Saturday, December 28, 2019

Alice Part 6

Hi everyone. 
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Mine started off (and should continue) to be pretty quiet. I'm hoping for a little ambition as I have a couple of small projects I should do in the next couple of days, like vaccing up all the dog hair in my car. Right now the car floor looks like it is made out of fur. (OK, may that is a slight exaggeration.) But I will say I am into a good book right now and the studio is yelling my name, so tomorrow when the hubby is gone for the day I might have a hard time convincing myself to go do any work.
It is time to get back to the Alice in Christmasland story. Today I have just one spread to share, and then there is only 1 more to go. 
So let me recap since it has been several days since my last Alice post. 
Alice climbed up on the roof and ended up falling down the chimney. But at the bottom she realized she had shrunk, and she has been on a mission to get back to her normal size.
We last left Alice chasing the queen on a way to go find the caterpillar who might know how to help her.
And she does find Mr. Caterpillar. 

I made the background by first painting the page pink and then I used some crayons to make the swirly designs. I drew the caterpillar, painted and sprayed him with a bit of ink, and then I used a thin stream of paint to create his web chair.

The wording on this page goes:
It took Alice awhile to run any distance with her short little legs.  But finally
she saw a spider web and caught in the web
was the biggest caterpillar she had ever seen.
It is because I am so small, she thought.
And where was the queen?  There was no sign of her.
So Alice stopped and looked at the caterpillar.
Then she explained as briefly as she could her situation to him.
"I see" he said, snacking his lips as he spoke.
"And why should I know the answer?"
The caterpillar cut her off. "The queen said."
"She is a silly woman. What does she know?"
"But I will tell you a little secret."
Alice raised her eyebrows.
"You shouldn't see Santa. That would be very bad.
He might think you are a toy for some other child and
take you away in his bag of toys.
"And how can I get bigger before he comes?" Alice asked.
She was very impatient with all this now.
"I couldn't tell you." said the caterpillar.

Here are the other Alice story posts, just in case you read this and have no clue what story I am writing about and want to check out back posts.
Alice part 5

And I am linking up to Yvonne's challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month the challenge is Words and Numbers. I am enjoying it, and if you haven't yet joined in, you should.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and I hope you enjoy more of my story.


  1. Good evening, it is raining like crazy here tonight--I am enjoying your Alice series-enjoy your time off before going back to work-hugs Kathy

  2. This is an amazing spread, Erika. I could definitely try to use your technique to make a background, it seems challenging! The caterpillar looks beautiful and I love the web leaf he is sitting on. As for the saying, I tell you that Alice in Wonderful was my favourite book when I was a child. Thank you for the Alice in Christmasland!!! Hugs, my friend.

  3. Fantastic page, love the caterpillar, well done. Have a fun day, and hope you get through the jobs you have planned. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Once again, you left us hanging just as we were about to learn the answer. This is wonderful and I simply adore the caterpillar AND that beautiful background. I like the punch of color you got from the complimentary colors you used. This is so darling, and such a sweet entry for Yvonne's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I had to laugh at the fur. I can imagine. I was moving a lamp before Christmas that I apparently haven't dusted in awhile. You should have seen the CAT fur on the doily underneath it. I was SHOCKED. Even the cord had fur on it. At least YOU have an excuse, since the dogs went to the beach with you. Mine is I'm a lousy housekeeper (grin).

  5. I love your style of writing, you always make me smile :-)
    A cozy car you must have! (had?)

    Ohhh, Mr. Caterpillar looks cute and the reddish colors! I am still sad I did not take a picture in that restaurant back then!
    I like your way to tell the story much more than the one I saw in the movie.
    Or, dumb question: Are there more than one Alice-stories?
    Thank you for sharing this, hugs, Iris

  6. Excellent, Erika...I must go to see your other episodes. I noticed you've had a very busy Christmas AND snow! Wow! It's unseasonably warm here but I'm not complaining.
    Love this. Your caterpillar is magnificent!
    Hope you're still enjoying your book and didn't finish it too quickly...that's why I save mine for bed, or I'd a) do nothing else and b) not get as long out of the experience. But I do read for a couple of hours in bed :-)
    Have a lovely break!
    Cath x

  7. Oh my the plot is getting exciting now. It is a fabulous journal spread and I am not sure if Alice should be trusting that caterpillar either. Santa could be the one person who could grant her wish to get bigger.
    I love this spread I am so happy you link it to the Art Journal Journey theme.
    Yvonne xx

  8. I appreciate seeing posts that continue to reference Christmas through this season, and I'm getting a kick out of your book. Thx!

  9. I love your caterpillar page Erika. Poor Alice must be getting very worried!
    Hope you get time for reading, art and the chores!
    Alison xx

  10. Curiouser and curiouser. I really like the polar bear blog banner. Are you going to get mostly snow with this next storm? I heard predictions for my area for heavy ice or mostly rain. Hoping for rain. Stay warm.

  11. I just love the caterpillar page …

    All the best Jan

  12. Oh! Will Santa take Alice away as a doll? Oh no! A darling story, Erika. I'm loving every episode!

  13. What fun, Erika. I missed the other installments of your Alice story, so I have some catching up to do - now that the holidays are winding down. Eileen xx

  14. I like the vibrant colors you've used for this series of art journal pages.

  15. Fabulous! I'm loving the green caterpillar against red background - beautiful 😁. Off to read the next installment - yippee! Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x


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