Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hot, Hot, Hot

Hello. Tuesday is here and it is already time for a new challenge at Try It On Tuesday
There were some fantastic entries to the Boys and Girls/All Things Children  challenge.
Thank you to those of you who  participated.
And for this newest challenge think HOT! 
Hot colors!
Hot places!
Hot drinks!
Hot anything!
We call this challenge: Hot, Hot Hot!
I made my journal page by first stamping this flower several time to make a pattern of them. I painted and colored them with hot colors, as well as adding bits of black and white to each flower. Then I collaged some white printed tissue around them, which I painted with a light yellow. Finally I stamped my words, which might be falling downhill a bit too much.
I am also linking this page up to Art Journal Journey and this month's polka-dots,lines, plaids and patterns challenge. (And you only have to use one  of those within your piece.)


  1. Beautiful page! This is such a wonderful take on the theme and your hot coloured flowers are stunning, I bet you had fun painting them 😀. Autumn is on its way that's for sure, we've been having some lovely sunny days of late. Wishing you a lovely week! Hugs, Jo x

  2. A wonderful page Erika! I LOVE it! A happy entry for Tiot and AJJ! Superb!

    Big hugs

  3. Just a wonderful take of the theme

  4. This is fabulous, Erika. I really like the background with the collaged text tissue and the swooping autumn words. Of course the flowers are trying their best to steal the show too and succeeding with very nice stamping and colouring.
    You have such a variety of posts, I love coming here.
    I have missed a lot and am going to have a good time reading through.

  5. The perfect choice for linking to both challenges, Erika...patterned flowers - brilliant! Isn't it amazing that we've all chosen something different? We could do with some warm autumn sunshine here...it's been FREEZING! So windy, despite the lukewarm sun... unlike our southern friends who've been enjoying real summery weather. But of course I don't resent that - not even the slightest little bit - honestly ;-)
    Have a great week!
    Cath x

  6. Fab page, love the hot colours, just lovely. Hugs, Valerie

  7. Gorgeous page, love those beautiful flowers

    Joan x

  8. This brings the continuing heat and changing colors of autumn together for me :)

  9. Such a pretty piece Erika, those collage papers look fabulous surrounding you exotic flowers. Autumn sure has many beautiful days.
    Sending Hugs your way & hope that I find a moment to play along this month over at AJJ.. Tracey xx

  10. A fabulous page Erika! I love your colour choice and those flowers are gorgeous! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Those are incredible flowers, Erika. They are HOT. I like how you colored them and how you added the tissue paper in between the flowers. This must have taken forever to create. Most impressive. I was also thrilled to see you added this to your theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

  12. A fabulous page Erika, love the painted flowers, they look so cheerful and bright painted in their Autumn shades against the paler background.
    Avril xx

  13. This is lovely. Great flowers. The weather has been nice lately, but it looks like it's going to heat up for a few days, just in time for Fall to begin officially.

  14. Well,I'd say you aced that one! Those flowers are hot, hot, hot!

  15. I was hoping Hot Hot Hot would be a return of Summer weather. I like your flower stamp and how you chose the colors and the details.

  16. Again, wonderful vibrant colours - the patterned flowers really pop against the book page background.
    Alison x

  17. I love this page of yours, it`s hot!


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