Friday, December 20, 2019


Happy Friday everyone. It is still cold here today, though not quite as brutally cold as yesterday. We have some snow of the ground and maybe that means we'll have a white Christmas, if it doesn't warm up too much  in the next few days that is.
 It does look pretty but with the cold it makes it feel even colder. These are just views of my back yard.

So I am giving the Alice story a break today, but I will be back with the next installment soon.
But today I wanted to share a vintage tag for the latest challenge at Tag Tuesday.

Luckily I've had a lot of art made and waiting in the wings as I haven't had any art time all week. Oh I am antsy to find a little bit of play time but the good news vacation starts today after work.  Hurrah! Hopefully that means there is lots of play time (and relaxing and book time) on the horizon.
So my tag began with an ink stained piece which I then did some layers of stamping. I then added some dobs of paint to make the holly berries as well as some festive finishing touches.

I hope you  have a great start to your weekend. Amd thanks so much for stopping by to visit.


  1. Lovely journal page with the shiny, red berries. It really looks cold, brrrrrr! Stay warm and enjoy your school holidays, hugs, Valerie

  2. Your snow photos look nice, even though I know it's very cold there right now, like it is here. I love your art piece.

    I got about 1/2" to 1" of snow during the snow squall that went through the other night, just in time to snarl rush hour traffic. The ground is coated to be almost fully white, but if it "warms up", it might be gone by Christmas.

  3. That tag will look beautiful on a gift. And as to the scenery in your backyard, it looks similar to mine. Brrrr. Hopefully, the warmer temps will melt it all away, or at least all the ice on the driveway. Enjoy your Winter break!

  4. It DOES look cold! I love your tag -- it's seasonal and happy. Here's to vacation. (Pretty soon, every day will be a vacation!)

  5. Beautiful photos of the snow-we ended up with thick ice everywhere with just a little snow-it warmed up enough yesterday I could scrap off a path to the top where mail and road is.
    Lovely tag-enjoy your vacation-hugs Kathy

  6. A fabulous vintage tag Erika. The snowy photos do look lovely but I can imagine how cold it must be and there I was complaining of a little bit of frost this morning.
    Stay warm and safe and enjoy the holiday , you will be pleased to get some special family and of course crafting time and not have to go into school for a while.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I'm THRILLED you are now on your winter break. You sounded like you needed it. That tag is awesome and it feels very Christmasy, too.

    I enjoyed seeing your winter wonderland, but the photos sure made me feel even colder. How nice it looks in photos, but I bet you won't miss driving to school every day for awhile. Take care and stay warm, dear friend.

  8. Oh, my Nieces would love all this snow (me, not so much).
    Ohhh, no Alice? This is great, too, though, we have those plants as well here.
    YAY for vacation!! Have a great one, hugs, Iris

  9. It looks very pretty Erika, we've just had non-stop rain here near London!
    Your tag is beautiful!
    Keep warm,
    Alison xx

  10. Happy Winter Solstice And Wonderful Photos Here


  11. Yes, it certainly does look pretty. What a lovely scene! I know the birds are appreciative :)

  12. I don't know if we'll have a white Christmas but I think if things keep as they are, it will be a cold one! I hope whatever the weather it is merry and bright for you!

  13. A wonderful page and I love the wintery images from your home! Keep warm and enjoy your school break!
    Happy Holidays!

    Susi xxx

  14. Oh my, your tag is just gorgeous,I just love the images of the children and the quote too..fabulous.
    Thank you so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday.
    Merry Christmas x

  15. Goodness me … that does look very cold!
    Stay as warm as you can, if I lived nearby I'd make you some soup!

    All the best Jan

  16. wow I am loving your gorgeous snow photos, chilly but beautiful! Another wow for your fabulous tag! That tiny bit of tartan and pops of red really give it a wonderful Christmas feel. Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday xx


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