Monday, September 2, 2019

Lots of Things, T and More

Hi everyone.  It is a typical Labor Day holiday for New Hampshire, grey,wet and cool. I am OK with that that however as it has been a busy weekend and it is nice to have a low key day before the work week starts up again.
So today I am starting with a tag I made for the Purple challenge at Tag Tuesday. Thanks Michelle for this color choice because it made me to work with purple, which I have to say I never use.

And today is also September 2, which means it is time to repost something from the past. Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog for these second looks.
Today I have a drink related repost.
These photos are from back in September 2016. Here's the original link: T is for a Saturday evening campfire
 We had a margarita, mine in my Yeti ( a keep it cold cup brand for those of you who don't know about them), and we popped popcorn over the fire. We had a relaxing  summer like evening.

And this brings me to my  T Day post for this week. I'm a little early for Tuesday when we usually post our drink related items but, it works perfect with my Second on the Second  so I am including it here. Be sure to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's post for that event. That post goes up later on this Monday in case you aren't familiar with it.
This past weekend my daughter and her beau came for a night, and we had another fire pit campfire.

And we once again made a bowl of popcorn for a snack.

But this time instead of margaritas, we had a nice brown ale.
I forgot to get photos last night of our beer while we were hanging out around the campfire, so here are our empties which I took a photo of this morning.
Newcastle brown is a locally brewed ale. And here's a correction to my original post. This is the same ale brewed in Newcastle, England, but we get the brewed in US version. (I had to look this up because a few of you mentioned it was a British beer and it had me questioning. But it is one of my favorites, no matter where it is brewed.
The rest of my weekend was eventful and I will be showing you a bit more of it next week for T day.
Hope you have a great day, a Happy Labor Day if you are in the US (because I don't think anyone else celebrates it), and stay safe if you are anywhere around Hurricane Dorian.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Love the purple tag, thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday. I am slowly getting used to purple now. Your evenings with popcorn around the fire look very cosy. I can't make a fire on my balcony, it might burn the house down! Happy T Day and happy 2nd on the 2nd, hugs, Valerie

  2. what a fun post-I love a good camp fire-we have a similiar fire ring that we just built at the lake house-and we just brought down that super heavy grate that fits on there perfectly with room to get the wood under it-anxious to try that out soon.
    I am grilling some ribs today in the weber-Happy Labor Day, second on the 2nd and Tday-hugs Kathy

  3. Love your fire pit! I've never had popcorn popped over an open fire. Looks like it came out good. And I bet the fire was cozy as last night it was a might nippy. Enjoy the rest of your holiday!

  4. How interesting that you don't like to use purple. I have a hard time not using in everything. Your tag is very nice with its graphic square-on flower.
    You do have a lot of fun on your outdoor outings too. I thought Newcastle Brown was made in the UK and now I find that it is made in the Smuttynose brewery!

  5. I remember your post you shared about margaritas, popcorn, and Yeti. In September, 2016 I knew nothing about Yeti, but my friend Scott gave Yetis to his entire family at Christmas. He asked if I wanted one and I said NO. I told him in fact, I had considered getting HIM one for Christmas after reading such great reviews. Why don't I want one? First, Scott likes his coffee scalding hot. I drink luke warm coffee, even after I have just made it. Second, do you see a handle on it? Of course not. I don't grip well, so a handle is essential to me. Third, do you see a place to stick my straw? I know they have started making various lids and such, but if I don't have a straw in my drink, I have to push my no-neck neck back when I sip my coffee and it strains my neck and back. They are perfect for MOST people. I don't happen to be one of them. If Scott had actually given me a Yeti, I would probably have sent it to you (grin).

    And since I remember that second look, it leads in nicely to T this week, too. A great way to share a new experience with an old one. I bet that ale tasted great, too. It's a bit too pale for me, since Stout is the only beer I like, but the bottles look good! Thanks for tying your second look to this week's T Tuesday. What a great way to do so, too. BTW, that's a great tag. I really MUST make one this fortnight, too.

  6. Seriously? You dislike purple? Because you did a fabulous job on the purple tag, Erika. I love your fire pit!

    Happy Labor Day and Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  7. Love your purple tag.

    Hope you've had a good labor day weekend, I enjoyed seeing your photographs.
    I'm sure we have Newcastle Brown Ale here in the UK … but I've not tasted it.

    All the best Jan

  8. Hi Erika oh i love your tag its so pretty and wow what a lovely spot you have for a camp fire,glad you had a lovely time xx

  9. A super post Erika and it looks like you had a great family time together at the weekend. You would be very cosy sitting beside the fire eating your popcorn.
    I was interested in the beer you had to drink.
    Newcastle Brown Ale
    was originally brewed in my home town starting in 1927, It was and I think still is very popular here . I added a link if you are interested, for you to get a bit of its history and origins.
    Happy T day wishes
    Yvonne xx

  10. Amazing tag, Erika! I love the elegant design. Happy Labor Day to you, my friend. In Greece we do not celebrate this day (but we do have a Labor Day on May 1). Kisses.

  11. The tag is gorgeous and I love the fire pit! Happy T-Day Erika!
    Hugs ,Susi

  12. Such a pretty tag! Your campfire looks very inviting and the popcorn looks delicious - yum 😁. Cheers and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  13. Nice tag Erika, and I get you because I am not one to use purple very often either:) I used to love being around campfires and enjoying the smell of the wood burning along with the foods being made over the fire. Happy T day!

  14. Love the idea of popcorn over the fire! It's a long time since I've had a Newcastle. Very tasty, though!

    Back to school? I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere today. It's pouring and has been since before I got up. Hopefully not in the basement at home but not much one can do about that from here.

  15. What a lovely tag. Purple really is a nice colour. But like you, I don't use it much.
    Oh I love the fire pit! Lovely on a cool evening. The popcorn makes my mouth water. I think I will make some tonight. I have never made it, but I have a heavy bottomed pan (and bought the corn yesterday), so we are set to go with that.
    You have excellent taste in beer. I love Newcastle Brown and used to always drink it when we lived in the UK.
    Our Labor Day is on the 1st of May. But i wish you a wonderful Labor Day. Enjoy!
    Happy T-Day,

  16. Love the tag! How lovely to cook popcorn over a fire pit! My Dad used to Newcastle Brown Ale! Happy T day! Chrisx

  17. Y'all have the perfect spot for a campfire, and popcorn sounds good :) I've got my eye on those short/fat Yeti mugs I've seen. I'm thinking it'd be the one shape that wouldn't tip over in the car lol Happy T Tuesday!

  18. OH, now I am hungry for popcorn! Your purple tag is beautiful. I had started making one , but it wasn't purple! Almost every thing I make ends up being teal, green or blue! LOL I just wanted to say, when you mentioned the Downton Abbey movie in your comment on my blog, it was the first I had heard about it! Wow! :) Happy T Day!

  19. No place for a campfire where we now live, but when we lived in VA we did have a small outdoor fireplace that we used; however we never did popcorn, drat.

  20. this is a gorgeous burst of purple! thanks for linking your lovely tag to our tag tuesday challenge. xo

  21. A great post Erika, love the purple tag, I smiled when I read 'seriously'
    Looks like you've had a good weekend with family time, always so precious. I enjoyed seeing the Brown Ale and I noticed Yvonne has given you the link, I live about 30 miles south of Yvonne, so it's something I'm familiar with, but never realised it was brewed in the U.S.
    Have a great week. Hugs, Avril xx

  22. Your purple tag is lovely. Well constructed fire pit: I hope you're still using and enjoying it. Happy (belated) T-Day! (I'm late commenting.)


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