Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday, T Day and More

Happy new week everyone. 
I love this week. Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday. I love having the long holiday weekend, all the yummy food, fun family time and then still lots of weekend for fun after the holiday . Plus a little Black Friday shopping, but no, I don't go stand in line or shop on Thanksgiving itself. 
Anyhow, you get the drift, it is usually an enjoyable weekend.
Wishing all you T Gang ladies who celebrate Thanksgiving a very happy holiday since I don't "see" many of you until the next T day.

In today's post I have some art to share as well as an early T day post. 
Let me start with some art.
Yesterday I had lots of afternoon art time, and I created a kitty tag for the Cat challenge at Tag Tuesday.

I had this TH stamped kitty sitting on my work table. I bought this stamp set a long time ago and discovered that I had never used it, so it was time to make something. I also had the fun fish and shrimp paper piece sitting on my work table as it was the backing in a package of stickers I bought a while back. It was way to cool a piece of paper to throw out.
I thought the cat and paper worked together since cats like fish. So I created the tag background and attached the kitty. Then I dressed him up with a die cut hat and bow tie. There was the little round red circle already on the fish paper, so I added a few others as well as a few other details to finish off my tag.

I am also linking up to Art Everyday Month, Day 25.

And this week for T Day I am taking you back to my hockey game weekend. Last Tuesday I shared our pizza dinner before the game, and today I am going to share my Sunday morning breakfast.
This trip we decided to have a sit down breakfast before driving home (rather than getting a bagel or something of the like and eating while driving). We went to a restaurant that we used to occasionally eat at back in our university days. 
 I've always enjoyed this funny statue outside the front door.
It's been there for a long time.
The hardest part eating here is that to enter the restaurant you have to pass through their bakery.

It always makes me even more hungry than I already am.
 On Sunday's they have their breakfast buffet, which isn't too bad. So that's what I had.
I even had a couple of small sweets from their bakery. Yummy!
The buffet was crowded as this is a popular place to eat so I didn't take any photos there, but they had everything from eggs, pancakes, waffles, French toast and other assorted breakfast items.
I am not a coffee drinker, so I went for a breakfast soda but my husband had coffee.
That's my ticket for T this week.
Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what the ladies of the T Gang have been up to. And we'd love to have you join us too.

Wishing you all a great day.
And thanks so much for visiting my blog.


  1. LOVE the kitty tag, and the fun and fishy background. Fish was always my Kitty's fave food! Glad you have a good week to look forward to, with lots of good things happening. Your Hockey weekend, was great, love the variety of food and snacks and sweet treats they have on offer. Happy T Day, enjoy your week, hugs, Valerie

  2. The kitty tag is so fun and he looks so dapper in his top hat. I also like the way his tail hangs off the tag. The cat on your tag and the Governor's dude look like they belong together! I love the slogan on the bakery case. Eating dessert first since 1959. Made me laugh. Your breakfast looks yummy. Enjoy the short week at school and then the holiday weekend.

  3. Very clever to have you pass through the bakery... that would make anyone hungry! Love that statue. I also love your tag - filled with fun and using the things you have on hand. Dressing up your kitty was a good idea, too. I just noticed I have some smaller TH cats that I've never used, either. Maybe I should join the tag challenge, lol. I have a few of them now...
    Have a great week!
    Cath x

  4. Great tag Erika!
    Hope you have a good week.
    Alison x

  5. "Breakfast First" sounds like an excellent idea :) It looks like the buffet was the right choice! Yummm.

    Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year. I hope your week is enjoyable :) Happy T day.

  6. have to say, I love this red kitty :) So cool!

  7. Love your art for the challenge, but then it's a cat! What's not to love?!

    And oh, can I go to the bakery with you? I'm on liquid diet and go-litely today and those baked goods are making my mouth water!

