Friday, November 22, 2019

The Blue Bird of Happiness

Hi there everyone.  Happy Friday.
It's day 22 of Art Everyday Month and here's my piece for today.
I used a gelli print for my blue sky background  and  added this punch out bird (Studio Light art by Marlene). 
I am hoping for some of this blue sky this weekend. It's that time of year when I see blue sky out my work window but never seem to get to be out in it until the weekend arrives. I miss being outside, and since we are suppose to get a bit warmer weather (well at least not as cold)-hurrah-I am hoping to get outside for walk or maybe even finish up some yard work.  
But since I haven't gotten a lot of real blue sky time, I can get some art blue sky time.
That's my page for you today.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Fabulous and the Blue Bird all decked out in her finest. Here's to seeing some blue sky this weekend.

  2. Hi Erika wow this is stunning ,love the blue,hope you get to go for your walk xx

  3. Beautiful page and blue bird, and a wonderful idea to create your own blue sky. Here it is a bit milder, 6° instead of the chilly minus temps, so I'm enjoying it as long as it lasts! Hugs, Valerie

  4. I haven't done gelli printing in a long time but when I see beautiful backgrounds like that, I am inclined to dig it out again. Very nice, Erika.

    Hope you are feeling better!

  5. I so love blue, but don't always find it easy to work with because it's such a strong colour. This is beautiful. Love the contrasts and the shapes. I hope you get to see some beautiful blue sky at the weekend, Erika and feel a bit of sun on your face at least! The hardest thing about this time of year is the lack of light, so I have daylight bulbs in as many rooms as I can. It's definitely cocooning weather. Have a great weekend!
    Cath x (who hasn't yet ventured into her craft room...eek!)

  6. It's gray/rainy here, so I'm enjoying your blue bird/blue sky art :)

  7. Your art piece is lovely. We do get a lot of nice looking blue skies at this time of year here in New England. Looks like the weekend might be a mixed bag of sun and rain though. Saturday is probably the better day for yard work.

  8. A gorgeous sky colour for your background, its a lovely page. We could do with some blue skies here instead of the grey.
    Yvonne xxx

  9. I want to thank you for stopping by yesterday. Nothing is broken, but I’m so sore I can’t sit and type with one hand for any length of time. I am sending this generic message because I want you to know I stopped by, appreciate you, and read your post today. Thanks for understanding.

  10. I want to thank you for stopping by yesterday. Nothing is broken, but I’m so sore I can’t sit and type with one hand for any length of time. I am sending this generic message because I want you to know I stopped by, appreciate you, and read your post today. Thanks for understanding.

  11. I love that fabulous bird Erika, and the background is gorgeous! xx

  12. Happy belated Friday 😉. I hope you are feeling better! Your blue sky page is beautiful, I love your gelli print background with your blue bird in her pretty crown 😁. We have been bottling pumpkin beer this morning and then I hope to be starting my Christmas cards this afternoon. Wishing you a happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  13. Definitely a bluebird of happiness, but I'm with you on the real blue sky time. It looks to be a sunny day here today, so fingers are crossed!

  14. What a gorgeous blue art piece this is …

    All the best Jan

  15. That's a wonderful page - love the bird flying so happily through the wild blues.
    Alison x

  16. I think this one is fantastic dear Erika!

  17. Love this study in blue. A great Gelli page to begin with and then the bird added.
    Takes me back years ago when I went through a phase of using watercolours and achieving lots of shades of one colour to make pictures - I can still remember my blue page which I loved.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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