Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Last Page for AJJ This Month

Hi everyone. It has been a quiet week in my world. I'm getting to know my new classes and working to get a rapport built up with the kids. So after busy work days (over 12,000 steps just at work each day), I've been pretty lazy when I get home, but I did manage last weekend to squeeze in a little bit of art time. 
I wanted to link up one last page for Jo's Something New challenge at Art Journal Journey. Thanks Jo for this fun challenge. It was good to think about doing something new with art.

So today's page is about new and old. For the old it is about using an image in a new way. I began my page in my Nature Journal but coloring the cloth page. (It is a Dina Wakely Journal.) I used a dry brush and some ink to color the cloth. And for my central image,  I used this card front I made a long time again. The image is made on glossy paper with some black stamped images and some ink coloring. 
After I attached it I used some bits of tape, a sticker, and a piece of book scrap. I also added a few metal bits to finish off the page.
Finally I cut the quote out of this student travel brochure I recently received in my mail. I am not advertising or supporting the company at all, but rather than throwing out this book, I am using some of the super "quotes" in it.

Hope everyone is having a great week.
And thanks so uch for visiting my blog.


  1. Erika, this is a gorgeous idea! Thank you for the inspiration. The scene is amazing and I llllllove that you added your page on fabric. Hugs, my friend.

  2. Lovely art journal page.

    (NOAA has snow back in the forecast for Friday night into Saturday. I'm hoping they go back to the all rain forecast. Ugh.)

  3. Wonderful page, and always good to have magazines etc with good quotes in them. Good for you for walking so much at school. You have made lots of good art this month. Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  4. What a fun final entry at Art Journal Journey. I like what you did. Your use of a dry brush was perfect fr the cloth and the washi tapes are wonderful. Great use of colors, too. Wow, you were brave to stamp on glossy photo type paper. I wouldn't have been so brave. I believe you get better "junk" mail than I get. Even the name of the brochure is fun. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Jo's theme.

    Glad your new students don't have you climbing the walls. That's a good sign.

  5. Beautiful your journal, so well thought out with many steps until it looks like this, great I love it!
    Hav a nice Day , Elke

  6. "Sorry" to say: Lucky you with 12 000 steps at work alone!
    Much better than being glued to a chair most of the time.

    I like the composition, materials and the quote.
    Sure new adventures to come here, I hope I can choose, too. It´s about time.

    A nice day to you and hugs.

  7. Such a fantastic page! I love the beautiful view of the sun and mountains with the deer silhouettes and the adornments that you added are perfect 😁. The wording "Choose your adventure" is something to live by too, so true! Thanks so much for joining Art Journal Journey again and for all your support and inspiration throughout the month! Happy nearly Friday 😉. Hugs, J x

  8. Its a great page and a wonderful scene, it looks so peaceful with the animals grazing on the hillside. The magazine seems a good find for you having usable quotes as well. A fabulous page for Jo's theme Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  9. That;s a fun journal entry! Smart to keep the booklet for the quotes -- or at least cut them out for future use.

    Just think -- counting down. Last semester. Wow.

  10. Great page. Looks very van Gogh-ish. Have a good day

  11. I'm impressed by your steps!

    I like this arrangement, how you did the background cloth and how you arranged the "Adventure" elements. I'm drawn in :)

  12. I love this page Erika, it's a wonderful composition!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend,
    Alison xx


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