Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thursday Ramblings

Hi everyone. 
I am writing this Wednesday night hoping I wake up this Thursday morning feeling better than I did Wednesday morning. There's a weird bug going around where everything aches, and as a teacher friend said, you just can't get out of your own way when you feel like that.  This weird virus has made my hives flare up. I am losing patience with the uncontrollable itching and no one being able to do anything about them. (Even though I am on almost a whole load of various treatments.) It's been  27 months of uncontrollable itchies.
Sorry but I just need to write that down because it does help with the frustration. With the hives that is.
But enough complaining from me. Things could of course be much worse. And I am quite thankful that they are not.
So today I thought I would share another page for Rike's fruit and veggie challenge at Art Journal Journey.
 Apple season has come and gone, but those days are good ones. Today my mostly painted piece celebrates those days.I don't know if I've ever seen an apple tree with such a round top though.
And I am also linking up to day 21 at Art Everyday Month.
Thanks for visiting.

update-woke up still itchy (grrrrrr) but the achy body is gone and I feel better there. any little improvement is better none, right?


  1. Oh i hope you feel better soon, It must be frustrating with the hives too.
    I love your piece its beautifully created and the quote is a good one too.
    Hugs June x

  2. Sorry you're not feeling well and not much to ease the discomfort. Too bad you couldn't just chill out under your apple tree on a golden day with a book or sketchbook. I just heard Himself scraping frost off his car windshield. Feel better.

  3. I hope you feel much better as the day progresses, Erika. It is the season of viruses, but itching is something drives you crazy, so you want to scratch off your skin and stay in soothing, bicarb water all the time...I feel for you and hope it eases.
    Apples are definitely something to celebrate! I love them and especially at this time of year, when all the local varieties - and the short seasoned fruit - are available. Somehow, it seems all the best types only fruit for a couple of weeks a year, but at least we get to enjoy them for that short time.
    Thinking of you.
    Cath x

  4. A fabulous piece Erika!
    I can sympathise with the itching, I had awful itching which led to my liver problem being diagnosed. Hope you find something to help soon.
    Alison xx

  5. Hope you feel better soon, Erika. Your apple tree is awesome!!! Hugs, my friend.

  6. Oh Erika, it makes the fact I fell last night and hurt my left arm BADLY seem inconsequential. I am so sorry to read this. I'd be frustrated, too.

    Your journal entry is superb. I love it and it fit's RIke's theme so well.

    Typing with right hand only, so keeping everything short today.

  7. So sorry you are feeling under the weather, and hope you will soon be back to normal, with less itches and aches. Love your painting. Look after yourself, hugs, Valerie

  8. I hope you feel better today than yesterday, dear friend!
    Your painted apple tree is amazing! Many details on this tree and even some apples and leaves already fallen down on the ground.
    Thank you very much for linking it to my theme at AJJ!
    Wish you a healthy time! Hugs-Rike

  9. Sorry to hear about your hives, my hubby suffers from them too and they don't know what causes them, he gets them most days so I can totally relate to the itching driving you mad it does him too! Hope you get some respite soon 😁. Beautiful autumnal page to celebrate the apple harvest! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  10. Sounds grim, Erika. Hives and itching is right up there with the worst. Take it very easy and hope today and tomorrow are better.

  11. so much iching....not cool at all :(

    I like your tree :)

  12. that has got to be awful all that itching-ugh-have you tried oatmeal cool baths? when its that bad nothing usually helps-so sorry about this.
    I love your piece-reminds me of quilt a blog friend of mine years ago made-it was allot of work with all those apples and leaves falling. hugs Kathy

  13. Get Well soon Erika! Your apple tree page is gorgeous! I was sick for nearly 10 days and now hubby has the same virus and it took also nearly 10 days to recover for him.
    Thank you for joining AJJ again my friend. Take good care of you!

  14. Sounds like flu :( The itching must be _frustrating_! :(

    I've always liked that quote, and I'm reminded by your art about Johnny Appleseed :)

  15. A fabulous painting Erika, it was a good season for apples here and I don't think trees should all look the same a rounded top sounds good to me. Its a good quote.
    I hope you will be feeling better soon, look after yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  16. I am so sorry to read you are not feeling well … but as you say any little improvement is better than none, and perhaps tomorrow it will be further improvement, I certainly hope so.

    I love your art piece.

    All the best Jan

  17. I am very sorry to hear that you have hives and a bug. Sending healing energy to you. I love our fruit and veggie themed art. Get better soon.

  18. I hope, you feel better soon. It's time of flue here too. I'm going to take a vaccination just to day.
    Your apple tree is fascinating as so full apples.
    Take care and have a nice weekend xx

  19. beautiful work
    Get well soon and hopefully it will get better. I had that before that was bad, I did not tolerate anesthesia and tablets!
    Have a good weekend

  20. The itching sounds horrendous - and there are definitely some horrid bugs around at the moment. I'm just coming out of a two-week bout and it's been pretty unpleasant!

    On the positive side, your tree is fabulous, heavy with fruit ready for picking, and I love the energy of the whole page.
    Alison x

  21. So sorry to hear you are not well, and the hives must be terrible. To have had them itching like that for so long must be an absolute torment.
    Love your apple tree which is abundant in fruit. I haven't a clue what shape the top of an apple tree is but as I love looking at the shape of trees in winter when all the leaves have gone I should know.
    Hugs, and here's to you feeling better, Neet xx


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