Friday, December 27, 2019

Christmas Wind Down

Hi everyone. Christmas is finally winding down at my house. My daughter left this morning and the house is feeling a little bit quiet right now. But I am meeting the hubby for a late afternoon movie when he leaves work. Hopefully we'll make it in to see Star Wars.
 The dogs have completed their doggy advent calendar.
And I am trying to be good and not eat another cinnamon roll that I made for our Christmas breakfast.  I wish the recipe didn't make 8. Smile.
 But luckily I was able to pile up the cookie tray I brought to my sister-in-laws holiday brunch on this past Tuesday so there is only a few left here at the house.

And my husband found these fun hats at the dollar bins at Target, and he decided we all needed fun hats. I look like Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter. Hee-hee. I went around giving our demerits all morning.

And now I start the quiet part of my vacation which I am looking forward to. I can make some art and read and maybe if I feel ambitious early next week I will start to de-decorate the house.
But maybe instead I will follow Maddie's lead and just lounge.
And here's a page from my winter journal that I made earlier this month.
I will link it up to Yvonne's Words and Numbers challenge at Art Journal Journey.
The little penguins and igloo were stamped but I added the clothing to the penguins. 
The rest of the page is rubbed ink and some white paint, a bit of silver sparkle glue, a stamped phrase and some star stickers.
I also joined Mia's new challenge Craftlandia Challenge which is stars. And I have a few of those on this page!
I hope everyone had a fantastic week and if you celebrated the holiday, I hope it was wonderful.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Erika, those cinnamon rolls looked wonderful as I sit here with a cup of coffee and no treat😕 Those hats made a fun family selfie too. We had a fairly quiet day with grandchildren.

  2. Love your hats, such fun. Glad you now have time to wind down a bit. Your dog 🐕 looks really relaxed 😌. Gorgeous journal page and love 💘 the new header. I'm glad I'm not near those cinnamon rolls! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Those cookies, look delicious Erika, I think I have eaten more than I should over Christmas and will look instead at all the other super photos you shared today.
    Its a lovely happy family photo and those hats are real fun.
    Maddie had the right idea about relaxing, dogs do know how to unwind don't they.
    I love your cute penguins in their warm scarves and the way your page sparkles. Thank you so much for linking this to the Art journal Journey theme, your support is really appreciated there.
    Enjoy the rest of the Holidays.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Dog treats are all gone from the advent calendar. And yet, you still have cookies (a FEW) and cinnamon rolls for humans to devour. Gosh these all look great. I didn't bake a single cookie this year, so what can I say other than I am in awe of your baking skills.

    Your icey spread is wonderful. I can't believe you "dressed" those penguins. they are really cute and the igloos look pretty icy capped, too. I like the texture you got and how nicely the stars fit in with the background. Thanks beyond belief for sharing this with us using Yvonne's theme at Art Journal Journey. Now go enjoy your down time, just don't imitate Maddie. This is a PG, not R rated blog (grin)!

  5. We have a doggie-cookie-stand on the Christmas Market (but no dog).
    I like cinnamon, but. Hm, that looks very sweet! I might take a sniff (but dare put a Pizza in front of me, much more than just sniffing ;-)...)

    Fun picture of you! (I admit, I never saw Harry Potter).
    Your Maddie sure leads the way here :-)

    Ohhh. My Dad once built an igloo in the garden for/with us kids back then (yes, we had so much snow!).
    A joyful day to you, hugs, Iris, and thank you for the memories!

  6. Great photos, lots of yummyness! We saw Star Wars on Boxing Day, it was fab! Enjoy!
    Alison xx

  7. Mmm, cinnamon rolls. I baked some, too, but mine were courtesy of the Dough Boy as the Eldest’s kitchen is tiny and she doesn’t really have the equipment for labor intensive baking/cooking. The cookies look fabulous and I love your hats. You’ll need to wear your hat to school so you can give out demerits in style 😄 /we went to see Star Wars yesterday. Meh. I fell asleep through parts of it. I hope you guys enjoy it better.

  8. Oooh, thank you for your uplifting fun post, Erika!
    I envy your energetic take on the future, and try to follow it :)
    Just now I'm like Maddie's, but promise to sheer up :)
    Have a great weekend xx

  9. Erika, about that "castle"...
    It was a castle, destroyed in WW II. In 1960 - with a lot of protest - they teared it down and we had a wonderful park.
    2004 - under a lot of protest - they decided to tear down the park and rebuild a fake castle, which is a stupid shopping mall. And a library, at least something useful. You can read a bit here.

  10. The treats look delicious, and I love those hats! Some quiet time is welcome after the hub-bub of the preparation and Christmas Day celebration. Maddie has the right idea :)

  11. Wish you Happy New Year - I hope it's the best year ever for you that wait around the corner - thanks for inspiration and keep it comming ;O))

  12. Erika, you look fantastic with this happy hat!!! And the cinnamon rolls and cookies must be yummy! And I llllllove your beautiful spread with the really inspiring background. Thank you so much for joining my first Craftlandia challenge, my dear friend. Happy Holidays!!!

  13. Hi, Erika!

    What a beautiful Christmas I see that you have spent with your family.
    A page with the stars and the beautiful penguins.
    Thank you for participating in the CRAFTLANDIA CHALLENGE.

    Kisses and happy start of the week!

  14. Love your new header.
    Love the look of those cinnamon rolls.
    Love those fun hats.

    In fact love this post :)

    All the best Jan

  15. I love those hats to bits! What a great idea. It looks as though you had a wonderful holiday filled with family and joy. Merriest, keep it going. And onward to the new year!

  16. "Get You Sparkle on" - what a darling page. You guys certainly got your sparkle on with those hilarious hats. I love that you gave out demerits all day - lol. Your cinnamon rolls look scrumptious. I don't think I could resist.

    Happy New Year! Eileen xx

  17. It looks like a good time was had by all, including the dog. I'll be taking down all of my Christmas decorations, etc. on New Year's Day.

  18. Hola !!! Un post muy bonito. Tus cinnamon roll se ven deliciosos. Tu página muy hermosa, con sus pinguinos y estrellas, felicitaciones por un gran post.

    Un gran abrazo, feliz 2020.

  19. Fabulous, I love your hats! It looks like all your family enjoyed Christmas and I love cinnamon rolls too - yum 😉. They look so delicious as do the cookies! Looks like the dogs enjoyed lounging around too 😉. Your page is adorable, those penguins are super cute! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  20. Nice to meet you Erica! So beautifully made this page with the little stars and all the sparkling.
    You look so funny and happy with yours hat. Have a Happy New year!!! Besitos...

  21. Saludos Erika! gracias al evento de Mia y Ana es como llego aquí, haz pasado unas fechas en excelente compañía, me encanta tu relato


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