Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Buggy Pattern

It's the weekend, and we are having some gorgeous last days of summer weather here in New Hampshire. 
And today I have a summery page that may not appeal to everyone, but I had fun stamping and coloring these six legged creatures.
I like this insect pattern as it is, and decided not to add anything else to it, other than a bit of background spray ink. At least for now.
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey and the polka-dot, stripes, plaid and pattern  challenge.
Thanks for stopping by and
have a great weekend!


  1. what a cool stamp-or is this lots of little stamps? Love how you embellished it Happy weekend Hugs Kathy

  2. Buggy Polka Dots. No bugs please! 😱 Enjoy the gorgeous weather today

  3. What a fun page, love all those insects having fun buzzing around! Enjoy your weekend, just came back from a loooong walk here. Hugs, Valerie

  4. I don't normally like bugs, but this is beautiful. Great stamping and colors in this. We're having a mini Summer heat wave: it's the last gasps of Summer before Fall arrives on Monday. But low 80s isn't too bad, compared to how hot the Summer got. Enjoy the weekend!

  5. "Cute as a bug" :) I like that variety -so many different kinds of bugs!

  6. This looks awesome Erika! I love all the bugs and the background. Happy AJJ and happy weekend!
    Susi xxx

  7. I am sure you had a lot of fun with stamping and coloring, Erika. You created a beautiful page and I do like that you used only sprays for the background. The insects pop up! Kisses, my friend.

  8. You put a LOT of work into this one, Erika. Your bug pattern is adorable and I so love how it reflects your theme this month at Art Journal Journey. It's certainly a very different and unique take on your theme.

    Happy belated Smithsonian Museum Day.

  9. A fabulous pattern with the insects, its a great page although there are a few to many insects for me if they were real ones.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Well, I'm not too keen on bugs … but I liked this.

    All the best Jan

  11. That's a seriously big buggy stamp collection! I love how you have them arranged -- I like this a lot (and i"m not even fond of bugs!)

  12. Great stamps - love your patterned page Erika. Think the background as is - is cool and just the perfect show case for the insects.
    Gill xx

  13. I have insectaphobia (is that a word?), but this page is darling - even to me. Eileen xx


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