Friday, November 1, 2019

A New Month Arrives

Happy November everyone. October has blown out here (actually literally blown out of here, the wind is crazy right now) and after a week of rain, they say we shall see the sun soon. But our temperatures are also dropping off, and it is going to feel more like November.
Good thing it is November.
We start the new quarter at school today too.
And those leaves are coming down.

Time to rake.
Even the cover of my autumn board book looks like it needs to be raked.
And just a reminder our latest challenge at Try It On Tuesday is the Colors of Autumn.
And I think I'll see if I can manage Art Every Day, the November challenge.

Happy Friday, Happy November, and have a great start to your weekend.


  1. Beautiful to see all those leaves Erika, even with the wetness surrounding it always gives me a warm hug to see and your Autumn cover is fabulous.
    My Daughter is currently in California, not near the wildfires but tells me each day that the winds are very fierce.
    Enjoy the term, it always used to be my favourite at school.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  2. Oh look - lots of lovely leaf-shushling opportunities there. I'm looking forward to having some woods to walk through after my move rather than the busy road I'm stuck with at present. The cover of your board book is just beautiful, capturing that autumnal abundance of colour just perfectly. I love Octobers, but I'm not so sure about Novembers (it's all gone grey again here at the moment) - but I hope you have a great month whatever the weather.
    Alison x

  3. You just can't go wrong with gorgeous Autumn leaves, Erika - beautiful. Your photos of the wild are beautiful... you're surrounded by such beautiful countryside. Love your dogs:-) But I'm so pleased I no longer have to rake...I didn't enjoy that thankless task at all. Hope your second quarter starts well... Happy November!
    Cath x

  4. Yes, autumn has arrived and the leaves are falling fast, here too. The first of November dawned grey, damp and cold, typical November! Love the cheery autumn board. Have a great day, in spite of the weather. It's a bank holiday here for All Saints Day. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Rabbit, rabbit. White rabbit. Looks like your Halloween was wet and wild like here. Though I did love the 70 degrees. We lost electricity for a little bit last night, did you? Most of the leaves are down, but a few of the oaks are still hanging on. Just like the cover of your beautiful journal. Too wet to rake the leaves. Have a good day!

  6. I have a feeling we lost a lot of leaves in last night's wind and snow. UGH. Not ready!

  7. Happy November Erika! So nice to see all the fall leaves on your walk and your page is so beautiful too 😀. I love the squirrel on the tag I think he has his eye on those acorns 😉. Wishing you a happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  8. These are beautiful photos that blend right into your art. Happy November.

  9. Same here, colder and wet. But only one dog, love that photo!

  10. Fantastic autumn photos! My favourite is this with the dogs :)
    Your cover of the autumn board book looks wonderful! I like the colors and the details!
    Wish you a happy weekend! Hugs-Rike

  11. Oddly enough, your weather sounds a lot like ours down here in Memphis. So much rain, and we got freezing temps last night! It's sunny today, but I'm not getting out and doing any raking lol I love your leaf photos. Your Autumn colors and leaves in your art makes me feel about November like your quote feels about Octobers :)

  12. Beautiful Autumn photos Erika, and your book cover is gorgeous too!
    Happy November,
    Alison xx

  13. Love your fall photos and your journal page.

  14. A beautifu; autumn page Erika. The autumn leaves have been lovely this year, I like to hear the crunch as we walk through them, but when when they can be really slippery to walk on. Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Playing catch up here. I was SO glad to see you had joined AEDM again this year. It's awesome to have a few friends I know join me in this challenge. I'm loving your autumn leaves, and how you portrayed them, too. SO glad we are both in AEDM again this year, dear Erika.

  16. A super page. Lovely leaves.
    Fantastic photos.
    We already have snow here in Finland.
    Happy November !

  17. I love how Autumn inspired your work! Lovely!

  18. Yes our Autumn leaves are falling quite quickly now.
    Lovely to see your photographs.
    Happy November wishes.

    All the best Jan


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