Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Eyes Have It

OK, I know that the eyes in this quote is not spelled eyes.
But I took a little artistic license and played with the sounds of "ays" and all the stamped eyes on my page.
I began by using a page I had in my stash that had green circles painted on it. Then I used some various color spray inks. I stamped th eye image multiple times, painted the eyes, and then used some letter stickers for the quote.
I am linking up to the talented Gill's EYES challenge at Art Journal Journey. Thanks Gill for such a super challenge. I enjoyed playing along and finding eyes in all my art this month!

So this is the last day of the work week for me. When the school district asked us to change our  contract and start school before the Labor Day Holiday weekend many years ago, they buttered us up by giving us the first Friday of school off. We still have it now, and after working this first week, it will be great to have a 4 day holiday weekend. Even though it's been a short first week of school, it does feel like summer vacation was a long time ago. That's what getting back into the routine does I guess.
Happy end of the work week to you!
And thanks so much for visiting.


  1. A clever play on words Erika - I love this.
    Thats a nice eye stamp too not like the slightly mad looking one I used on my last piece - although thats probably down to me making it look like that and not the stamps fault ha ha
    Thanks yet again for sharing with AJJ and all the other times this month, I'm glad you enjoyed playing along.
    Thanks for all you kind comments you have left me also x
    Enjoy your long weekend... relax and have fun!
    Gill xx

  2. Love your fun page with the eye/aye pun! And good that you have a long weekend to look forward to. School weeks always feel so much longer than vacation weeks, don't they?! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I like the play on words and the art piece. That's nice that they gave you the Friday off, so you get to have a four day weekend. The weather is supposed to be nice for some/all of the days. (I think there's a chance for rain here in CT for Monday, but the forecast is fluid and can change.)

  4. Love the journal piece, and wish you a wonderful long weekend, and great school year!

  5. The eyes are mesmerizing. I'm trying not to think they are judging. Enjoy the last weekend of Summer. Deep sigh. Forlorn look.

  6. Do you prefer the four day weekend or the later start? We start after Labor Day too here -- they changed that a number of years ago to promote tourism.

  7. This is a beautiful journal page, Erika. The eyes are so compelling. I was surprised to learn this was a stamp. It's a gem. It's also perfect for Gill's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Read your last full paragraph, dear. That's a memory you do NOT want to forget. It shows how you feel about that first four day holiday weekend and how summer feels like it has faded away. These are memories you need to hang onto and document as the first of lasts and the last of lasts.

  8. Wow an awesome page Erika. Those eyes look fantastic, I likes your play on words as well.
    Have a super weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Hi Erika i love your work the colours are so pretty and the eyes are awesome,well done my friend xx

  10. Your page is nor just a fantastic play on words.I love what you did here.A wonderful entry for Gill's topic. Thank you for supporting AJJ again this month's topic in such an artful way again. Enjoy this long weekend! Next year , same time starts the best time ever.....
    Susi xxx

  11. I think when they say the ayes have it they really mean the eyes have it anyhow. Love your play on words which lead to a bold journal page. Thanks for sharing Erika.
    Love eyes, in portraits they fascinate me, they can really make a painting come to life for me.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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