  8. I saw your art and a big smile came across my face. This is happy art. Nice place to eat, Wish we had one here.

  9. The breakfast looks a good way to start the day and end a good weekend away with the family, lots of delicious things to see on your plate as well.
    The bakery counter would have been hard for me to pass by as well.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. forgot to say I loved you kitty tag and the fishy background.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Oh, my goodness! I love that TH kitty! So funny, and great project. And the Governor is unique kind of guy for the Governor's restaurant, and the food all looks delicious.
    Just a note.... Elizabeth wanted me to tell all of you that she is having problems with her computer after a recent power outage, and it might be a day or so before she can get by.
    Happy T Day!

  11. I really love your cat tag too.
    Your hockey weekend with family sounds like it was so much fun. That must have been neat to go back to a restaurant from your college days. Food looks good-I always love it when the buffets have fresh fruits.
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving week-weekend and Happy T hugs Kathy

  12. I love your cat tag, Erika. The kitty stamp in top hat is awesome. That statue reminds m of someone - Jackie Gleason maybe. Fun restaurant.

    Happy Thanksgiving and Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  13. such a fun - and patriotic cat tag! Fun hockey game weekend with lots of good hearty food too. Buffets do have such a great variety don't they... happy T day, and a happy Thanksgiving too!

  14. I think your Thanksgiving is a wonderful tradition!
    Beautiful card, the cat must be in food-heaven :-) And properly dressed, too.
    The games are in the morning? Here, footy starts at 3 p.m. - if we are lucky! Usually 6 p.m. - morning would be better indeed!

    :-) Well, those sweets I could pass easily!
    But coffee, sadly same here. I know it is healthy but... ewww.
    A happy T-day to you!

  15. I love the cta tag and I would love to be in that bakery!!! Sounds like a super weekend with the hockey game and family!

    Happy T-Day Erika!

  16. I love the cat you used on your tag, which looks great. Governor's looks like a nice place to have a sit down breakfast. I agree that those desserts are tempting, more so when placed where you enter. Happy T-Day and Happy Thanksgiving! Stay warm! It looks like the overnight temperatures will be dropping below freezing.

  17. Happy Thanksgiving! It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time with your family, what an exciting week 😁. Such a fun tag, I'm loving the fish design paper. The bakery looks wonderful too! Wishing you a very happy T Day and enjoy your Thanksgiving celebrations! Hugs, Jo x

  18. A adorable tag. I haven't seen that kitty stamp but it is rather cute. I love that little scrap of scrimp paper that you used. It goes so well.
    A very yummy looking collection of foods. That bakery would certainly be a temptation for me.
    Happy Tea Day,

  19. What can I say, other than I realize I'm very late visiting.

    I adore the tag. It's fun and the boys each give it two paws up. Me, too!

    What a fun place to stop for Sunday breakfast. That buffet looks SO yummy and now I'm hungry.

    Thanks for sharing your tag and breakfast, including your soda and coffee with us for T this Tuesday, which is now Wednesday.

  20. Your kitty looks very sassy in the outfit you made. I love that little sticker about rinsing milk bottles. I remember doing that, and the times that I forgot the bottle would smell to high heaven, so I tried not to forget. In the end bottled milk brought to the doorstep by the milkman became too expensive and we started to get our milk in the supermarket.
    That bakery display looks so yummy. I know what you mean. I am getting hungry just looking at it!
    The breakfast buffet sounds great. I assume it is similar to the breakfast buffet we had at the hotel last weekend.
    I must say you have been very good and yours looks like a very healthy breakfast.
    Happy T-Day (belated),

  21. I love your smartly dressed cat - great colour choice! Governors looks like a great place for breakfast! We don't often have breakfast out but are hoping to visit a newly refurbished Garden Centre restaurant one morning!Hugs, Chrisx

  22. Great post … I love the kitty tag :)

    All the best Jan

  23. Love your red kitty in his top hat - what a delightful tag.
    That is a super figure standing outside the restaurant and what a shame you have to walk through the bakery - temptation at its best!
    Looks as if you chose a great breakfast - yum yum!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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