Sunday, December 22, 2019

Alice Part 5

Hi everyone.
Hope you're having a nice weekend. Mine has been busy as yesterday my husband and I met up with my daughter and went to visit my Mom.
She always loved a nice box of chocolates, and it makes me happy to make her happy.
Today I'm trying to wrap up a few holiday chores.  I have a little wrapping to do and this project to finish.
My husband bought me this kit awhile back and it is time to play.   Ho-Ho-Ho!
The Alice in Christmasland story continues. 
The next 2 pages are basically the story without much art.
If you remember, Alice jumped down off the tea party table to meet the rabbit. He told her that she needed  to see the Queen to help her get back to normal size, and off they went into a castle ornament on the Christmas tree.
So here is where we begin. 
The page reads
"Who comes to see the queen?"
The queen was standing near her throne.
"Its me you majesty. The rabbit. I bring you the girl who we have been hearing about."
Alice made a confused face. This had just happened. 
And how could inanimate things gossip and talk and know things?
"I'm glad you brought me the girl."
The queen said in a loud royal voice. She
meant business.
"Tell me," continued the queen 
"what happened to make you so small girl."
"My name is Alice, not girl." Alice replied.
After she said it, she thought, maybe I
better be nice to the queen so she will help me. 
"I am pleased to meet you girl named Alice.  But answer my question please."
So Alice recounted her story of climbing on the roof and falling down the chimney. 
"Oh you have Santa syndrome." replied the queen.
"I have seen it before. Se we need to take care of this quickly .
Before Christmas Day arrives. Otherwise you
shall have to be so small until next Christmas."
All Alice could picture was being packed away in a box of
Christmas ornaments, not having any food or water,
not having time to play with her friends or being
able to sleep in her bed at night.

And the next page.

And she would miss Mama and Papa and even
Mary. And she would even miss
Chessie, even though Chessie wanted to eat her.
For a second tears welled up in her eyes, but then she asked
"So what do I need to do?"
"Do?" replied the queen. "Do? You don't know what to do
Are you  simpleton? Are you a girl who has no imagination?"
"These humans." the Queen continued.
"They get themselves into trouble
because they don't think through what they are doing
when they do it. I suppose we should go ask the caterpillar, if we can find him."
"This isn't the time of year for caterpillars." Alice mumbled. 
And she looked at the queen.
"Come on. We must run and find him. We must keep running
so we don't get behind. Midnight is fast approaching and 
if we run fast enough we can beat it and
have more time to solve your problem.
If we run fast enough we can make it 10 o'clock again.
And the queen took off, running so fast
she turned into a blur. Then she 
disappeared. Alice stood there.  "Now what do I do?"
So doodled legs show the queen running off.
And then I created this mantel with some photos in their frames on it. I wanted to do something that referred to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

So Alice ran as fast as she could
looking for the Queen of Hearts as she went.

"You better hurry." she heard a voice.
"Go straight ahead." said a voice.
"The queen went in that direction."

Alice looked over at what
she thought should be a photo of
her cousins Anna and Louise.

But instead she saw 2 twin boys.
"What the..." she started to speak.

And when Alice looked again, there were Anna and Louise.
Curiouser and curiouser.

I am linking up to Yvonne's challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month her fun theme is Words and Numbers.
There's a little bit left to the Alice story, a couple more posts. 
Hope you are enjoying it.
And enjoy what's left to your weekend also.
Thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Ohhh. I feel happy for you presenting your Mum like this!

    You made me buy the movie, your Queen is so much nicer, though!
    I thank you for memories!

  2. You have been a busy lady and have get much ready. How nice you had time to make your mum happy and to give us more about Alice's adventure.
    Happy Sunday, my friend and upcoming week!

  3. Those chocolates look delicious, and it looks like you've picked the perfect present for your mom to enjoy. I do like your story and how you incorporate the art and story together.

  4. I'm sure your mum was delighted with her choccies! Love your Alice, fantastic ideas there. Have a great week, looking forward to seeing your gingerbread house. Hugs, Valerie

  5. So good to see your mother so happy with her Christmas gift. They look wonderful, too.

    Gingerbread house? Non-edible or edible? I look forward to seeing it finished, too.

    You sure know where to leave us hanging, Erika. Your latest entry in the Alice saga is getting even better than the real story. I SO look forward to seeing how you resolve this, BUT I love what you created today. It's wonderful. I like the drawing of the Queen's feet, too. Shows so much action.

    Thanks for sharing this with us using Yvonne's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

  6. Lovely gift for your mom and the gingerbread house kit looks like fun. And Alice’s story is exciting. Will things be back to normal for her before Christmas.? Enjoy the warm up

  7. I meanwhile are totally in love with this Alice Journal and so kice to see xour Mom again.

    Merry Christmas dear Erika!!
    Love from Susi

  8. How your mother was happy with this gift and your gingerbread house I'm curious to see how it looks when it's done! Wonderful work with history
    Greetings Elke

  9. Its a lovely photo of your mom as she opens the box of delicious chocolates. The gingerbread house is looking good as well, I hope you will be sharing a photo soon.
    I am so enjoying your Alice pages, she is getting close to the midnight hour and I think you are keeping us in suspense as to how will she get out of the adventure. I am thrilled you are sharing your story at Art Journal Journey Erika. My imagination at what could happen next is working overtime.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Another great chapter of Alice's adventures Erika. I hope she finds the caterpillar in time. Your mum looks happy with her chocolates. It sounds like you had a lovely visit.
    Alison xx

  11. I look forward to seeing your gingerbread house finished too-I have never attempted making one of those-but I always love seeing them-will it edible?

  12. Your Mom looks very happy with the delicious chocolates!
    So much work, ho-Ho-Ho! And so much words ... you rock the theme of AJJ! The doodled legs are fabulous!
    I wish you a happy Christmas holiday, dear Erika!

  13. Such a fun story and I love how you illustrated it - fabulous! I wonder what will happen to Alice next 😁. I'm loving your gingerbread house too. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  14. Those chocolates do look good … your Mum is going to love them :)

    All the best Jan

  15. Fro a big Alice fan I love this story of yours. Looks as if I have some catching up to do to get to this point so am off now to earlier posts. This really is a terrific story and fabulously illustrated.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps Hope you had a lovely Christmas xx

  16. Loving the Alice story and its art. And of course, who wouldn't be thrilled by all that chocolate! Looks like the start of a jolly holiday!


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