Sunday, November 24, 2019

Ready for Winter

Hi everyone. It is a damp grey Sunday morning here. Not as exciting as yesterday's sunshine but a rainy Sunday does make for a nice relaxing day. (And a good excuse to go into the studio too.)

Yesterday the sun was out and I did get outside a bit (hurrah), and I also took some pictures. The birds were happily eating the seeds and suet at the bird feeders, and talking to themselves, and to me also, since I was out there with them. Nice to hear the chickadees and nuthatches and titmice singing away.
 Nature's plant life has certainly prepared itself for winter however. 
 Can you see next spring's buds formed on the tree?
That means there is hope of spring, eventually.
(Hard to get the photos with my phone, it doesn't have great close up focusing.)
 I trimmed back all the roses. I haven't done that before so hopefully I did it correctly.
 This guy was giant and really needed some major pruning.
Hard to believe there was green and flowers here not long ago.  I never did get the tall dead stems cut back. Or at least not yet.
And I did rake not once but twice, but when the last of the oak leaves came down they of course blew back into the gardens.
 And my hydrangea once again gives me a fabulous source of photos. What is it about dead leaves and blossoms that is so fascinating?

This is my link to day 24 at Art Everyday Month.
One week left. I am starting to lose my steam  but will keep pushing on, although I have to admit you may lose me early next weekend with the Thanksgiving break. 

Wishing you all a great rest of your weekend, whatever time is left to that, and once again, thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Today is a good day to art. That's what i'm doing. Yup, trees bare, and the hydrangea frozen over. At least it's raining and not snow. Enjoy your day.

  2. Hello Erika, I enjoyed seeing your end-of-season garden with the dead leaves and tall stems and fallen leaves, so like our garden which we will leave till Spring. I must go out and look for Spring buds as I didn't think they would come this early.
    And I also love to hear the birds chattering among themselves.

  3. Gorgeous photos, Erika. Leaves and bare trees are so gorgeous. In my experience, shrubs grow back no matter how much you hack them. I haven't a clue what I'm doing - I just keep cutting until I'm happy, lol. I've only ever killed one plant and that was a clematis, which shouldn't have been cut - oops! There's a beauty in dead foliage, though. Took me a while to realise that US chickadeess are our blue tits - I think - unless it's the titmouse? Bluetits and great tits are regulars around here, with the occasional long tailed tit and willow tit. I love the way they move.
    Happy Sunday!
    Cath x

  4. Wonderful pics, I love the morbid beauty of the leaves, bare branches and dead flowers, wonderful captures. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, it's already bedtime here. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Had to laugh, Erika. I lost steam about the start of week two when my blogging world fell out from under me. I've sort of been on autopilot since then.

    You got a lot done yesterday. I wish I had the umph to do something similar. I don't even want to make art.

    On a personal note, I have always pruned my roses in very early spring, right around the last frost. My horticultural friend told me to do it that way and I have now for several years. If your roses bloom great next year, continue doing what you did. If you get fewer blooms next year, consider waiting till spring of 2021 before pruning them again. It's the only thing I've ever known to get cut back in spring, while everything else gets cut back in autumn or late summer.

    Hope all is well in your world, dear.

  6. I think you must have been busy this weekend in your garden The photos look lovely and I like to see the dried and crunchy leaves still hanging on to the plant and tree stems, its as if they don't want to let go for winter.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Loved the photos-you got some great images-

  8. Today certainly was a dreary day with all that rain and when will it stop, maybe when it snows? Dried leaves and flowers always do provide some great images. Yard work is never done.

  9. beautiful! For some reason I very much like dry leaves. Not sure why. :)

  10. I haven't seen chickadees and nuthatches and titmice in so long I've forgotten when! You have a wonderful variety :) We're having sunshine yesterday and today but expecting the rain's return tomorrow with the possibility of thunderstorms. It does make for a cozy feeling inside with a cup of something hot to drink :)

  11. These few weather-nice late November days have been a blessing for the last of the clean up. Looks like you have it well under control!

  12. Amazing photos Erika!! You have been busy!!!

  13. Such great photographs here.

    All the best Jan


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