Saturday, November 2, 2019

New and Old

Hi everyone. Hope your weekend is off to a good start.
Today I am going to share something old and something new with you.
Let me start with something old for  Second on the Second  over at Beubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
 This piece is from November of 2016. You can see the whole post here: Steampunkish.
 I just can't believe it is November 2019 already. Since time is flying I picked a time piece for Second on the Second
And last night I went through some of the journals I've been working in lately, and I came across this page that works for Rike's challenge for  this month at Art Journal Journey. This month it's all about fruits and veggies.
This is my new art for this post.
Here's a page from my  big journal. It is very cold this morning and I do have a little wish it was a little warmer.
And I am also linking up to Art Everyday Month
Thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Lovely artwork. I always enjoy seeing vintage images. We went from 70 F and rainy on Halloween to 34 F this morning. Ugh. But this is actually normal. The 70 F was unusual. I hope you had a nice Halloween. I came down with a head cold, so I've been sick the past few days. :-(

  2. Good morning, I loved your two second on the 2nd pages-great choices and I don't remember seeing them Hope it warms up a bit today for you-we have allot of sunshine here and 50's so pretty nice Happy second on the 2nd hugs Kathy

  3. Beautiful 2nd on the 2nd piece and I like the journal page with veggies, too - great idea. Have a great weekend, keep warm! Hugs, Valerie

  4. I actually don't remember your second look this month, Erika, and I feel bad, because I "knew" you back then. I'm actually glad you shared this as your second look so I could see it for the first time. It's a great journal page and a real beauty in the steampunk way.

    Gosh, I have some old veggie packs and have commpletely forgotten about them. I'm so glad you made this journal page for Art Journal Journey, and now it gives ME a remiinder I have some of those packages I can use fo Rike's theme. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey and hanks for joining me with your second look on the 2nd, too, dear.

  5. Your Second on the Second piece is gorgeous! Yes, time is flying!
    I am just happy about your Artjournal page, because I found so many different veggies on this interesting background, amazing! I also like these crocheted flowers!
    Thank you for your beautiful entry to my theme at AJJ!
    Wish you a nice weekend!
    Big Hugs, Rike

  6. Yum! Lots of scrummy veggies...I love them :-)
    Great post, Erika. Love your second on the second, too ;-)
    Cath x

  7. I love your old and new art Erika! Both is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing both pieces withus and thank xou for yet another wonderful entry for AJJ!
    Happy weekend!
    Susi xxx

  8. Old and New art. I love seeing both. I am very drawn to steampunk art and this piece is amazing. Your fruit and veggies is perfect for the challenge. Have a very nice Saturday.

  9. I’ve always loved steampunk. This page brings it out...very nice!

  10. Fun pages. I really like the faucet with the newspaper text. Clever. Your fruits and veggie page makes me want to hang onto Summer just a little longer. Enjoy the weekend.

  11. These pages are gorgeous Erika! I do love a bit of Steampunk!
    Alison xx

  12. Fabulous art pages Erika, I loved the new one as well as the one you gave us a second look at.
    Yonne xx

  13. Very effective and useful article.
    I was finding a professional photoshop service provider but after seeing your post I can remove background easily.

  14. i like this journalart with veggies!!!
    steampunk is very nice!
    Happy evening

  15. That's an amazing 2nd on the 2nd. I wasn't a regular here so much back then, so it's great to see all the colour and textures going on in such an exciting page. Love your fruit and vegetables too - the seed packets are delightful. Maybe that's the way for me to go if I can track down some vintage seed packets - I'm a bit stumped at the moment for the theme... but I'm sure light will dawn at some point during the month!
    Alison x

  16. Hi Erika such beautiful work my friend,my mum was a lover of steam punk also ,well done my friend xx

  17. Can someone tell me why they put all the "every day" things or deadline things in November? Does the world think nothing else happens? Art Everyday Month. NaNoWriMo for writers (write a 50,000 word book in November). That said, I love your work, as always!

  18. Just perfect for the fruits and veggies theme :)

    All the best Jan

  19. I love your 2nd on the 2nd piece. I didn't see it the first time around.Yummy background and the quote is great.

    Your veggie journal page is very fun with so much going on.

    Eileen xx


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