Sunday, November 3, 2019

Today I Am Taking Life Easy

Hi everyone.
Yesterday my husband and I cleaned leaves in the yard, and I have to say it looks pretty good. I know it won't last, but since 90% of the leaves are down, at least what's left to fall shouldn't be as much to clean as what we had yesterday. And if I get no more chances to rake, then at least the bulk of t he leaves are cleaned up before the snow falls.
It's a job that always feels good to get done.
But my body sure feels the job.
I'm not sure this page is finished or not , but  here it is in its present form. Straight from my large journal.
Maybe I will go back to it when I head into the studio today, which is my main plan. Well that and watch some football later on. I feel like I did my whole weekend's worth of chores yesterday when I raked.
I am linking up to Day 3 AEDM.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Ooohh I really like how you placed the different leaves against the black. Very nice.

  2. Your background looks like a lovely, welcoming tablecloth, Filled with good things, Erika! Hope you do get some time to play... and enjoy the football, too! I can't make head or tail of American cousins took me to a game when I was 12, and staying with them on Long was definitely complicated!
    See you tomorrow!
    Cath x

  3. Gorgeous page! Love the colours. Yard work is always hard work, I get exhausted just cleaning my balcony! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Lovely Autumn leaves Erika! You deserve that rest! xx

  5. Love all the patterns and designs on your leaves, and well done on getting most of the real-life leaves cleared up too!
    Alison x

  6. I like that page as it is. I like the contrast between the hard edges of the background pattern and the varied colors and shapes of the leaves.

    I don't rake here on my little patio lol I sweep the leaves into the flowerbeds and then clear them from the beds in the spring.

  7. Hi Erika well done getting all the leaves raked up,it sounds like a big job out of the way.
    I love your collage of leaves,they are very pretty xx

  8. I also believe this page is finished, but you may know something I don't. I actually love this one.

    I feel your pain. I still have leaves to rake, too. I'm hoping to do that next week sometime, because MOST of my leaves are still on my tree.

  9. I love the page as is. And it IS a beautiful (and sounds like productive) day in the neighborhood!

  10. Its a great page and I l really like how you have created it. lovely leaf colours. I hope you are recovering from your weekend of clearing the fallen leaves.
    Yvonne xx

  11. A super page, I do like the colours.
    Garden work is never that easy, but can be so rewarding.

    All the best Jan


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