Tuesday, November 19, 2019

T Stands for Ice Hockey

Happy Tuesday everyone. 
It is time for T again, and today we are going north on a road trip to chilly Orono, Maine.
But first I need to pack my hockey jersey.
It's time for the Border War to continue. The University of Maine hockey team is playing the University of New Hampshire in men's ice hockey.
A quick background story: Back in 1999 these 2 teams were playing for the National Championship in Division 1 Men's Ice Hockey. At the end of playing time the teams were tied, but since they can only give out one  national championship, the game went into overtime. The first team to score would win. And Maine was the first to score, making them the National Champions, and denying New Hampshire their first ever trophy.
And for those of you not familiar with US geography, Maine and New Hampshire are 2 states next to each other.
Well that game has yet to be forgotten, and hence, the Border War began.
Since then, each year,they alternate where the game is being played, and this year it was being played in Maine, my university alma mater.
And my daughter and her beau both graduated from the University of New Hampshire.
We started having some fun family rivalry and going to these games together a few years ago.
But, before the game starts at 7 PM, let's go have some dinner.
I know not all of you drink beer, but we split a pitcher of red ale. The restaurant was crowded and loud before the game, so I couldn't hear the name of the brewery when the waitress told us and I was seated where I couldn't read the menu board. (sad face)
 But this is my drink for T day. And it was tasty.
And while we waited for dinner, we had a bowl of popcorn. Don't you love how they recycle some type of plastic tub as popcorn bowls?  
This pizza place opened in the late 1950's, and I bet they haven't changed much except for adding the TVs. But for those of us who graduated decades ago, being back at a place that has stayed the same feels good in  nostalgic way.
And dinner was pizza. I ate quite a few of these during my 4 years at school. 
While writing this post, I want another slice or 2 of this. But it is dinner time for me.
Then it was off to the game.
 This game always fills the arena.

 It was an exciting game. At the end the second period (there are 3, 20 minute periods in these hockey games), the University of New Hampshire scored.  Most of the third period this 1-0 score  held, and when they announced the last minute of play, it looked like New Hampshire would win.
But then, with 50 seconds left in the game, Maine scored. Now there was a tie.
 In non-championship games, there is a 5 minute overtime. The first team to score wins. If no one scores, the game ends as a tie.
Now everyone was sitting on the edge of their seats, as the cliche goes.
When Maine scored in the last 50 seconds, the crowd went wild. The arena got loud.
That energy kept the team going and hurrah- a little over 2 minutes into overtime Maine scored again.
That meant Maine won!
I think the newspaper quote from Maine's coach sums it all up nicely.
"The Alfond (arena name) was absolutely electric when we scored the the game-tying and the game-winning goal. It was deafening. In fact, it was so loud I couldn't hear the band. I couldn't distinguish music from the rest of the noise. That's not easy to do. It was loud."
And should you feel bad for my daughter and her beau as they rooted for the other side and were surrounded by a lot of crazy Maine fans, last year in New Hampshire their team won, and it is all just good fun. And beyond the end results, it is always good hockey in these games.
Stop by   Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog  to join us for T Day and to see what everyone has been up to.
Also, I am linking up to Art Everyday Month, day 18.

Have a great week and thanks for visiting.


  1. That pizza looks beyond delicious! I'm craving a slice of it now. Good natured rivalries are fun. I'm glad your team won. Here in Connecticut, there's an invisible dividing line between New York fans and Massachusetts fans for sports like baseball and football, and we view the opposing teams as our arch nemesis rivals. I'm in the New York camp, so I root for the Mets and Yankees, and view the Boston Red Sox as arch rivals. The same is true for the Jets and Giants, with the New England Patriots being the arch rivals. Although when it comes to the playoffs, if my teams aren't in it, but the "other local" Massachusetts teams are, I'll root for them to win. :-) Happy T-Day!

  2. That must have been some game. Glad your team won and you get bragging rights until next year. I haven't had breakfast yet so that pizza looks good. I'll skip the beer as I'm not a fan. Have a Happy T Day and be care out there today.

  3. what an exciting game to be a part of- and what an ending to boot!! That pizza looks really good. We have a few older places too that we went to years ago. It is nostalgic isn't it...
    Glad you all enjoyed in the fun despite being on different sides:) Happy T day!

