Sunday, January 5, 2020

Coping with Winter

Happy Sunday everyone. Yesterday it was "warm" for January, and we had lots of rain and then, last night, a cold front blew in so today, although sunny, it is a little breezy out there. The good news is the weather forecast was wrong for last night. Instead of 2-5 inches we only got a dusting, and it is pretty this morning. (Plus no snow to have to clean up so to speak! Hurrah)

The dogs actually managed to stay still so I could get this photo. 

So I am trying to "enjoy" winter more this year to get myself through this season a little better than I normally fare. It is easier to do in January than it is do in March, so I suspect I might only be able to talk myself through this for a little bit. But whatever happens, I have been making some winter art and having fun with it. Today I have a tag for Tag Tuesday and their celebrations challenge. I am going to celebrate winter.

I started by inking my tag in 2 shades of blue. Is it only me who thinks of winter as blue? (Maybe because other than brown, white and the occasional gorgeous sunrises and sunsets when it isn't cloudy winter is lacking a lot of color. Or it is here in New Hampshire where many buildings are also white do the our traditional ways.)
Anyhow, then I added part of a gold dotted paper doily and  this photo of a caribou/reindeer. This is one animal I have always wanted to see in the wild, and everytime I go someplace they live I still don't manage to see one. I gave him a die cut bow tie and I added the rest of it around it neck. And then some die cut snowflakes which I spruced up with some glitter and a bit of a sticker center. Finally I added the quote.
My other "art" lately is I pulled out some knitting that I haven't touched in a couple of years. I finished a pair of socks I was making just before Christmas (a gift for my daughter that I never photographed) so now it is back to this sweater which is a very easy pattern and hopefully I won't get bored with it.

But it should be perfect while I watch TV since I often need something so I don't fall asleep at 8 pm. 
I found the pattern in this magazine while browsing a magazine rack one day. I don't know exactly when this was published and for some reason I can't seem to find it.
I don't know this publication at all but I spent some time relooking through this issue and it had a lot of cool things  like dyeing fabric, baking pie and more. I saw several things I want to try  in here, and now that it is out of my knitting bag, I hope to do so.
I guess I thought the same thing when I bought it as it was one of those expensive copies. Once I post this I think I need to go look it up on the internet.

OK, enough for me. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and the start of your new week.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. We didn't get the dusting that was predicted. Hooray! I'm glad the dogs enjoy the snow. Not me, though I do like seeing Winter things on tags and cards. A good place for snow. Just not on my driveway. The sweater will be pretty when you finish it. I like the unusual detail on the cuffs. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  2. Love that photo of the doggies looking at the snow, pricless! Fantastic tag, thanks so much, knitting is coming along great! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Meanwhile we're getting highs in the upper 50s, and the only snow I'm likely to get is is in blog photos. I guess the grass is always greener... Or the snow is always whiter? That sweater looks cozy. I love those edges.

  4. Wow, that's a fun tag, Erika. I like the reindeer/caribou. You are right. They are majestic animals Beautiful, too.

    Your winter weather looks so much different from mine. It is freezing cold here, but no snow, and none forecast till Tuesday, either. Great photo showing the dogs on the deck, too.

    You are right. That is ONE expensive magazine. But that's a lovely sweater and I it looks like you have started out well. Hope your Sunday is going well and you will be this upbeat about winter when March arrives.

  5. Happy Sunday! The snow looks so beautiful in the morning light and it looks like the dogs are appreciating the view too 😉. That's a wonderful tag, the reindeer looks such fun in his bow tie and the snowflakes look amazing 😁. Creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  6. Hi Erika, Beautiful snowy photo-that was one thing I enjoyed sooo much when I first retired-staying indoors and driving to work in snow or ice.
    I love your tag, beautiful sweater pattern, I am going to check out the magazine as I have never seen this one before.
    enjoy the rest of your Sunday hugs Kathy

  7. Just Love Those Dogs!! Thats A Shot That Needs To Be Printed On Canvas And Hung In The Hallway. Well Done


  8. Erika, I did not know you love knitting! Good for you, my friend. I love crochet. Your tag is beautiful! And I love the photo with the snow! Kisses!

  9. Your place looks indeed beautiful... from here, that is, so far we are lucky, no snow.
    Your tag sure is beautiful!
    Ohhh, knitting! I did that some years ago, too, like over 30 years ago, oh, help! I must´ve been a boring kid ;-)
    The magazine page looks very good. Do you know the nagazine "flow"? Sometimes they are good, too.
    I´m wishing you a great start into the week, hugs, Iris

  10. I love your tag!
    Wow seems to become a very creative year with knitting and craftig and arting for you!
    This sweater looks super!!!
    Have a great new week Erika!
    Big hugs,

  11. The photos of the snow looked a picture of winter. I think we could be getting some soon, its its due to get colder at the end of the week.
    The sweater you are knitting will be so cosy to wear, it looks a good pattern.
    The magazine looks as if it had a good variety of topics as well.
    A super tag Erika, I'm with you thinking blue is a winter colour.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Love that sweater, hope you enjoy knitting it Erika! I love your tag too, and great photo of the dogs and snow!
    Happy new week,
    Alison xx

  13. You call that a dusting? I call it two or three inches of cold snow!I admire your plan to like winter better. It's one I should do. But I won't!

    Taproot sounds fascinating. I've never heard of it either. But the sweater is wonderful and will be very pretty in that gray.

  14. Yes, we should celebrate winter! Why not! I love your gorgeous tag and what a handsome deer! Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday Challenge this week.

  15. Happy Monday. Love the sweater.

  16. That is a beautiful snowy photograph.
    I do like your tag.
    The sweater looks great.

    Enjoy the new week, and happy new year wishes too.

    All the best Jan

  17. I really love your tag...I hope you get to see one someday! That does look rather more than a dusting but then I suppose you do see a lot more than we do here! I have to keep busy while watching TV too! Knitting does fit the bill nicely and I love the pattern you are using! Hugs, Chrisx


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