Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Nothing Special Today

Happy Wednesday and Day 6 at Art Every Day Month. My art isn't very exciting today as I didn't finish what I was working on yesterday, but here's some views of what I did create.

You'll just have to wait and see what it ends up being. I know right now it doesn't look like much.
And a  couple of photos from of late.
Since we changed the clocks the other day, this is what I come home too. And it isn't even 5 o'clock.
And this might be you also because I also know a lot of you have the same thing.  Winter is really on its way, isn't it?

 And our mornings have been pretty chilly.
 And yesterday I stopped at Trader Joe's and I was excited to discover this Doggie Advent Calendar.
There's a treat a day for the month of December. Of course I had to buy 2 because I have 2 dogs, and a bag of treats would have been a little less cash. But I shall have fun opening each day's door. (But not eating the treat-ha-ha).
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Love your advent calendar, Erika...what a great idea. I know a few people who would love that. My Grandaughter has around 3 each year...crazy!
    I don't like this time of year, either, when the days shorten so drastically and there's very little light after 4pm..which will soon be 3pm! Getting up in the dark just isn't the same.
    Your art looks intriguing, especially your windows.
    Have a great day!
    Cath x

  2. Love that doggy calendar, have fun with your furkids opening it. Yes, winter is well and truly on the way, I am not a fan of the long dark evenings. Your art is intriguing, looks like there's a Christmas house in the making? Hugs, Valerie

  3. So depressing that it's dark by 5 pm and I don't even want to think about snow. The doggy advent calendar is cute. Lucky dogs!

  4. My interest is peaked on what your art is going to be. Tomorrow? There are 17 states that have passed bills to do away with DST. My state of OR. is one of them. I think by next year we will not be changing our time. I don't know any one in any state that like "falling back"

  5. Love the doggy calendar, and your art looks intriguing!
    Alison xx

  6. It gets dark so _early_ :( 28 degrees?! We haven't even reached a low that low yet, though they're predicting a low of 30 tomorrow night. Brrr!

    Advent calendars, especially ones tailored to people's interests- are such treats :)

  7. I have an idea what those windows are for (grin), but I'm not telling. I bet it doesn't have anything to do with lemons or cherries.

    LOVE that doggie advent calendar. Too bad there isn't a Trader Joe's within a 1000 miles of where I live. No IKEA, either!

    It has turned cold here, too, but warmed today. Tonight the bottom is supposed to fall out of the temps and we are in for deep freeze weather. I wake up all wrong now, too. I'm usually up at night, but the past several days I've been up before dark 30, which is NOT good. Did your state have voting yesterday? I voted and the mayor I voted for won. I felt my vote counted for a change. Nothing big like some of the other state races, but I was happy to participate in the process.

  8. The doggie Advent calendar looks real fun, of course you had to get 2 of them, I think your two will be waiting for the doors to open each day. Dogs are so wise as to where the treats are hidden.
    I look forward to seeing what you create with the art work you started today.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Hi Erika oh i cant wait to see what you are making.
    We are in Spring now and we are enjoying the longer days,it feels like we had such a long cold winter this year.
    Love your new dog calendar xx

  10. I like the hearts background. I'm sure the end result that you create will look great. Yeah on it getting dark early now, after the clock change. I haven't checked the forecast today, to see if they're still calling for the rain snow for us in CT tonight into tomorrow morning. (I hope not. It's too soon!) I need to go to Trader Joes in the next few days, now, to look for that doggie advent calendar. That's adorable!

  11. I saw those and wish they had had one for cats! I'm thinking your window project looks like IT could be an advent calendar, too!

  12. well, a calendar for dags was new to me. How fun :)

  13. hm strange I think I already commented on this :) Calender for dogs, cool!

  14. Yes the dark evenings are here...and the cold! The doggie calendar made me smile though! Chrisx


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