Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Good Book

 Hi everyone.  Today I have a short post with another journal page for Eileen's Dream challenge for Art Journal Journey
I saw this girl in a magazine and those she looked rather forlorn. So I put her on a stenciled background page that I had in my stash. Then I did a little table clean off and added the numbers of letters. 
I scribbled in the quote bubbles, which say (in case you can't read my writing):
left-What am I doing here?
right: She stood dreaming of a good book.
I can't say there's been lots of reading in my life lately. Those of you who stop by a lot know I am a big reader, but that has dropped way off lately. I did finish listening to Harry Potter books 6 and 7. Those are certainly fantastic books. But then I got bogged down reading my last book club which I didn't care for (Unsheltered by Barbara Kingsolver) and was really disappointed about too. So maybe this lady is rereading the Harry Potter series as that would be worth going home and picking up.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. What a fabulous page - you have such a feeling for patterns, colours and layout!
    A fantastic entry for the Dream/Wish topic !
    Thank you so much for supporting AJJ in such a wonderful way!
    You will find time and the mojo to read again, I am sure!
    I got nearly 100 vegan ebooks recently and have to decide which one I will read

    Happy rest of the week my friend!
    Big hugs,

  2. Hi Erika I love your page and I especially love the beautiful back ground,well done my friend xx

  3. Wonderful journal page, love the covers. Sorry you had a disappointing book, but I am sure you will find some good ones soon. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. She does look forlorn, reminds me to get back to reading! It’s Hard to continue the pace of life as we get older. What’s happened here is Ive slowed down and everything doesn’t fit in anymore. Lol. You’ll figure it out!

  5. I'm trying to read a lot this month -- with varying results. Asked for the Galloway mysteries for Christmas. We'll see!

  6. Great journal page, and I do allot of reading too-I found a new to me author with time travel-good series so far hugs Kathy

  7. that was weird my comment didn't post.
    Great journal page-and I read allot too. Right now I am reading a new autor for me about time travel-good so far Hugs Kathy

  8. twice now my comment did not post-this is a test haha

  9. I hope her dreams of a good book come true :) and that she still has cheese left to enjoy while she reads :) Happy T Day!

  10. Thank you for adding yet another page to our Dreams challenge at Art Journal Journey, Erika. I not only love the page for its mod design, but also for the thought bubbles (that I really relate to). I'm tired of reading books that I didn't choose. They just show up in my e-book account. So I want to start choosing my own. Yup, I'm dreaming of a good book. Eileen xx

  11. Love the color of your page. I don’t seem tor read as much as I did before. MAybe too much time on the computer. Does reading blogs count as reading?😺

  12. I am sure the girl will find a good book to read. Just like you, Erika.
    I lllllllove your page. Kisses, my friend.

  13. What an inventive journal page, Erika.The background is unique and I really like how you positioned the letters. I always love how you share your latest readings. It's too bad the one you are now reading is not to your liking. I think you were channeling the forlorn woman and hoping to find one that she likes just like you hope to find one you like. This is a great entry for Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey. I love it.

    BTW, I'm wading through Blowout by Rachel Maddow. She writes well, but it's hard to digest it all, so I have to take it in small doses.

  14. You created a wonderful page Erika, she does look deep in her thoughts and maybe a little sad. I agree about good books to read, they are a wonderful way to escape the daily routine.
    Yvonne xx

  15. I too do not seem to be reading as avidly as I used to. Must be something in the air!
    Love the background you have on this page and can understand why the girl kind of spoke to you so that you wanted to use her in your journal.
    I think the blue and grey colours work so well.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. I like the colours you've used here.

    I tend to have 'fits and starts' with my reading, but I always have a book on the coffee table and delve in when the mood takes me :)

    All the best Jan

  17. A wonderful clever page with a story behind it! The background is amazing and fits perfect to the thinking lady!
    Big hugs, Rike

  18. It's a great page Erika!
    I just started a book by Victoria Hislop, an author I recently discovered. She writes amazing fiction based around historical events. I've learned a lot!
    Hope you have a wonderful week,
    Alison x


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