  4. Glad your side won, and even gladder that all enjoyed the splendid evening and all that fun. Your food looks great, lucky I just ate or I would be craving some! I've never heard of red ale, so good that you enjoyed it. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Good morning, I really enjoyed today's post-I could feel the energy.
    I got into watching pro hockey last year-following the St louis Blues I have not watched football for several years now do to the disrespect of flag and country by the players and Hubs knows I enjoy watching sports (he does not) so he suggested hockey.
    sounds like such a very fun family event for all of you. Happy T Kathy

  6. Sounds as if you had a lot of fun and excitement, Erika - good to have a friendly rivalry. Beer and pizza sounds like a perfect meal on a cold day! That was once my younger son's daily diet, or almost ;-)
    Hvae a grfeat day.
    Cath x

  7. Wow, the end of the match sounds electrifying! Glad your team won this time too and oh how I would love to join you for a slice or two of that pizza - yum 😉. Of course a beer would be very welcome too ...lol 😉. I hope your having a lovely week and sending you Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  8. I must admit, I never saw a real ice-hockey-game, even though I think Wolfsburg has or had a team!
    But, brrrrr....
    Popcorn and beer, though, yupp, yum! And that pizza! You have me drooling here! Oh, help!
    Great you all could enjoy the game together! It´s like American Football over here, a friendly atmoshere, always!
    Happy T-Day :-)
    (Darn, that pizza looks good!)

  9. "Border War" lol! I got a kick out of that. Your popcorn would come in handy as I watch these impeachment hearings ;) and your pizza looks delicious. Ice hockey isn't a "thing" down here, but it sounds exciting :) Happy T Tuesday!

  10. I always enjoy it when you take us to that rival match. It's such good fun, too. I have a feeling those of us who live in the states pretty much know where NH is now due to it being in the political news so much these days. But back to the game. I'm glad you were excited to go into overtime. Our basketball team plays in a stadium where the crowd is the 6th man (five on the court and the fans in the seats). This can change a team's energy in no time.

    Looks like you had a great meal. I'd love to have pizza. It's been so long since I've eaten a pizza, I can't remember when the last time was. And your ale looks good, too, just not my drink of choice. Give me a stout, please.

    Thanks for sharing your rivalry hockey game and your pizza and beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

    To reply to your comment about helping me, if you could give me two extra hours in a day, that would greatly help (grin).

  11. Oh that must have been really exciting with scores at the last possible minute Thank you for explaining the game clearly for us Europeans.
    On top of that, you got some really fun family time with your daughter and her beau.
    The beer and the pizza look really yummy, and the restaurante looks fun. It must be great to go back to a place you remember from your student years.
    Happy T-Day,

  12. Nothing like a good family rivalry to liven up a conversation! This looks like loads of fun (and tasty too!) I love that you can enjoy this with your daughter and her beau!

  13. Hi Erika wow what a great game ,nothing like the atmosphere when you are there watching the game,glad you enjoyed it my friend xx

  14. A super post Erika, it seems like you all had a great day at the game. Its always a shame when one team has to loose after a close game no matter which sport is being supported. I'm sure your daughter and her beau will be thinking already about aa return match in the future.
    Happy T day wishes Erika, the pizza looked delicious.
    Yvonne xx.

  15. Thanks for the visit to the game and your great description of it and the food and drink. The pizza does look tasty.
    Looks like you had a terrific time.

  16. Hockey ien´t really my kind of sport. So, hard to comment on it :)

  17. A great post Erika, I enjoyed reading about the hockey match, sounds fun and exciting. It's good that the rivalry is friendly, unlike at some football games in various countries.
    Your pizza and beer sounds good and a perfect meal on a cold evening.
    Avril xx

  18. It’s always fun to read your posts about the annual hockey game between these 2 universities. And glad that your team came out the winner this year. And, that pizza and beer did look good and popcorn served any way is always a favorite of mine.

  19. What fun, Erika. Yay for your team! I love nostalgic places too.

    Belated Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  20. What fun events! And all the food looks good. Sorry to be late. Happy T Day!


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