Monday, October 21, 2019

T Stands for Seasons Changing

Hi everyone.  It is time for T again. Stop by    Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog  to see what interesting things the T Gang ladies have been up to, or even better, to join us for T.
So the weather in my world has cooled off since last week, and it really feels (and looks) like fall.

By this weekend coming up I shall have some raking to do.
And bye-bye boat. The hubby took it up to his mom's where he stores it for the winter.
And this past weekend the hubby also closed up my screen porch.
The plastic helps keep that side of the house warmer in the winter as well as creating a good place to store the lawn furniture. Maddie had to check it out. She and Pete always enjoy an afternoon nap while I read (and maybe nap) on the porch during the nice weather. It's always a sad moment for me when we close it up. Winter is rather long here in New Hampshire.
And  back over the long Columbus Day/Indigenous People Day weekend  (which was the weekend of October 12th for those of you not familiar), my husband, daughter and myself went out for dinner one night.
 I've taken you to the Red Arrow Diner before.
We all met up after work on the Friday at the start of  the weekend. We just beat the dinner rush so we got a table without waiting. You can see my Diet Coke behind the menu.

On occasion, a diner dinner tastes good.
For dinner I had turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes and cream corn, which was the veggie of the day.
Perfect food for a chilly night, at least for me.
And you'll have to take my word for it since I forgot to take a photo.
Hope you have a great day and thanks for visiting.


  1. that's a neat idea to close up the screen porch area. pretty fall colors in your area-we are more behind this year as we still had high 90s end of september. I haven't had diner food since we retired and left Illinois back in '03-definately comfort food.
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. I get sad when I have to put away the summer fun, outdoor things too. I hate having to wait so long to see the hummingbirds and fireflies again especially. And those warm nights sitting outside...
    well, at least we can cozy up with some heartier food and drink, right? :) Happy T day!

  3. The last sentence got me - turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes and creamed corn, yummy. Wish I had a plateful here right now, although I just got up. It's always sad to see the end of summer. Very chilly here, too. But autumn and winter bring lots of fun days, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Oh, so sad with the boat - hope the next season starts soon, huh?
    As goes for the porch. We sadly only have an open balcony.
    Looks like you time-warped to the 50´s! Cool diner! I take your word, too, happy T-Day :-)

  5. Lovely Fall photos. That wind/rain storm that went through brought down a lot of leaves, didn't it? Sealing the porch with plastic is a good idea: it also keeps any leaf debris from getting in there. But it is unpleasant to see: a signal of the Winter to come. Ugh. I like the diner decor. There's a diner near me that has good food, and is sometimes the go to choice for dinner, because it never disappoints. Happy T-Day!

  6. Season changes are finally happening here too, but not quite as chilly in south Jersey. We don’t get a lot of color either, mostly oak trees mixes in with the pines turn yellow then quickly brown. But I welcome the change to my favorite season anyhow. To be done with the recent HOT summer is a joy.

  7. Season changes are finally happening here too, but not quite as chilly in south Jersey. We don’t get a lot of color either, mostly oak trees mixes in with the pines turn yellow then quickly brown. But I welcome the change to my favorite season anyhow. To be done with the recent HOT summer is a joy.

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  9. I guess my idea of closing up the screen porch is different than yours! When you close it up, it's CLOSED UP!!! No, you probably wouldn't want to haul a chair out there on a nice fall day -- may as well take it out where you can see the trees! At the cottage, closing it up means bringing in the stuff that's on the porch -- the furniture, etc. But that makes a lot of sense in terms of keeping the house warmer. I get it now!

  10. Amazing how the weather changed in a blink. Definitely fall. And I’m on enders island this week and with the wind blowing off the water it feels like Winter! 😮 I’m sad with you about closing up the sun room. That will happen this weekend when I get back. Bye bye sun porch. Bye Bye boat. No more Summer fun! And Winter lasts forever! I hope the predictions are true this year and we have a mild Winter. Bet that diner food was comfort on a chilly night. Happy T Day

  11. When I read about you closing off your porch for winter it seemed so final that summer was over for this year. I have had my central heating on already so it may be a long cold time coming for us as well.
    The photos all looked lovely and the food you ordered in the restaurant sounded very tempting..
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  12. This whole post reminds me of my folks lake house in Arkansas! The storing of the lawn furniture in the screened in porch furthers down the hill from their home. And they had a dog that looked just like yours named Maddy, short for Madison! I just couldn't get past that to the rest of your post! But the Red
    Arrow diner was very retro. Happy T Day!

  13. The fall colours look beautiful! You are so organised getting the boat away and porch all ready for winter too, well done you 😀. The diner looks like a great place to eat and your turkey meatloaf, mash potatoes and veggies sounds yummy, the perfect comfort food for chilly nights - I hope it came with gravy too! Sending you Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  14. The color is lovely, but it is sad to lose access to that porch for the long winter. A 24-hour cafe, though, now that's a cheering thought :) Happy T Tuesday

  15. I'm so glad that we don't have to prepare for winter anymore. Gosh it was a lot of work. Lawn furniture in, storm windows up and so on. Then everything looks so bare ... until the first snow when everything takes on a new beauty.

    I enjoy a diner meal once in a while too. They're so retro and the menus are usually very extensive - something for everybody.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  16. How sad you must feel closing up the porch and storing the boat for the winter. Hopefully winter won't be as long next year as it was this year.

    You made me very hungry with your description of mashed potatoes and corn. It took me all night to get this far because I kept falling asleep in my computer chair. BUT, now I'm famished. I have NO potatoes in my house at the moment, so I will have to figure out something else to eat today. I really LOVE the idea of a 50s style diner and you found one where people seem to flock to it. Thanks for sharing your meal and diet Coke with us, as well as your closing the porch for T this Tuesday. LOVE the scenes from your area where the leaves are now changing, too.

  17. A bit sad to put summer things away - always--- but hey, there will come a new summer soon for us!

  18. Wonderful photographs from the fall Erika !! Yes your porch is for sure a great place to stay in winter, and I loove Maddie, she is very clever and tender. Your meal look delicious, and I wish you spent a lovely T-day.
    We had a biiig rainy day yesterday, but today the sun is shinning again :) Rain is very good for our place, which is a desert lol.
    I wish you a very nice day, and send big hugs,

  19. yes, it is getting to be that time when folks who are also homeowners have to put away the things of summer, including boats. we never had to do the boat putting away when we owned our own home, but we do remember all those other outdoor chores of putting away the lawn stuff and putting the gardens to bed for the winter, etc. We have never been to the Red Arrow diner but will have to remedy that one day and soon!

  20. Closing up the porch is a watershed moment. Now summer is really over.
    Your autumn pictures are beautiful. The trees will probably be even more beautiful next week.
    The diner looks like a fun place to go for ameal on a cold evening.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  21. Love the sound of turkey meatloaf, we had some meatballs with mozzarella the other day … tasted lovely :)

    All the best Jan


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