Saturday, November 30, 2019

Hello Saturday

Hi everyone.  It's been a busy last couple of days. Other than laryngitis, my cold is now on the mend. Thanksgiving was also nice, and now it is the weekend. And the end of November.
Where did November vanish to?
Here's one last piece for Art Everday Month. It's been fun, even if I missed a couple of days, I am still happy with all the work I've created.
So today's art is made with a bunch of bits and pieces, starting with my background which is a leftover page from September. Then I added lots of bits and pieces laying around on my table to finish off he page.
Finally I added a couple of TH folks and a stamped quote, and there you have it. 
And so this page also works for Moo Mania and their latest challenge: Use Your Scraps. It's always good to clean off the work table a bit!
Hope everyone has a super weekend.
And thanks for visiting.


  1. Tell that deer on your page to stop wishing for snow. Sounds like you might not have school on Monday and maybe Tuesday. Stay warm!

  2. Beautiful. A background of the page are fantastic

  3. Yay! We did it - and you did well! Being ill doesn't count ;-)
    This is a great page, especially if made from scraps. Love the bright colours against the black/grey and the choice of figures. That's a great quote, too!
    I'll miss seeing everyone every day, but I know I'll be seeing you, Erika - thankfully :-)
    Happy weekend!
    Cath x

  4. Gorgeous page, love all the bright colours, just right for cold November. this month certainly went by very quickly. Hope you are soon feeling 100% well again. Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  5. A fabulous page Erika! I love all of the circles in the background. xx

  6. Yes it is the last day for AEDM. I have enjoyed your art very much and am impressed with how you create. This is a powerful piece of art as is most of your art. Bold and powerful. Have a fabulous weekend.

  7. It does feel like November flew by, doesn't it! I'm glad you're feeling better and hope the laryngitis is gone in time for carol-singing :)

  8. Erika this is just so beautiful! Gorgeous!
    Happy weekend!
    Thank you for joining Moo Mania & More!
    Big hugs, Susi

  9. A super page to use up some bits and pieces. The piles seem to get higher these days. I love how you are adding the TH figures to the pages as well.
    I'm pleased you are feeling a bit better and that you had a good Thanksgiving.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Good to hear you are on the mend Erika and also that you enjoyed Thanksgiving, I hope you was able to put your feet up during the day.
    Nice to see some of those bits and pieces brought to life in this super page, the background is fabulous and such a super sentiment to compliment the image. Enjoy the rest of the weekend & i'll catch up with you in December ;)
    Creative Hugs Tracey xx

  11. I was really worried about you. Seems you had a horrible time this month and the cold didn't help. Glad you are on the mend. You made a gorgeous art journal page for this final day of AEDM. It's beautiful, colorful, well designed, and uses many items that I wouldn't have considered but that worked so well together. Hope you can rest and catch your breath after your bout with the cold. Have a super Sunday, dear.

  12. this is a cool piece. :) It had been nice o see your work this past month. :)

    Glad to learn your cold is finally giving in and you are better :)

  13. So glad you are on the mend, Erika. Just think, in another month or two, retirement! This piece is really lovely. Keep on getting better!


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