Monday, November 4, 2019

T Stands for Visitors from Japan

Hi everyone. 
It is already time for T again.  I am still in shock that it is November, and also that I can count the weeks right up to the end of the year. This is mostly because at the school where I work every week has something going on. It is scary when you can do that so far out, but then again, it is not that far out.
And it sure looks like November now.
(And they say winter weather could be in the forecast too soon. It's just too early for that weather!)

And now for my T post.  Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's  blog to see what the ladies of the T Gang have been up to.

Last week my school's sister school from Nichinan, Japan was visiting. This past Saturday night my school's principal hosted a dinner for them and anyone from school who had gone on the exchange to Japan. Those of you who've known me for while might remember my journey in 2018. This is the 10th  anniversary of these trips, and there were people at the party from various other trips. It was great to see a few Japanese teachers who we had met before and also getting to meet the new person they brought to the US with them. 
Now in Japan it is customary to bring gifts when you visit, and our Japanese guests brought some for us. Here's what I received, perfect for T.
 This is the locally made sweet potato vodka. I had tried it in Japan and was happy to receive this little sampler bottle. Now I can share a toast to Japan with my family sometime when a toast is called for. Or more likely, use it in a nice holiday drink.
And it is my T Day drink this week.
The wide neck bottle is so different from what we have here.
And I also received this little box of cookies.
And  the box itself is a work of art.
 These tiny nibble cookies are delicious (green tea flavored I believe).

And the biggest surprise of the night was when the party was breaking up,  one of the teachers from Japan came up to myself and one of my friends and suggested we come teach in Japan when we retire. He said they need real science teachers there.
Now that could be a lot to consider (if I had any inclination to go, which I can't say I do.)

I'm also joining  Art Every Day Month, and today I have an journal page for both that challenge and also for Art Journal Journey. Rike is our lovely hostess this month and her challenge is Fruits and Vegetables.
On my rough painted page I stamped some brown pairs and the pear quote several times. Then I painted the giant pear  and stamped the quote several times. Finally I added the little metal leaf that has been sitting on my work table for awhile now.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, and I hope you have a great T Day.


  1. What a nice get together and it's always nice to receive unexpected gifts too. And, now you may have a future plan after retirement as well. yes, it is really looking like November with a lot of leaves downed from last week's storm.

  2. I heard on the weather tonight that very frigid weather is moving in to involve the northern states to the east coast-snow as well ugh we are to be in the teens next week-wow not ready for winter just yet either.
    what lovely gifts you received from your Japan school-I love the box too. that would be too awesome to teach in Japan-would be teaching in English?
    Love your pears too Happy T hugs Kathy

  3. How lovely your gifts are! I agree with you that the box is art in itself!
    We are getting normal November weather now, but had been strange. Anyway, cool, leaves never really got too pretty. I think your artwork with the pears is beautiful. Happy T Day.

  4. Oh that was for sure nice to meet the teachers again! Lovely bottle and a beautiful box for the crackers.
    Here are cold days folowed by warmer ones. The weather itself can't decide what to do.I think it also loved the last summer like I did. I can imagine that the Japanese
    pupils would enjoy you as a teacher but I also can imagine that you are not keen on this idea really. I like how you created the pear page Erika. Super!
    Happy T-Day and thank you for supporting AJJ once again.
    Big hugs, Susi

  5. I agree, way too early for winter, but we had frosty roofs here already, too.
    Oh, vodka! (Never had one).
    Oh, well, seems you can take your time with the cookies!
    Moving to Japan later sure would be an adventure.
    I´m more the veggie-type, but I like your artwork - happy T-Day to you!

  6. Gorgeous journal page, love your pears. Lovely gifts from Japan, what a beautiful idea. Enjoy! Teaching in Japan would be fun, but work! Love the photo with the dogs, winter is coming fast. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. Looks like the snow the weather dudes are gleefully talking about will miss me. Thankfully! We may get a few snowflakes. I hope the storm goes far out to see to miss your area, too. It's way to early for snow. Not looking forward to the BRRRR either. Sounds like your principal threw a nice gathering for your Japanese guests. How nice of them to bring little gifts. The cookie box is so pretty. I don't think I've had green tea flavored cookies before. Sounds nice. In reality, I met very few cookies that I haven't liked. Your pear page is pretty. Makes me think of wallpaper. I like the metal leaf giving it a bit of bling. How flattering to be asked to teach in a foreign location. They must have been very impressed with you. Happy T Day

  8. Your big green pear on your page is fantastic! The stamped pears on the background fit perfect to this wonderful foreground!
    I smiled about your photo with the dogs - fabulous perspective - it seems the dogs pull a carriage where you are sitting in :))
    The pattern of this little box of cookies is much beautiul!
    Thank you for joining in AJJ again, much appreciated!
    Big Hugs-Rike

