Monday, November 18, 2019

Drawing Journal

Hi everyone.The new week begins.
And I shall start my week by showing you my daily drawing journal. I've been keeping this all year, but since my drawing skills are not going to impress anyone, I haven't bother to show you any of my amateur pages.
So today I will. But first quickly  tell you about my journal.
My "rules":
I do pages when I have time, and it is OK to do back pages if I don't get to them for a couple of days.
It is also OK to leave pages blank.
I don't have to draw on every page.
I can talk about my day or I can try to draw something I want to draw.
I can also tape in tickets or other paraphernalia.
And some pages are just for me to keep track of my life, like when a bill is due or other events I need to keep straight.
But the biggest rule,
I don't spend a lot of time on these.  The point is to make this easy so I will actually use it.
Here's a few pages from the last few weeks.

I am linking up to Day 18 of Art Everyday Month.
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. What a great idea, Erika - surprised you have the time, lol. But it's a great way of keeping a journal, free and easy. I'm impressed :-)
    Cath x

  2. Lovely journal pages and they will be a great reminder of what you were up to in future years. Hugs, Valerie

  3. These are so fun. That's the same approach I use for Inktober. I don't spend a lot of time on the drawings. The idea is just to have fun. Take it easy out there this morning.

  4. Those leaves are _moving_ on the page! Showing movement in a drawing is such a difficult thing, and you've pegged it here. I love seasonal changes, and the sounds and feel of the crisp wind blowing the leaves is one of my favorite things about this season :)

  5. my favorite is the first one with fallen leaves :) It´s beautiful

  6. I was by this morning and for some reason, didn't leave a comment. I'm not getting alzheimers, but am under an immense amount of stress at the moment. Your daily calendar looks SOOOOOOO much better than mine. I use stickers and labels. You DRAW. Great job, even if you aren't as convinced as I.

  7. I love this -- and it's a reminder I need to be more disciplined in daily practice.

  8. I'm so impressed by your "just do it" attitude to art. These pages are a great reminder of the sort of thing we do but easily forget about later.
    I'm inspired and I now know what I'm going to do for my next art pieces, thanks

  9. Love the idea of the rules for your journal - not restrictive at all but encouraging. Nothing worse than feeling obliged to keep up with something. Love this free and easy approach - something I might adopt at some time in the future.
    Thanks for all the inspirational pages.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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