Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Warm Days in the Jungle

Hi everyone. I know I said I wouldn't be posting today but Elizabeth very kindly said she would post this, so as long as her schedule allows it, this will be up for day 16 of Art Every Day Month.
The hubby and I are heading into the northwoods of Maine today where we will meet up with my daughter and her beau for a hockey game tonight. I can't say the usual Go Blue since both teams are blue so I will say Go Maine!
And since today there is a second blast of arctic air coming in,I thought I would share something a little tropical with you. If I can't be warm I might as well dream that it is.
Thanks for visiting and enjoy the start of your weekend.



  1. When I saw the picture, I just thought perfect to think about on this 🥶 morning! Enjoy your trip and the game. Go Maine!

  2. Wonderful page, love all your birds living in harmony in the jungle. arm days seem far away now! Enjoy your weekend, have BIG fun, Hugs, Valerie

  3. I agree it's helpful to have some warm thoughts during these cold days. I hope your team has a great game!

  4. I fear I fell down on the job, Erika. For some reason, I thought the post would be up around midnight, so went to sleep about the time you posted this. It's later than I had hoped, but I did link it.

    Something tropical is truly something we need, since we are just finding our way out of the deep freeze, too. I love how you drew the birds, and Mahatma Gandhi sure knew what he was talking about.

  5. Good idea to think of warm things on a cold day! Brilliant. Love the one who's looking up to see what the two above are doing...maybe they sang a wrong note (or word) or their timing was out, he, he.
    Hope you're having a great time, but I'm sure you will, with family around you.
    Cath x

  6. Oh Erika, I love this!!! You should see me looking at your birds and that huge smile on my face!

  7. Annother lovely journal page Erika, I hope you are all enjoying yourselves.
    Yvonne xx

  8. This was a welcome art piece to see. It made me thing warm thoughts. Sometimes I wish I could hibernate like the bears and other animals do, so I could skip Winter. (But I would miss Christmas, so that wouldn't be so good.) I hope your team wins tonight. Stay warm in Maine. I'll be it's even colder there than your house or mine. Maine is a beautiful state.

  9. It's certainly warmed me up Erika, lovely tropical mix. The great big background leaves give a great effect. Hope you enjoyed your day & you were happy with the results. Stay warm now with those arctic winds. Hugs Tracey x

  10. Oh, look at the blue skies and the golden sunshine - I'm so envious of these happy birds! I've been suffering a horrible cold and hating the grey weather... this page has definitely cheered me up, and my favourite words too!!
    Alison x

  11. This is just gorgeous page, lovely quote.
    Have a nice week Erika!

  12. Tropical is always welcome -- especially in the winter!

    Have fun in Maine!

  13. I love birds in the jungle so I like this. :) _)

  14. Hope the hockey met up with your expectations - Maine won?
    Love this jungle page and can see the thinking behind it, I am sometimes tempted to do a bright orange page in the middle of winter just to make me feel all happy and warm.
    Fab birds!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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