Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Boys and Girls or Girls and Boys

Hi everyone. It is once again Tuesday and already time for another challenge at Try It On Tuesday.
This time our new challenge is Boys and Girls.
Big thanks to all of you who joined the last challenge and shared some fantastic garden inspired art with us.
For the new boys and girls challenge, I went with a baby theme because one of  my co-worker friends (who is my daughter's age) was having a baby this past summer. Since she didn't know what sex the baby was, we were all guessing whether it would be a boy or girl.
I made my page by painting pink and green stripes. Yup, I know, if was sticking traditional I should be using pink and blue. But it is time to put tradition aside, plus I found this photo and there was no blue in it.
After attaching the little bundles of joy, I added  some fabric lace and trim as well these fun little felt animals. These are actually from a child's Valentine's kit but I thought they worked great with the babies. Then added the letters. But the page still needed something, so I decided to scallop the edges and add a little bit of sparkle paper. I think it makes the background look more like a blanket (although maybe not a totally straight one at the bottom.)
And since there's a new theme at Art Journal Journey, I am also linking up my page to that challenge. The new challenge is Polka-dots, stripes, plaid or patterns, otherwise known as PSPP.
Glad you stopped by my blog and hope to see you boys and girls at our new Try It On Tuesday challenge.


  1. This is a fun piece Erika, love the colours, just right for the theme. Hugs, Valerie

  2. What a happy page! I love all those smiles from those cutie pies and your striped pastel background with those sweet animals - perfect 😁. Wishing you a lovely week! Hugs, Jo x

  3. An absolutely happy creation ! Wonderful!
    Happy TioT and AJJ dear Erika!
    I am still busy .. and we have still summer here, a pleasure.
    So not much time for blogging and art.
    I had a desaster as the linky of AJJ disappeared recently, I am sure it was a mistake I made by myself even though I have no idea what I did wrong..lol.
    I set a new linky and added the links by my own again , at least those I remembered.
    Hope the display will work now properly until the end of the collection.
    Big hugs my friend!!!

    Was it a boy or girl ???

    Susi xxx

  4. A very cute page. As to traditional colors, I read that back in Victorian times pink was a boy's color. So anything goes. Really love the little kitty. Sweet. Have a good week back at school.

  5. Such a fun piece Erica, those babies look so happy with their new toys

    Joan x

  6. I love the page Erika, those little ones are so cute and so are their cuddling toys.
    I often wonder where the blue for a boy and pink for a girl came from. Tradition has a place but colour is everywhere and we should use it.
    Have a good rest of the week,
    Yvonne xx

  7. I adore this! What a cute baby card it would be! Did you ever see the movie "The Bandwagon" with Fred Astaire? I bet if you google Astaire Triplets you could find the GREAT musical number they did in that show. As soon as I saw your image, I was reminded of that wonderful piece!

  8. How absolutely adorable. I like throwing tradition out, because this is super. It's also a great way to honor your theme this month at Art Journal Journey. Those babies are SO cute, too.

  9. Really cute page, Erika! I love the scalloped edges and very clever choice to use felt animals too. Thank you for the inspiration, my dear friend. Kisses.

  10. This made me smile when I first saw it and I'm still smiling!! What a really clever page! Boy or Girl sounds like a good option but which did she eventually have? Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Hi Erika what a beautiful piece of work its so cute and i love the colours,well done my friend xx

  12. A fabulous page Erika, who wouldn't love those happy babies and their cute toys. A great background and the colours are perfect .
    Avril. Xx

  13. Very cute and fun page. I like it!

  14. Adorable page! I love the colourful stripes!
    Alison xx

  15. Way, way, WAY too cute for words! I LOVE your cheerful striped background and those images are absolutely perfect. Wherever you found them it was a brilliant choice. Their smiles are awesome!
    Cath x

  16. Well done you for not going along with the traditional blue and pink. I love pink with green and you chose the perfect shades of these two colours to use together. Those babies really are just too cute, don't you want to cuddle them?
    Hugs, Neet xx


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