Monday, January 6, 2020

T Stands for New Year Adventures

Hi everyone. Welcome to the first T Day post for 2020. It is very exciting, isn't it? I love the thought of a whole year of T adventures ahead of us. I wonder what kind of "things" we shall get to see on this year's T day posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog .                    .

I started my year off with another college hockey game on this past Saturday afternoon. 
This game was in Portland, Maine, and some of our good (from) college friends live there. They invited us to go with them. So we drove over and met them for breakfast before the noontime game. (For those of you who have asked in the past, Portland is about an hour away from where I live in New Hampshire. I live very close to the Maine border-it is only like 2 towns away on the map. And you regular T day ladies might remember my husband and I enjoy an occasional college hockey game.)  

I got to have breakfast at a new diner. This is the Miss Portland diner.
The fun thing I found out about this diner is that it was made by the Worcester (Massachusetts) lunch car company back in 1949. Not only is it a real vintage diner but Worcester is my hometown. I like that connection.
The sad news is I got busy chatting and eating and forgot to take a photo of the inside for you.
But I did remember my breakfast photo.
Eggs, hash and toast. Since it was going on 11 when we ate, I had a Diet Coke for my drink. Everyone else had coffee in those happy yellow mugs. You can see one on the left side of my photo.
After breakfast we headed off to the game.

And I got this photo of our bear mascot as he slated around the arena.
Sometime the mascot obviously can't skate, but right now he's actually pretty good.  He even did a few spins for us.

We are toasting our team's 3-2 win. They were playing the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
The other interesting thing that occured to me and also to my friend Jenny is that for both of us, we are the only couples we each know from college that are still couples. We've all known each other for almost 40 years.
Wow! I guess we are all lucky. And that is even a better celebration than a game win.
Have a super T day.
hoping your 2020 has started well!


  1. Hi Erika your games always look like so much fun! I really enjoy our T days too-Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. PS yes I have read all of Peggy's books I love them all-the Yellowstone series was just good she has a real nack for writing her characters so they seem like real people and she ties in most all of her books in some way-which is amazing.
    I need to look up those papers to remember if they rice or not I will post when I find out Kathy

  3. OK, I must admit, the first thing I noticed was that snow!!:( So thankful that where I live although we've had lots of precipitation it's been rain because of temps in the 40's and 50's.
    What a charming ole diner, and your breakfast (coffee for me though please)is making me hungry. Happy T day!

  4. Hi I corrected my page-I was mistaken on the papers here is a link they are Korean mulberry papers

  5. What a fun day you shared with us. I would have gone ape over that diner car. It was amazing on the outside and I bet it was kitsch on the inside. Glad your college team won its game. Great going and wonderful photos of the game and the mascot. Although my game of choice is basketball, I know yours is hockey, so I really like it when you share these beautiful memories you are storing away in photos.

    Thanks for sharing your trip to Maine, the diner, the hockey game, and your diet coke, coffee, and drinks at the game with us for T this Tuesday in a few minutes.

  6. Amazing diner! Glad you enjoyed your trip and the food and company. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. Snow... Ohhh, you "have" to return, I´d so like to see the inside of that diner!
    What, an ice-hockey mascot that cannot skate?!
    So many years of friendship and marriage sure is worth some cheers!
    A happy T-day for you, hugs, Iris

  8. Cool about the diner car. When I first saw it, I thought it was like Miss Woo's, only nicer and cleaner. Have you been to Miss Woo? I like your bear mascot and your school colors. Wonderful for your friendships and marriages to continue to thrive. Happy T Day.

  9. It must have been lovely meeting up with friends for the game and that diner does look inviting from the outside and so did your breakfast. Its good to have friends that you can turn back the years with and share past memories.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  10. It looks like a wonderful time! And I love that diner! It's so darned cute. Nice to be that close to Portland. Do you hit the outlet stores? That could be dangerous!

  11. Wow, this looks like a great place to eat in Portland! I looked it up online to see where it was and it looks beautiful inside 😁. I love diners, we often go to Becky's Diner on Commercial St but that's the otherside of town so this is perfect! Your breakfast looks so yummy and what could be better than a beer and a hockey match, you're a girl after my own heart 😉. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  12. Happy T-day!
    We have a similar place we like to eat at, it's an OLD train car too.
    Your breakfast is right up my alley....yummm!
    That is a great photo of you, hubby and friends. Long time friends are the best.
    Thanks for visiting my blog this week.

  13. That diner is adorable :) The breakfast looks delicious. Remaining a couple is indeed something to celebrate. Happy-making :) Happy T Tuesday!

  14. Oh what a fabulous looking diner! I'm sure I would have loved the inside too! Pleased your team won!Happy T Day, Chrisx

  15. That diner is very cool looking from the outside! It definitely reminds me of a railway car. And your breakfast looks delicious, especially the hash.
    I am not into hockey but it sounds like a great way to pass the evening in the company of friends.
    Happy Tea Day,

  16. Very cool vintage diner, Erika. I love the personal connection to your home town. Glad your team won. That's a great closing photo and story.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  17. I love that vintage diner! I was thinking of you when I went to my local ice hockey game the other night, and here you are, at another hockey game. They are fun to watch, I think more so when it's college teams. At my game, there was a Bobcat mascot walking around in the stands, making friends with children. The Bobcat mascot didn't go on the ice, like yours did. (Teddy said he LOVES that bear mascot you photographed at your game.) And interestingly, in a coincidental sort of way, I drove through Worcester, MA a few times (on the highway), when in transit on a few business trips, and that name always caught my eye for some reason, unlike other names I saw along the way. I love the Christmas card you sent to Elizabeth. Happy T-Day!


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