Friday, September 20, 2019

The Stars

Happy almost weekend everyone. (Or maybe actual weekend for you b the time you read this). 
Every now and again I find something to inspire me to make a page in my night sky journal. It might be taking me quite awhile to finish it up, but I think it is one of favorite ever journals, so better to take it slow and be inspired than to rush and not like the finish.
This page started with some polka-dot and star patterned paper, a bit of stenciling over that, and then a lot of collaging. The sky chart cam out of an old atlas, and the words were cut from some junk mail I got. (but they are awfully good words I think).
And of course the polka-dots make this page the perfect link up to Art Journal Journey where this month's challenge is Polka-dots, stripes, plaids or patterns. There's still a little over a week to the month so I hope to see some more fantastic entries. And of course, big thanks to all the fantastic art already shared. And big thanks to Susi and Elizabeth for getting the webpage working so we can post!
I decided to take the day off from work today. It is a gorgeous day, that and I am fighting the head cold going around work. Too gorgeous to be inside doing some silly teacher workday activities. The kids have a long weekend (so I am not missing class time), and our district administration planned all these warm fuzzy activities that to me is no more than busy work since they couldn't find anything of value for us to do. (But they can't let us do the work we should and could be doing.) OK, enough said, you can guess how I am feeling about all that, but I did manage to get out for a walk this morning. Hurrah for that! There are certainly some signs of fall.

 And there are so many caterpillars this year. Here's a few.
This one below looks like a crawling stick.

Thanks so much for visiting and hope you are having a great day also!


  1. Your journal page is wonderful. I like looking up at the sky and stars though sometimes I forget. I'm glad you took the day off instead of attending an in-service work day. Sounds like a lot of kindergarten stuff to be doing. Signs of Fall in your area though a nice day to take a walk. I got excited when I saw the wooly bear caterpillar. The thickness of the black bands is supposed to predict how severe the winter will be. There are no black bands on the wooly you took a picture of! Woo hoo! A mild Winter! Enjoy your long weekend.

  2. Love the beautiful spread in your night sky journal, and the quote is great. Sorry about your cold, hope you soon feel better. Wonderful photos, this is such a beautiful time of year for beinv outside. Have a great weekend,hugs, Valerie

  3. I love this spread in your night sky journal - I adore how you interpreted the wonderful true quote in such an artful and creative way!
    Good to have the art to get out of the stressing work...sounds just have the wonderful view in sight to be retired soon...

    What a good walk must this have been... nature is such an inspiration and kind of medidative and healthy thing for us! Gorgeous photos full of abundancy of nature and autumn!

    A wonderful entry for your fantastic topic Erika!
    Happy weekend!
    Susi xxx

  4. I agree with your paying attention sentiment and like how you paid attention to signs of Autumn. Now if only this heat (and I love the heat!) would make way for more seasonal weather.

  5. It's great to see you working again in your Night Journal, Erika. So glad you made this. It's a genuine beauty and a wonderful addition to your previous pages in this beautiful journal. It is also perfect for your theme at Art Journal Journey, too. SO sorry about the problems we had, but I am confident it is now worked out. At least for a month!

    Your area is starting to look like autumn. I bet you are ready for the leaves to turn those brilliant autumn colors, too. I had NO idea there were so many different types of caterpillars. I sure learned something new today.

    Did you decide where you and your husband are going on Smithsonian Day tomorrow?

  6. Lots of lovely autumn photos Erika, the leaves are changing colour and starting to fall here as well.
    Your journal page looks fabulous, the night sky especially away from the towns is good to look at and imagine, maybe wonder, is there life out there?
    I hope you will be feeling better soon.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Hi Erika wow what wonderful art work you have done and i love your pics,thankyou for sharing them with us xx

  8. Gorgeous mushrooms and leaves photos, Erika.
    And I lllllllove your page. Great collage background and lovely sentiment.
    Kisses, my friend.

  9. Looks like you made good use of your day, Erika, and hope your head cold goes away quickly. This warm weather is not what I enjoy in 🍂 as today was quite warm in Nashua. I am so ready for fleece jackets.

  10. That ´s a so Wonderful night sky art journal page Erika !! Love to think about adventures in the sky. Lovely patterns.
    I wish you a very nice weekend, and send big hugss

  11. Lovely celestial artwork and great signs of Fall photos. (I saw the ISS fly overhead last night around 8pm! I didn't get any clear photos, though. It was going by too fast, at 17K+ mph.) I'm sorry to hear you've got a head cold. I can't believe one is already going around. Those are usually a few months later. Ugh.

  12. Hoping you are feeling a lot better.
    I did enjoy seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  13. Good for you, taking the day off. You'll do much better at home and being in your beautiful space than around others -- mentally and physically! Hope you are better by now!

  14. Beautiful night sky journal page.
    You have taken lovely photos from nature.

  15. Ooh, I love it - a teacher playing "hookie" - takes me back to my truant days when I was just not up to facing the classroom and demands of those children, Of course I know, dear Erika, that you are not well and not really playing truant from school, nothing worse than a head cold to make you feel bad.
    Thanks for treating us to the gorgeous pictures of the leaves and caterpillars, I can see so many patterns in them that they would make great backgrounds for your journal pages, especially with your challenge at the moment. I have to say the fungi on the tree trunk is especially pleasing as is the sunlight coming through the tree branches.
    Lovely Art Journal Journey page with some fabulous words - well spotted (no pun intended) - can see why you enjoy your night sky journal so much.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. Great spread with a wonderful message, Erika. I'm working on paying more attention.

    I applaud you for (sort of) protesting the warm & fuzzy activity day. I was a teacher. Then I moved to the corporate world where female managers were expected to join in male-oriented bonding activities like rifle practice. That's where I drew the line!

    Eileen xx


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