Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Badlands

Hi everyone.  I'm back to school so I thought it is just about time to wrap up my summer trip photos, as well as  my travel journal that I finished up earlier this week. Today I am taking you to one of the 9 national parks/historic sites and monuments that we visited, the Badlands of South Dakota.
And here is my journal page. I bought a sticker of the park sign which I used on this page. The beautiful little girl is a vintage Native American photo from which I cut out the girl, and the bird is cut out of an old bird book.  This bird is a bobolink, and you can see the photo I took of one below.
On my journal page I also added some TH metal stars and some crocheted little flowers that Mia sent to me.
Both the bobolink and the girl have eyes, so I am linking up to Gill's EYES challenge at Art Journal Journey
The Badlands is an interesting place as it is the divide between the high and low prairies. The rocks are really fascinating.


 And during a little hike we came across a deer right next to us on the trail.
 And something was burning off in the distance.
Plus we saw a lot of  mountain goats.
And a pronghorn (antelope).
It was late evening when we left the Badlands and had to drive 3 hours east across South Dakota.
Although the sunset was behind us, it was really something. 
I took this photo through the side mirror of the car. 
And here's how I showed that in my travel journal.

Guess this post is long enough.
Happy Friday and Happy weekend.
And thanks for visiting.


  1. Awesome travel journal. I really like how you captured the sunset in the side mirror. The scenery is just magnificent. So different from what we see in New England. I hope you had a good first day of school. Cooler weather coming so that should be good back to school weather.

  2. One cannot describe the Badlands. They are simply out of this world and so very different from anywhere else I've ever been. Your photos are incredible and immediately took me back there. Your journal page is amazing. Had to laugh at the sight of Mitchell because you never told anyone (at least I don't remember if you did) that the Corn Palace was in Mitchell, SD. Really LOVED this latest entry and it is so perfect for Gill's theme at Art Journal Journey, too. Again, thanks for sharing this vacation, because it sure brought back lots of memories for me.

  3. Hi Erika loved your post-I really enjoyed the Badlands allot when I was there-we checked it out on the way to Yellowstone. awesome sunset for sure-I saw the bighorn sheep when I was there but not the goats-great journal pages too-Happy weekend Kathy

  4. Wow, so much beauty in those Badlands. I just know a song about the Badlands, but didn't realise it was so beautiful there. Wonderful photos and journal pages, and you are looking great, so fit and happy. Glad you enjoyed your vacation so much. Hope school will be good this year, too. Hugs, Valerie

  5. I love the pages. Both are fantastic and great to see this wonderful impressions of your trip. You look beautiful, relaxed and happy on the photos. I can imagine that these wonderful landscape makes the mind happy. Now you are ready for the last year in school. Time will fly by again, you will see. Much faster than this pretty yellow bird is able to fly. Thank you beyond belief for supporting AJJ so well. You make us happy!
    Happy weekend!
    Susi xxx

  6. Wow - thats amazing scenery Erika. Those stripy rocks are fascinating. Great photos - love your cool pose :)
    Another awesome page in your Dakota journal - that sticker was perfect... thanks for sharing again with AJJ :)
    Have a good weekend.. Gill xx

  7. Such a wonderful trip! I love those scenery and wildlife photos :)

  8. Wooowww this is a lovely post Erika !! Lovee your travel journal, full of wonderful moments. You are splendid in this Badlands!! It is a so lovely place to visit. I have enjoyed the animals photographs too. Great !
    I wish you a very nice weekend, and send big hugs,

  9. Oh my those photos are amazing. the scenery looks fantastic. Your journal pages are great and I can see how your photos inspired you.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Thanks Erika for this photo tour of the Badlands. We have not visited South Dakota and hope to get there on a future trip.

  11. Awesome collage and great photos. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful weekend xx

  12. Great travel journal art page and photos. Those rocks are fascinating. It's interesting to see the sediment lines in them (or whatever the geological term is for that). The bird is beautiful. You were right about my weather improving, like yours did: the sleeping temperature was heavenly last night. And today feels very pleasant. That's it for the humidity, maybe even for the season. Yay!

  13. Such dramatic rock formations, wow - and I love how you've captured that magical sunset in your painting. Is Badlands Big Sky? Or no, that's Montana, isn't it? Or maybe it's all one place... I can see I'll have to do some Googling. My main reference point for any of the US National Parks is an episode of The West Wing!
    Alison x

  14. I love you pages! You have captured this national park perfectly, such amazing designs 😁. I loved seeing your photos too, the bird is amazing and the views bring back such happy memories of when we visited. Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  15. Your double page in your travel journal is gorgeous!
    You made wonderful photos of this fascinating landscape! The bobolink (I have never seen one before) is a beauty!
    Your photo through the side mirror of the car is magical!
    Wish you happy days! Big hugs, Rike

  16. Back to school! From one Badlands to another? I hope not! What a year you'll have.

    The photos are great. How fun spotting the wildlife. And you look so happy -- truly in your element!

  17. The first time I heard of the Badlands was from a video game I played when I was a kid called Tekken. I was astounded by the beauty of the 2D views in pixels but when the internet came out and I finally got to read more of it I was more amazed that what was on the video game (which I thought was mixed with a bit of fantasy) was not fantasy at all! The different wave/layers on the hills are real! These photos you shared are so beautiful dear Erika that it made me quite hungry because the canyons kind of resemble Chocolate mousse cakes to me! Ugh! Thank you so much for sharing these Erika and I love your comfy outfit and happy aura on your trips!


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