Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wednesday Art

Hi everyone. We have a stormy day here, and even tornado warnings as some of storms are supposed to be severe. It's not usual for us to get tornado warnings, although we do occasionally get them. I had planned to go out but think I will make it an art day at home instead. Maybe I can even finish Harry Potter book 5 that I am listening to since I am rereading (or this time listening) to all 7 books and enjoying them once again.
But for my post today I will share some already made art with you.
Summer weekday fun has just about flown away like this girl in my tag. I am linking her up to Tag Tuesday and an Anything Goes challenge. 
And I have some eyes to share for Gill's challenge at Art Journal Journey.
I started with this orange painted page, and some punched paper circle stickers. Then I stamped the owl, his hat and also his glasses. 
The glasses were a little tricky since they were too thin to cut out the centers, so I restamped the owl's eyes within them and colored them to match the owl. Then after attaching them to the owl himself, I used some clear drying glossy accents to create the lenses. And of course he needed a nice top hat to finish him off.
And I finished off my Dakota travel journal yesterday morning. 
You can see how thick it came out. 
And this is a lousy photo (sorry) but here's the final cover. 

And for all of you who remember my driveway situation from my T Day post this past Tuesday, the good news is we have someone coming Friday to redo the whole driveway and fix the drainage. The bad news is that it is going to cost quite a lot of money, but we can't fix the wash out ruts without renting a tractor and buying several loads of gravel (never mind the time), so it is worth getting someone to do it.  But the good news is that we are going to get some  driveway drainage put in (hence the high cost) and hopefully this will keep the driveway from washing away and even get it prepared  for being paved in the future. 
And to think we've lived here 30 years and never had our driveway wash away that bad. I guess we were lucky being able to fix it ourselves before.

OK, enough from me.  Thanks so much for visiting.


  1. I'm off for a play day with my friend, Teague, so I hope the storms hold off until tonight. Summer sure did fly by like the girl in your tag. I love the owl page and clever of you to fix the eyes. Glad you got someone to fix the driveway. Yeah, stuff like that costs, but it will prevent a lot of headaches in the future. Enjoy the day!

  2. Glad your driveway is going to be done for you, that saves you a lot of hard work, and it will surely be better with drainage. Love the beautiful tag - funny, I have cloud photos on my blog today, great minds and so! Thanks for joining us again at Tag Tuesday, now you have 2 chances in the draw. Your owl is great fun, and wonderful that you got the journal finished so quickly. Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Love what you did for the owl! Good luck with the driveway! It often comes to hiring folks when we age.

  4. I want your owl's hat :) but it does look perfect on him. It's interesting to read how you got the owl's glasses to turn out like you wanted. I was surprised to see the damage your drive sustained. Weather issues will only get worse in the future, I'm afraid :(

  5. Wonderful part pieces today Erika, I love the owl in his top hat.
    Its good that you will be getting your drive sorted out. Sometimes we just have to get in folk to do these heavier jobs, So less stressful and much better in the coming years for your family. You were lucky to get someone able to do the job so quickly.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Amazing, both is unique and beautiful dear Erika and I adore the outcome of the Dakota journal - fantastic!
    Another wonderful entry for AJJ again. You rock!
    Susi xxx

  7. Your owl is gorgeous. I was really impressed. I loved how you painted the background the bright orange that set the owl off so beautifully. Your owl really POPS.

    I live in Tornado Alley, so I can relate to that tag. It's awesome. Glad to see your book is finished. I really, really enjoyed the trip with you. It brought back SO many memories for me, too.

    Sorry to read about the driveway. Sounds like you have been very lucky in the past. I feared this was going to be a costly fix.

  8. What in the world is wrong with me. Thank you for sharing the owl with us at Art Journal Journey using Gill's theme.

  9. Hi Erika ,oh i love your tag and boy your journal page is awesome,love the colours,you are very clever my friend,well done xx

  10. I hope all is ok with you Erika - I didn't realise you sometimes get Tornadoes so I hope that passed you by.
    Sounds like you've had an eventful weather week. Good to hear of your plans for your driveway - but not the expense of course.
    Lots of lovely things to see today ...
    Great to see you finished your current book project - you must have a library size collection of your handmade adventure books now - awesome!
    And I of course love your owl piece for AJJ (thank you ) and that was so clever how you did the eyes and his glasses. Nice background too - it rminded me of varnish wood.
    Gill xx

  11. Tornado warnings are scary for this part of the country, since we don't normally get them here. The storms that went through my area in CT yesterday were mild compared to Monday. But it looked like the Hartford area might've had a bad cell going through. This morning it feels and looks like a tropical rain forest. Steam (humidity) is just sitting at tree level in the distance. I'm glad you're getting your driveway repaired with drainage added, but sorry about the cost. I like your flying away tag: it does match how Summer flew by. I love your owl. He looks very handsome. Your finished Dakota travel journal looks great. Have a great day. And this weekend is supposed to be beautiful weather.

  12. Super talented lady!! Loving your creations!!

  13. I'm loving your girlie tag and oh your owl is a delight! You created his eyes and glasses perfectly, he looks so dapper in his top hat too against that bright and spotty background - fabulous 😁. Glad to hear that your drive is being repaired soon and I hope that the tornado passed you by. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  14. Pleased that your drive way is going to be done for you.
    Love your art, especially the owl … it looks so cute.

    With regard to the low carb cheese scones post on the low carb diabetic blog, I would try using pecan flour, do come across and see my reply to you :)

    All the best Jan

    PS Take care in your bad weather

  15. We were visiting Newburyport, MA, thus week and also had a tornado warning and severe thunderstorms on Wed afternoon. By that time we had returned to the B&B where we were staying. Glad to read that your driveway will be repaired even though cost is always a factor with such repairs.

  16. What a great tag - an uplifting drift away into the blue sky, and the owl page is wonderful. Such a vivid background and then those bubbles of text - love it. Great to see the cover of the Dakota album too... and I've just spotted that of course if the Badlands are in Dakota, then they can't be in Montana, so maybe that answers my question about Big Sky!!
    Alison x

  17. Love the new banner and today's art. So sorry about the driveway (well, glad it's getting done and all but ouch! Expensive!) Still, fixing the drainage is a big deal. Nice!

  18. So sorry about the driveway but I guess it has to be done. Hope the tornados stay away.
    Love your top hatted owl - a great choice for something with eyes for the challenge. I do like how you have put the circles of print about the page - very effective.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps thanks for your kind words re my back - bad day yesterday - maybe as a result of the work on it the day before


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