Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wednesday Art

Hi everyone. Today it is time to share a bit of summer art with you. These are pages that I didn't forget about but just never posted.
I'll start with this ocean page above. The windows on the building look like a child drew them, but I really really like how the rocks came out. The water perspective is a bit different too, but I like the striped color effect. So the picture works from the rocks down, but from there up, well it needs a bit of work.
 I could go back and fix it I guess, and maybe someday I will. But right now it was a good learning experience.
And how about some strawberries?
The background is painted and then some painted stencil, and I played with paints to make the berries. It was a good lesson to play with shadows.
Hope you like the art today.
We have a warm front moving in and could get a lot of heavy rain tonight. Hopefully if we get this rain, the driveway work we just had done last Friday will hold up. Keep your crossed for me.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. You don't give yourself enough credit, dear Erika. If I could draw and color as well as you, I'd be in pig heaven. I really LOVE both of these. And those rocks are out of this world gorgeous. I can almost taste the strawberries, too. Nice Wednesday art, dear.

  2. I love both pGes, the sea scene is fabulous. And yummy strawberries.... I have lots of pages/paintings I haven't shown yet, they seem to disappear in my various piles! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Both pages just scream Summer, It went by too quickly.

  4. Yes - great perspective on your ocean page Erika - and I love the sky too - overall a fablous page!
    And a fab strawberies page too - those fruit look so realistic and 3d - nice work with the shadows!
    I'm sure the new driveway will do its job nicely if it rains heavily :)
    Gill x

  5. You painted two eye-catching colorful pieces. There is something pleasant in both. I like them 😊
    Happy evening to you 🦋

  6. Forgot to say I love your blog banner 👍

  7. Fabulous paintings! They are perfect as they remind me of things I love, being by the water and eating strawberries 😉. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  8. I think your house with the regular windows is just fine, and I agree that the rocks are so good. The sea is great too, there's a terrific swell to it and the buoys are bouncing along. It would make an excellent book illustration for a detective novel set by the sea.
    These strawberries look so eatable, nice work on their roundness and I really like the soft greenness of the background.

  9. I just LOVE both paintings!
    Your style is UNIQUE and you never cease to amaze me with your wonderful vibrant and free style. It looks so artsy!
    Big hugs,

  10. I adore your painting Erika, it all looks marvelous to me! And your strawberries look delicious too.
    Alison xx

  11. They are fantastic paintings Erika and the strawberries look so juicy and if real and ready to eat.
    I hope the new drive was a success,
    We had a storm Wednesday and were mopping out the porch and I am still drying out the shoes that were trying to float away,
    Yvonne xx

  12. I DO like today's art. I think I should do some strawberries. Good practice!

    It's cold here at the lake but they are "threatening" up to 80 today which will be about a 25 degree increase from yesterday. I hope they're right! Happy long weekend!

  13. Sounds like it'll be a good test for the driveway. I like the windows as they are. I think it works well together as a whole, and I wouldn't change a thing.


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