Friday, November 15, 2019

A Little More Autumn.

Hi there everyone.
Happy Friday. And happy  midway through the month. (Already. Holy cow.) That means I'm sharing for day 15 of  Art Every Day Month
Today my journal page has an autumn theme.
It's a bit of paint, paper, some stickers, a couple of found relatives and some hand made dimensional bits. 
I won't be around at AEDM tomorrow and possibly Sunday. We're doing another hockey weekend; this time heading north to my actual alma mater. This  is one of our newest family traditions. It's  the battle of the border war schools, Maine and New Hampshire, these 2 rival schools playing, and the rival  school is where my daughter and her beau went to school, so we're having a little family get away.
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.


  1. Hello Erika.
    I'm admiring that lovely piece of background on the left and the whole piece looks beautifully Autumny.
    I like the stitching too, finishes it off rather nicely

  2. Love those poppy pods, Erika, and the lovely autumnal colours. Great little boys, too.
    Wishing you a lovely, fun-filled weekend!
    Cath x

  3. I love that Octobers quote. October is a glorious month!

  4. Happy Friday Erika! What a beautiful page! I never tire of autumn and I love your design with the squirrel and pretty seed heads - perfect 😀. Have fun with your family and enjoy the hockey this weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  5. I bet the young boys in your wonderful Autumn page would rather be going to the hockey game with you instead of posing for photos in their Sunday best. Have a great weekend! Go team!

  6. That's a genuinely beautiful journal page, Erika. Those paper dolls look different and I have TWO sets. Don't tell me they have come out with yet another set of these dolls (I can just hear you saying, OK, I won't tell you [grin]). I also like how you framed the page. It's wonderful.

    If you have art ready, and you want to schedule it, I would be more than happy to post it for you at AEDM over the weekend. I want to see photos of the rivalry when you get home, please. I love that you and your family (including your daughter's boyfriend) get together for this fun hockey battle every year.

  7. This would be beautiful on it's own but adding the boys brings it to a higher level. Brilliant.

  8. Gorgeous page! Have a FANTASTIC weekend with hockey, have fun! Hugs, Valerie

  9. This is definitely a lovely piece. Your new hockey tradition sounds fun!

  10. I love the vintage look to this. And I agree with that quote. I know it's almost a year away, but next Halloween (Oct 31, 2020) there will be a Blue Moon! (Second Full Moon in the same month.) I need to start planning some extraordinary artwork for that occasion. A Full Moon only falls on the same day every 19 years or so. So the next Halloween Full Moon won't be until 2039.

    It "warmed up" here in CT today. But the weekend is supposed to get cold again. I hope your outing to the border of Maine isn't too chilly. But then again, inside the hockey arena it will be cold. :-)

  11. A fabulous page Erika, the sentiments go so well with the page you created.
    I hope you have a lovely time with the family at the hockey match.
    Yvonne xx

  12. This is a wonderful page - those seedheads are just gorgeous - he needs to watch where he's leaning or he'll get a faceful of poppyseeds! Fabulous image with the squirrel perched in the boughs too, and a great pairing of words and pictures. So happy to see the stamps in action.
    Alison x

  13. I always enjoy your collage pages and this is one I really do love. The colours are fabulous that you have used in your background and I love that squirrel piece. The two Tim Holtz boys are just perfect for this page and I love how he is leaning against that seed head.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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