Tuesday, September 10, 2019

T Stands for a Drive through Vermont, and A Few Other Things Also

Hi everyone.  It is T Day again. Wow, the week went fast, didn't it? 

In my last post I showed you the corn maze (or maize maze) we did this past weekend. I certainly get why some of you commented that you  wouldn't want to do this maze. The one we visited was especially large. I have done a smaller one which was fairly easy and certainly a different experience.
And for those of you who mentioned being vertically challenged and walking in a maze of tall corn, I can totally related as I am only 5 ft  (1.5 meters) so those corn stalks were more than twice my size.

As the corn maze was in northeast Vermont,  we drove up through the White Mountains of my state (New Hampshire) and then into the Green Mountains of Vermont. We saw lots of pretty and interesting scenery.
 I took this top photo from the car on the road in New Hampshire, and you can see  we were close enough that Canada starting showing up on the road signs. 
 We spent Saturday night with my daughter's beau's family, and this was the view from just down the road from their cabin.
We had some rain Saturday night and Sunday morning it was just starting to clear out.

 But it wasn't all farmland.
Good thing we are used to gravel roads because we traveled down lots of those.
Vermont is known for their dairy products. 
But we also passed this alpaca farm.
What a face!

And Vermont has lots of cool barns of various kind, including this old one.
And there are a few pretty little lakes.
 And look at this tiny town library. I think it is the cutest. I could probably fit my books into it (as I have lots of books.)

Maybe I need one of these. (smile)
 And since we were meeting at the maze at 10 in the morning, we got an early start. We also knew lunch was not going to happen. So on our way we stopped for breakfast. This is my T Day part of the  post.
 We passed this diner along the way. And  here's my breakfast, along with some caffeine to wake me up and get me ready for the corn maze.
And although it is not in the photo, my straw was also biodegradable like Elizabeth's was too.
This is my drink photo for T Stands for Tuesday over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

And as if this post isn't' already long, I also have a journal page.
Just a reminder there is still a week to join in at the Girls and Boys challenge at Try It on Tuesday.
And since I stamped the stripes in the background and there is a number pattern along the bottom of the page, I am also linking up to the polka-dot, stripes, plaid and pattern challenge (PSPP) at Art Journal Journey. You still have the rest of the month to participate there.
Happy T day everyone. And thanks for visiting and reading a long post.


  1. What a lovely post! The journal page is so bright and fresh, evidently inspired by the green fields you saw along your way. I would so love to go to a corn maze, what a shame there isn't one anywhere near here. Love those alpacas. Now we do have an alpaca farm here, opposite Kalkum castle. They look so sweet. And that food, oh my, sooooooooo yummy! I would definitively enjoy it, too, and the big cola, great! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. What a pretty area you visited. The alpaca didn't look very happy about having his picture taken. Maybe he hadn't had his first cup of coffee or tea yet. 😺
    That library is so cute. A She shed, maybe? Looks like you got a good breakfast at the diner before diving into the corn maze. No Vermont maple syrup? Your page is so colorful. Reminds me of hanging onto the last days of Summer. Happy T Day

  3. What a beautiful place you have visited! I love that tiny library, and the wonderful scenery. Now I'm hungry for my breakfast too- but it'll have to be much lighter since I won't be walking through a corn maze:):) Fab journal page- love all the bright, happy colors! Happy T day!

  4. The road trip part is definitely more my cup of tea than the maze! Wow -- you went through some beautiful territory and I loved seeing the lakes, alpaca, mountains and all the sights along the way. But that library is the best. I don't know if all my books would fit in -- but it would be fun to try! And it's so darned cute!

  5. I started laughing as soon as I started reading today, dear Erika. You are tall in my world, as I am 4'11". You would definitely look down on me!

    Your daughter's beau's parents have a beautiful cabin. The views from the gravel roads were impressive and jaw dropping gorgeous. Certainly nothing like the flat lands of Kansas!

    The alpaca is beautiful, but that old barn is the best. Look at all that rust on the tin roof! I can only imagine what those hills will look like in another few weeks. In fact, it looks like some of the trees are starting to turn. That tiny library reminds me of the tiny libraries that are popping up in people's yards in the states. Not much bigger, but at least not on a post (grin).

