll of the season. I noticed how the lobster industry is being hit hard because of the tariffs that have been imposed. It's too bad these ocean farmers can't find new markets for their wares. If only lobster were cheaper here in the midwest. thanks for sharing your diet coke and your lobster roll with us for T this Tuesday.

    You should start a journal, Erika. The first of lasts. By the end of the year, you will have a lot to look back on and then you will also have the last of the lasts. Just an idea.

  5. Your summer seasons always begin and end with pop's. Sounds like a tradition at your place, and you always enjoy the food, which is great. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. one more year to go to school? will be history in the blink of an eye;) i wish you a good one, xox

  7. Looks very tasty Erika! Have a good week.
    Alison xx

  8. Oh, sigh - a lobster roll... yes please! Looks delicious. I think I'd probably be at Pop's most days during the season! Do they also have breaded clams? I still remember eating them at the Chesapeake Bay Seafood House in Washington D.C. in 1980 - more sighs!

    Thanks so much for your comment - and of course you're right... one more S, Mr William Shakespeare - and the gravediggers scene from Hamlet, with Yorick's skull (right name, just the spelling). Can't think why I didn't spot the connection, but I've updated the post to add in your insight!
    Alison x

  9. Yummy is the word to use when I saw your Lobster Roll, I can only use my imagination for how it must taste. Lobsters are quite expensive to buy here and rarely on the ifsh counters in our super markets. We have a fishing port about 20cmiles away on the coast and I think all the shellfish caught gets snapped up by the restaurants.
    Your final year has begun, enjoy it if you can Erika and store the memories.
    It will pass by so quickly. One thing is certain, you will be at soon starting another adventure in your life....retirement..... highly recommended and you will wonder how you ever had the time to go to work.
    Happy T day wishes Erika, have a good rest of the week.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Those lobster rolls always make my mouth water. I think those would be my favorite as well.
    Sounds like you will be able to enjoy your last year teaching knowing that retirement is not to far away! Sounds exciting!
    Happy Tea Day,

  11. Todo lo que nos enseñas es divino ! Me encantaría verte pronto por mi blog ! Que tengas un excelente día ! ♡♡♡

  12. Ah, Popa. I'll miss it too, even though I've never been there!

    School. Well, counting down. make it the most fun semester ever! (What can they do? Fire you?!)

  13. I've never had lobster roll -I never see it here- but those onion rings look delectable! Enjoy your last year. I know it's bittersweet, but you'll love retirement I'm sure :) Happy T Tuesday!

  14. Pops is a great way to celebrate end of lobster season. That sandwich looks sp good. I just reminded Himself we need to go out for a last lobster roll. And Happy Last First Day of School! Happy T Day

  15. Oh, lobster roll! I wish it was a regular thing here, but we are landlocked a long ways from any coast! LOL like smack in the middle of USA!
    Just about this time last year we were sitting on a Maine coast having a wonderful lobster roll! It was my first one ever. My mouth is watering over your photo! :) Happy T Day!

  16. I lose track of the northern seasons, because where we live there are only two: dry and wet. I can't believe summer is over and Pop's is closing for the interim already! Yummy, yummy pictures.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  17. I'll have a lobster roll any day of the week, they are so yummy 😉. Glad you treated yourself especially as it's closing next week, and those fries and onion rings look delicious! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  18. Those summer places are sure fun. Mini-me and I went to the sate fair today and enjoyed the last grease of summer. :)
    Happy T day!

  19. I remember your post when this place was opening for the season. Time sure flew by. I'm glad you made one more trek there, before they close for the season. Their onion rings look delicious! I've heard there are two kinds of lobster rolls: ones made with butter and ones made with mayonnaise. (I'm not a seafood fan.) It seems kind of bitter sweet, to know this is your last year for teaching. Retirement is something to look forward to, but not being with your coworkers and teaching the children anymore is kind of sad.

    And I should've written it in my T post, but I did NOT take Teddy to that park. I had no idea what I might encounter there, so I decided it was best to leave him home. The park itself is beautiful. I had never gone there before. It's a shame deviants decided to ruin it. And how will I know when it's back to being a safe place to go, when it's being advertised on the Internet as a "hook up for quick sex" location? Ugh.

    Happy T-Day! (I'm late this week.)

  20. That lobster roll looks really yummy! I have never had a lobster roll. It doesn't look like a sandwich to me. (In Europe a sandwich is two pieces of bread with something in between. And when it's a roll, then the bread is round and cut open with something in between) But I would love to taste lobster. I do like all sorts of seafood.
    Lucky you to do this before going back to school. One more year to go I gather. Yipppee! I bet you are looking forward to retiring.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  21. I forgot to say that the metal grids are pure tradition. Our crime rate is very low. The gates on the carport will have panels on them to shield the car from the hot sun. In summer the car gets so hot, it takes a few minutes of running with the airco before i can get in it. Besides it's not good for the paintwork and the seals around the windows plus the tires will dry out.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  22. Looks so tasty --- I bet you enjoyed it all so much!!!
    And the new header is perfect !

    Susi xxx

  23. OOh this may be delicious, and a lovely place to eat Erika !! Love french frites!! I wish you a very nice weekend, and send big hugs,


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