Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Great Vermont Corn Maze

Hi everyone. Happy new week. We got home this Sunday after lunch, and after a much needed 2 hour nap, I am finally recovering from doing this HUGE corn maze up in northeastern Vermont this weekend. We met my daughter and her beau, as well as her beau's parents and sister. It was nice of them to invite us to join their family tradition, and then later to spend the night at their cabin. 
The Great Vermont Corn maze is a CHALLENGE for sure.  We separated into 3 teams, so it was my husband and myself, the newbies, seeing everyone else had done the maze challenge in other years.  There also was the in their 20's team and the third team was the other set of parents.
 There were 4 ways into the maze, and we all split up. The hubby and I took the  meeny route. One of the entrance ways was a dead end and you had to turn around and come back to start again, but luckily that was not our entrance.
 This maze covers 24 acres, which you can see from one of the little bridges you can climb up on.
 It was still early when we got to the Bell of Frustration. But I rang the bell anyhow. (Frustration was to come after about 3 hours.)
 The corn was 12 feet tall and thick. You could hear people all around you but certainly couldn't see them. (Unless you passed them on the trail, and we passed lots of people several times.)
 You could go over and through the tunnel. We made it through but never get on the path over it.

 There was a pretty view from the top of one of the bridges.
 This years theme was When Pigs Fly. We didn't know that going in, and honestly  in the maze, I could never tell.
 After 3 1/2 hours, we finally saw the exit. After 3 hours I needed that bell of frustration. But we needed to finish too.

So the only way to tell your path in the maze was to get a card punched.
That way if you returned and got a second identical punch, you knew you had returned to an already visited area.
I have to admit the hubby and I, the first timers, came in last place fore our three groups. Oh well, it was still fun, and we had a gorgeous day to do it.  The temperature was cool but the sun was warm.
And I got lots of steps in too.
I think the plan is to go back next year, But at least we've learned a few tricks and things along the way!


  1. Wow, 3 1/2 hours in the corn maze? Ugh. I've never done one. I thought they sounded like fun, but now I'm not so sure... The weather has been beautiful, though, hasn't it? I'm enjoying these beautiful Fall-like days. (The seasons have definitely changed here in CT.)

  2. While it sounds like a lot of fun, it's something I would never (you know what they say about never) do. I have a terrible sense of direction. I got stuck in a fun house mirror maze at a fair and the maze guy kept yelling at me. 😺 Glad you had fun. I'm thinking things must be getting serious with your daughter and her beau if you were invited to meet the parents and take part in their family tradition. Exciting!

  3. Oh my, that was a fun day. I always wanted to walk though a corn-maze, but never found one here. It was sooooooooo huge! Well done on getting through. I bet you were tired and hungry afterwards! Have a good week, hugs, Valerie

  4. This looks like you had SO much fun. I visited a corn maze last year, but didn't go through it. Instead, I bought a bunch of gourds that are now molding on my library table. So glad you had a good time and even if you did come in last in your group, I'm sure you weren't the last group to finish. I can tell you had fun, too, although I noticed photos got fewer and fewer as you got near the middle of the maze. I look forward to encouraging you on next year, dear.

    You asked if the restaurant with the mural was Mexican. No, believe it or not, it was Guatemalan. I really MUST stop in there one of these days.

  5. Sounds like you had a lot of fun, although I'm not sure I'd like it myself Erika.
    Have a good week,

  6. We visited a maize maze, not as big as this one....never again!!!! Well done! Chrisx

  7. Oh what fun - and also just a little bit scary to be amidst all that giant corn! I went with my niece and nephew to the maze at Hampton Court Palace just recently - nothing like this big!
    Alison x

  8. One hour would be fun. Two hours would be kind of fun. Three hours would be getting testy and any more would be "I don't ever want to do this again!"-- for me!

    I'm glad you had a good time but it sounds a tad too over the top for me!

  9. That's a long time to spend in a maze. We have one here that I've never tried, but it sounds positively amateur compared to the one you survived lol

    I'd love to try something like this, although I might need to carry my own personal bell of frustration with me ;)

  10. Wow! 3 and a half hours? You certainly needed to ring the bell! Ha, ha! Kisses!!!

  11. Its sounds and looks from the photos you shared that you all had a really fun day out. I am not so sure I would have liked not seeing where I was going, it could have been easy to get lost especially when you are vertically challenged.
    I admire you wanting to return again next year.
    Yvonne xx

  12. We've done only 1 corm maze and that was when we lived in VA and it was nowhere near as large as the one in VT. I think I would have wanted to give up sooner than 3 hours but good on you and your husband for making it through.

  13. Good for you, Erika! You did it!! You made it sound like fun. It's very cleverly done. I got a kick out of the bells of frustration and the flying pig. Eileen xx

  14. P.S. Will they send a rescue team for people who freak out of just give up? Eileen


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