  9. That gorgeous pear words stamp I love so much and a beautiful pear! They are so 'drawable', aren't they? Love your gifts and all the Japanese ephemera you're amassing...I used to really enjoy creating Asian style and I do believe it's starting to 'trend' (super hip and cool me...NOT) again... I've certainly noticed an increase in Asian style stamps anyway. How cool to have Japanese visitors, though...I just binge watched a Chinese/English drama and was fascinated by all the little cultural content...the main reason for watching. Such an intriguing nation.
    Happy Tuesday, Erika and Happy T day...I bet that vodka is good :-)
    Cath x

  10. My home state of WI had record snow on Halloween - 7 inches in some parts!

    You sister school program with Japan is wonderful. Ten years and a job offer - oh my! How do you pour vodka from a wide mouth jar? Very carefully, I guess.

    I love, love, love your pear page! I'm impressed that you even have a pear quote.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  11. How exciting to get gifts from Japan. I have spent some time there and love. In fact, I wanted to move there. Had I not been married I think I would have. (my husband is not well) so he couldn't come with me. LOL
    Love your pear art. I like the brown ones in the background.

  12. How wonderful! Isn't the omiage tradition nice? And I love the packaging -- it's always so lovely. What beautiful gifts, Erika.

    They are predicting snow by the weekend here, too. I don't know how much but I'm not ready for a single flake!

  13. How wonderful that your Japanese teachers have returned. I'm sure it was fun to see the group again, since it's only been a year since you were there. The gifts were amazing. The box looks like some really nice washi paper. Just beautiful. And that sweet potato vodka was a great way to share T this Tuesday. That's truly a unique jar, too. Thanks for sharing it with us for T this Tuesday.

    Your pears are incredible. You drew a GREAT pear and colored it beautifully, too. The leaf was the perfect addition, and turned this mixed media beauty into a winner. Thanks for sharing this with us using Rike's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear. Hope your day is not cold. I'm off to vote later today.

  14. I loved walking with you and the dogs, and I hope the winter weather stays away a bit longer 😀. So nice to meet up with the teachers you met in Japan and how lovely of them to bring gifts, the vodka sounds interesting, I wouldn't mind trying 😉. I'm loving your page too, the painted pear looks fabulous, it's pear-fect ... sorry I couldn't resist (grin!). Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  15. A beautiful page and wonderful gifts from your Japanese visitors. How exciting to receive the job offer too, even if you wouldn't accept it.
    Alison xx

  16. No-leaf November, I have heard it called lol.

    Is the vodka sweet but made out of regular potatoes? Or is it made from sweet potatoes? (I'll follow comments in case you want to answer here.) Such cool presents :) Teaching in Japan is an exciting prospect!

    Happy T Tuesday :)

  17. The trees in your photo do look bare, there are still a few to fall from our garden trees, but its so cold now, winter is showing its feelings.
    Your gifts from the visitors to your school looked good, and an invitation to teach in Japan must have been a surprise as well. I think you will be looking forward to when you can retire and enjoy yourself and not going off to teach in another country.
    The journal page looks super and the giant pear does look good and the metal leaf looks so pretty.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  18. I love your first photograph, and what lovely gifts from Japan, that box is beautiful.

    I do like your journal page.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  19. It looks like all of your trees are bare now. Most in CT are too, but a few still have leaves. We have a forecast for possible rain / snow Thursday night into Friday. Ugh. You received some nice gifts from the Japanese teachers. That box is a work of art. Beautiful artwork. Happy T-Day!

  20. It already looks quite Wintry in your photo! We still have plenty of colour here but the leaves are falling fast now! How great to meet up with the teachers from Japan again! Lovey gifts for you too! I love the journal page! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  21. Winter is on its way even here in southern Spain. The weather is blustery, but luckily the sun keeps shining most of the day, but temperatures are plummeting and soon we shall have to light the fire.
    How exciting to have Japanese visitors. The presents are gorgeous, especially that little box. I know about the Japanese habit of buying resents. When we lived in the UK, a lady from our church taught English in a Japanese school and every year she had students come to our town. So for several years in a row, we hosted a Japanese girl. Very interesting. And yes, we still have the beautiful gifts that they brought. Most of it so pretty that we keep them in a display cabinet.
    The vodka container looks very interesting. Is it a jar or is it a bottle?
    Your pear page looks great. It reminds me to go buy some pears. This is the season.
    Sorry for being so late again,
    Happy belated T-Day,

  22. How lovely and quiet are your adorable dogs Erika !! This is a great photograph! And the gifts from your friends are gorgeous, would like to taste those cookies, ñam ! Sure you spent a lovely T-day.
    Your Art page is Amazing, I love the big pear with this beautiful quote, and I love the little one and the background. Great !
    I wish you a very nice Thursday, enjoy the autumn´s weather ! here it´s a fresh day today, around 19º C.
    Big hugsss, Caty


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