Sunday, December 1, 2019

Hello December

Happy December everyone. Month12 of!
Happy end of the weekend too. This long Thanksgiving one here in the US has gone very very fast, even with me being sick. Ugh. (My laryngitis has disappeared but the cold has now moved into my upper chest.) Good thing it looks like I shall get another day to relax tomorrow as we are expecting a very big snow. Let's see if all the hype actually proves to be true.

 I want to send a big welcome to Yvonne for joining Bleubeard and Elizabeth as the new hostess at Art Journal Journey. She is also hostess this month with the fun new challenge  'Words and Numbers" , and I happen to have this page made awhile back which I think works great.
Hieroglyphics are words and probably numbers too in ancient Egypt and you can see those I stenciled all over the background. Then I added 2 stenciled Anubis gods, as well as 3 heads of I think Nefertiti, which are stamped, colored and cut out. I am not an ancient Egypt expert by any way shape or form so if I am off on any of these, please correct me.
I am hoping by tomorrow I shall feel ambitious enough to get back into the studio for some play. I've spent the last couple of days doing a bit of holiday decorating, some online shopping and watching Star Wars and Madmen on TV.  I think today we are going to dash out and see if we can get our Christmas tree before the ground  gets covered in snow.
I hope the rest of your weekend is also going well. 
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Happy Meteorological Winter! Our predicted high is 40 today, which is colder than usual but nothing like what you're getting. Snow! Wow!

  2. Gorgeous page, I always love everything Egyptian. Hope you are soon fit and well again. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Wonderful page with ancient Egypt image material. Nice layout.
    Happy December ❤️

  4. Fun page. I like the eyes. Hope you find your Christmas tree before the snow flies. I think you'll have tomorrow and Tuesday off. Rest up and feel better.

  5. It works beautifully, Erika - a fab page. I was really into Egyptian stamps at one time... wonder where they are?
    Sorry your bug has moved into your chest - yuk! Hope it clears soon...without much distress. Hope you don't get snow, though you must be used to it with the cold winters you seem to get. It would be nice to have an extra day to recuperate, though ;_0
    It's very cold here and has been all day, despite the beautiful sunshine. The frost from yesterday is still covering the ground.
    Get well soon!
    Cath x

  6. This page is gorgeous Erika!I love all this layers ...super! I hope you feel so much better meanwhile, take good care of you! Here it turned very cold since yesterday and I think we also will get snow soon.
    Winter is not my season but I think already of next spring and put this thoughts in my heart for the cold days!!
    Big hugs,


  7. I love your take on the new AJJ theme Erika. Egyptian hieroglyphics are a fantastic background for your page. History recorded this way teaches us so much about these remarkable people and the discoveries made, to understand what they are telling us all these thousands of years later.
    I hope you have had a better day today and are feeling a bit better.
    Stay safe if the snow comes your way.
    Yvonne xx

  8. I hope you are feeling better, dear Erika. I know how being sick can really zap the energy from you.I just purchased a couple of books on Egypt and was thinking about doing hieroglyphics. Great minds, I think. I absolutely LOVE this, dear.

  9. What was I thinking? I wasn't, obviously. Thank you for this first entry this month at Art Journal Journey. It was so fun to look at it, I completely forgot where I was!!!

  10. Hi Erika wow great journal page its stunning,well done my friend xx

  11. wonderful page, a beautiful idea of the design of Egypt. Nice that you can shop for the Christmas decoration before the snow comes.
    Hugs Elke

  12. I was wondering if you might get a snow day! Stay cozy and keep getting well!

  13. Fantastic page Erika!
    Hope you're feeling better today.
    Alison xx

  14. This looks like a wonderful piece of papyrus, the hieroglyphics in the background are perfect with the images.
    Sorry you're still not feeling well, hope it doesn't last too much longer and you don't get as much snow as they're predicting.
    Avril xx

  15. Hope you are feeling better in the meantime!
    Your Egypt page is wonderful with all these details and this background is gorgeous!
    Wish you a happy day!

  16. It seems a long time since I used my Egyptian stamps. I used them a lot way back and my dil loves anything to do with Egypt so they came in handy for her cards etc.
    You have made a stunning page for the new challenge, love the various colours you have used - it looks so rich and opulent.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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