Friday, August 9, 2019

Travel Journal and Photos

 Happy Friday everyone. 
I've been a busy bee working on my travel journal from my early summer trip to the Dakotas as I am hoping to finish it before I head back to school in 2 weeks. 
I thought today I would give a couple of  views  and then show you some of the photos that go with them.
I'll start with this page. The left is a piece of cloud paper with a sticker I picked up. The right is some ephemera as well as a postcard I picked up when we visited Devil's Tower. We had actually been to Devil's Tower before, but I think it is  a fascinating place and there is a nice little walk around the tower which was much needed after a morning of driving.
So here's a few photos of the tower.
 Devil's Tower is the core of an ancient volcano. The volcano itself  has eroded away and all that is left is hard inner stone which many many eons ago was the magma. When it cooled it formed this 5, 6, or even 7 sided rocks. 
A sign told us how the top, which you can't see here, is not flat (even though you might think it is) but rounded.
 Can you find the climber in this photo?
Devil's Tower is a sacred place to some of the local Native Americans.  I don't know the meaning of the prayer clothes but they were many of them along the walk.

 And if you couldn't find the last climber, you can definitely see this one.
This is not for me, but this climber  was very close to the to. We watched him/her actually make it onto the top. But I wonder how they get down. Maybe they just rappel down. But we were watching with some other walkers and they suggested maybe these climbers need a helicopter to come by and pick them up. 
 And I made this spread in my journal about the center of the nation.
 I showed you some photos back on July 4, but thought I would put this one up again.
And yes, I took artistic license and added the clouds to my page, because who doesn't love to paint clouds?
 I guess I should have added more yellow clover flowers to my page. 
I added some flower arranging chicken wire (that you buy on a roll like you would buy ribbon) along the bottom of my page because there was some barb wire fencing off this field. But I didn't have any barbed wire, and thought that might be a bit rough on the project, so I substituted the flower arranging wire. I had the wire in my stash from back when I tried my hand at flower arranging.
That's my post for today. 
Wishing you all a fantastic weekend!
And thanks for visiting.


  1. Wonderful photos Erika. That is an amazing rock face and the climbers musy be so fit and agile. I would worry for their safety.
    Your joural is going to hold mant special memories for you.
    Yvonne xx

  2. Wonderful art, as always, and that Devil's rock is totally fascinating, wow. I would love to climb up it. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Rock climbing is just not for me. I like hiking, but the mountain- and rock-climbing has never appealed to me. That's just as well, as I'm thinking I'd surely fall!

    I like your clouds :)

  4. Your wonderful pages certainly have captured that amazing place and rock very well Erika.
    I would be scared just watching someone climbing that and wouldn't be able to watch...and I couldn't find that first climber....great photos though!
    Have a lovely weekend.... Gill xx

  5. I like your travel journal pages. And that Devil's Tower is amazing! I didn't know a volcano eventually erodes away and looks like that. Fascinating! Rock climbing is not for me. The most I'll do is walk on steep trails. I like the beautiful field of yellow flowers, and your art journal page showing it. Today was moderate humidity here in CT, so the day felt pleasant. Hopefully it stays that way.

  6. I've also been to Devil's Rock and that brought wonderful memories back. You took a wonderful trip this summer that sparked so many memories for me. I love both your pages you created. The Wyoming page is wonderful, but my fav is the one devoted to Devil's Rock.

    I'm not going to comment on your center of the US, because I STILL claim KS as the center of the US. I know it's the center of the contiguous US, but still, I have to compliment it for something. After all, we have people like Brownback and Pompeo who came from KS to serve the pres. We have BTK (Dennis Rader) who killed 12 people, and we have other unseemly things. I feel I have to compliment KS on at least ONE thing good (grin)! I DO like your take on barbed wire, though.

  7. It looks like a fascinating place Erika, I couldn't see the first climber! Great pages to remind you of your trip.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  8. Great pages (love the addition of the chicken wire) and I'm fascinated by Devil's Rock - thank you so much for sharing the photos. Those hexagonal rock structures are amazing, and it's such an imposing shape in the landscape... I can absolutely see why one would find it an object of awe and worship.
    Alison x

  9. I am so enjoying your trip photos-I love this area of the country-would have been fun to watch the climbers-loving your pages too-Happy Sunday hugs Kathy

  10. I think I can find the cliber in the photo, but I'm not sure! Love the prayer clothes.

  11. Thanks for showing the comparison between the photos and your art, Erika. I could not see the climberr in the first photos, but definitely in the second. That sport is not for me as well and getting down should be interesting, but then they did get up, so they know how to get down again.

  12. What a super post. Love the photos and the information about the volcano. Can understand it being regarded as a sacred place by some. Fascinating to see even just by photos so thank you.
    Love your journal pages. Both very striking with the additional colour behind. I thought the luminous green was part of the picture and I love that splash of red on the other page.
    Brilliant post.
    Hugs Neet xx


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