    What an adorable journal page. Don't you love it when you can fulfill more than one challenge blog? This is simply perfect for your theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Your omelet looks good, Erika. I think I could eat it right now. It has the heart healthy yolks, too. Love the idea that biodegradable straws are starting to show up around the country. Thanks for sharing your art, your trip to Vermont, your breakfast, and your drink with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

    You asked about the O'Keeffe exhibit. Photos were strictly forbidden. There were "guards" everywhere, and only a few people were allowed in at once. Since I have a big clunky camera with a lens cap and a camera that must be focused each time I take a photo, there was no way I was going to get the chance to take any photos at all. They especially watched people like me with cameras and people who had their cell phones in their hands. I can see why they only allowed a few people in at once. NO ONE got photos, unfortunately. Apparently your museum was much less stringent.

  6. I'm shorter than you (in case you're collecting short people stats ;) ) and _everything_ is tall. Things other people can easily see over are over my head lol For me, 6 feet or 18 feet is all the same. I've done some small mazes that were so easy as to not be worth the time except to take little ones through as a beginner experience. I think there's a place for all sizes, just like with roller coasters and hikes.

    I enjoyed seeing your scenic shots. It's nice to see a library maintained that well that's so small. A tiny library is worth the trouble, I think, and is world's better than no library at all. That breakfast looks delicious. It's hard to beat an omelet. Happy T Tuesday!

  7. Wow, it was lovely seeing Vermont again! Your photos are beautiful and they reminded me of our happy travels there 😁. Your breakfast looks yummy too, a great way to start the day especially when there is no lunch in sight. I hope you enjoyed the corn maze too! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  8. Great photos. And I love your art journal page. Your food looks delicious. Happy T-Day!

  9. Good afternoon, beautiful post-I really enjoyed all of the photos very much-I love watching the alpacas-and there fiber is sooo soft to work with too I love spinning it. Your breakfast looks delicious, and I have never done a corn maze-don't know if I would be comfortable doing that not knowing how to get to the end-lol
    Happy Tuesday Kathy

  10. What a lovely trip and I really enjoyed the scenes along the way, Erika. The thing we enjoy most about living in NH is that traveling to neighboring states is easy and there's always lots to see especially on back roads, including gravel ones.

  11. I love your colourful journal page, and I enjoyed the trip through Vermont Erika.
    Hope you're having a good week,
    Alison xx

  12. A lovely post Erika, it was good to read about your trip at the weekend and see the photos. The library made me smile, I wonder how many folk [and books] could be in there comfortably at one time. Your breakfast looked delicious a good way to start a day walking in the open air. I loved your journal page as well.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Sorry I'm late in commenting. We are having problems with the power lines in the strong winds. The power goes off every few minutes for a short while and then it takes my computer a few minutes to boot up again. Nightmare!
    What a delightful post. Vermont is certainly beautiful and green. I loved the alpaca.
    Your breakfast looks yummy, just what you needed i suppose.
    I've never been to a maze. Do you get a map of it? Or are you just wandering about blind? That would not be for me. I would want a map. I would get really anxious I think. What happens if you can't find your way out? Do they come and rescue you? I don't go anywhere without a map. If I get to a place where I don't have a map, I buy one (not easy nowadays). Since last year I have an iPhone, so my map is on my phone.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  14. What an amazing roadtrip and page Erika!Awesome!

  15. Wooow Your Art journal page is Wonderful Erika !! Love the so bright colours, very happy girl !! Happy belated T-day (sorry I´m late) Your meal may be delicious, and I love the so beautiful photographs you have shared from your interesting trip. This llama is super cute.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send big hugsss

  16. Vermont is such a lovely state to visit. I think my favorite part of visiting was the cheese and the maple syrup.
    You had such beautiful scenery on your journey. The mountains are gorgeous! I just love living in the mountains. My hubby grew up in the mountains but never appreciated the view until he moved away and then moved back. Mist hanging over the mountains is my favorite.
    Your food looks delicious!
    Fabulous journal page. I really like the images you used and how your background makes them stand out.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Ooh, that rusty barn roof! And that tiny library! A lovely drive through Vermont, thank you. And some more wonderful words on your page. I think I need a dose of perspective at the moment...
    Alison x

  18. Beautiful scenery, Erika. The library is very cute. Your omelette looks yummy. I look forward to hearing how you all did in the maze. I'm one of those people who would probably freak out.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  19. Your breakfast took me back to when I had breakfast outside in Encinitas with one of my friends a few years ago. It was called The Potato Shack and I have longed to revisit since.
    Loved seeing the photos of Vermont what pretty lakes it must have if the photo of one is anything to go by. A lovely weekend no doubt.
    So after all those lovely photos you shared we got a journal age to look at as well. Double bonus and more gorgeous inspiration for your challenge. I must get around to doing a background for another enry myself.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. I couldn't comment last week so came back to say how i loved seeing your photos! Your breakfast looks yummy! Still smiling at the journal page! Chrisxx


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