Thursday, September 19, 2019

Apples, Flowers, and a Few Other Things

Hi everyone.  It is a very cool Thursday morning here in New Hampshire. There is frost in some parts of the state, but luckily not where I am. And we're supposed to warm up tomorrow and get back to summer. Mother Nature just can't decide what season it wants to be.
So I have a tag for the Apples and Pears challenge at Tag Tuesday. I used this ancient Judikins cube stamp that has apples of all kinds on an ink colored tag. I cut the edge off of a paper doily to make the bottom lace and stamped the sayings.
And also how about another page for Art Journal Journey? There's a new link in for your posts since the other one isn't working right now, so you can still play along.
I stamped some polka dots  and painted some patterns, as well as some flowers. I stamped the Japanese lady on acetate and added her to the page also.
This of course is for the polka-dots, stripes, plaid and pattern challenge. HUGE thanks to all of you who have joined in with some fabulous art.
And finally, some garden photos. Please don't look too close, you can see all the weeds. That's what happens once I am back to school.

Enjoy the end of your week.
And thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Love your art today. Those transparent flowers are beautiful. And of course, I LOVE the tag, the stamps are super. I have a few Judikins cubes, too, but with flowers and shapes, no apples! Lovely photos, your garden is still looking great. Hugs, Valerie

  2. How fresh and beautiful art today, Erika!
    Especially love the art journal page. The flowers are wonderful and colors so beautiful. Well done!
    I'll link my last this month tomorrow. Nice you got links to work.
    Have nice day xx

  3. Cute apple tag. I love the apple cores.Your stamped flowers are just as pretty as the late flowers in your garden. Weeds are flowers, too. They're just not popular. Looks like it will be a spectacular weekend to spend in your garden. I'm glad for a few more days of Summer.

  4. I love your apple tag ... the cores made me laugh! Your beautiful textured flower petals on the page are wonderful, and all the bright colours are so joyful. Glorious garden photos too.
    Alison x

  5. What a lovely garden, Erika - looks like the perfect place to kick back and relax - with lots of flowers and late summer sunshine - at least for another day ;-) It will soon be autumnal sunshine - and we have some too! Yay! Brilliant page and a great of the best things about Autumn (apart from the gorgeous leaves, of course) is apples, plums and pears - yum! I love Autumn fruits. Hope your week is going well.
    Cath x

  6. For a minute I thought those skinny apple cores were skinny cats! Guess you know where my head is! And glorious garden, too!

  7. A beautiful tag and journal page, thank you for joining us on Tag Tuesday. The apples look good enough to eat. You garden looks very colourful, and I couldn't see any weeds.
    Hugs Wendy

  8. A super page Erika, your pages are giving me lots of ideas, I just need a few more hours in the day at the moment.

    Super photos of your garden, you are lucky to still have flowers in bloom.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Lovely flowers in your garden, Erika. And the house looks beautiful.
    I llllllllove both your creations, my friend. The tag is awesome, great apples stamp. And the page with the hand painted flowers and the lady stamped on acetate is a real inspiration for me. Hugs!!!

  10. That's a beautiful tag, Erika. I love it and it is very colorful, too.

    I am so sorry about the snafu with AJJ today. I feel bad and I believe I have finally corrected the problem. I'm just glad you were able to link today, although the previous links will no longer work.

    I love the dots and the patterns, but most of all I love those flowers and the Asian woman. This is such a great page and is quite inspiring. Your theme is wonderful and I'm so glad you shared this latest entry with us.

    Your garden is in so much better shape than mine. Mine is all dead or dying. Yours is still so colorful and beautiful.

  11. A wonderful tag and an amazing page Erika, and I love the photos of your garden! Sorry for the troubles with the linktool.
    Big hugs
    Susi xxx

  12. Your apple tag is wonderful, I like this red! And I like your artjournalpage with the dots and patterns and this beautiful Japanese Lady! That warm yellow green is a background for the three amazing big white flowers!
    Wish you a happy weekend!
    Big Hugs, Rike

  13. Beautiful tag and page! You painted the apples beautifully and I like those apple cores too 😉. Your garden is still full of gorgeous colour with all those pretty flowers too! Hope the weather stays warm for you, happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  14. Your garden has held up well during the change of seasons -still so many beautiful flowers!

  15. Beautiful artwork and photos. We always get a late warm up in September here in CT. I remember this happening for several decades now.

  16. Cute apple tag, lovely polka dot page and beautiful pictures from your garden. I didn't see any weeds. 😉 Eileen xx


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