Monday, January 27, 2020

T Stands for a Good Week in Retrospect

Howdy! It is Tuesday and time for T over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog again. 

Looking back over the past week, it was quite a good week. Funny at the time I was deep into end of semester exams and wrapping up grading at school so it seemed very  disconnected. Plus one of the dogs had surgery and my mom fell so besides having piles of work to do, there was some worry. Well the dog is back to herself minus the bald spot on her side where she was shaved, and my mom's fall didn't land her in the hospital. By Saturday (when I visited)  Mom was back up on her feet and having to be told to use the walker and to slow down. There was no apparent injuries. All good news since she is 90.
So with that going on I didn't have time to think about the good things.  But now that I am no longer focused on the worry and the work, I can see it was actually a very good week.
I found out I was going to be a great-aunt for the first time when my nephew's wife has a baby in July. 
The dog's lump biopsy came back as non-cancerous.
And on Friday a rare event happened in  my life. My husband brought me these.
He said I needed to celebrate being half way through the school year and getting closer to the halfway point of winter. (Close enough he said to call it halfway.)
They were much appreciated!
And one day before going into the grocery store, I took one of my walks through Hobby Lobby to get some more steps in. (And use the bathroom, as theirs is always really clean.) And that's when I noticed those bright orange markdown stickers and I had to go back up front to get a basket.
I don't know if it is good thing or bad thing that Hobby Lobby is next door to the grocery store.  I can admit that most of the time I walk through and come out empty handed-really.
And, I went out to eat not once but 4 times.  (That didn't even dawn on me until Saturday when I was able to look at the week as a whole.)
Last Monday was a no school holiday to celebrate Martin Luther King day. I should have been doing something to celebrate civil rights, but instead I went out to lunch with my daughter, who also had the day off from work.

I had a salad with a diet Coke.
And Thursday after work my book club met. We met for an early dinner, some book talk, and lots of catching up. We've been a book group for close to 20 years now, and even though some people have come and gone, three of us have been there from the beginning.  But we're all friends, so it is easy to get distracted from the books.

I had a Sam Adams beer with a fried fish sandwich.
And although I have no photos from lunch on Friday, most of my department went to a local Greek restaurant. We like to eat there because the food is yummy and they have fast service which is good since we have to get back to school. I had a veggie wrap, Greek green beans and a diet soda.
And lastly this past Saturday my husband and I drove down to check in on and visit my mom. We usually go down to visit her in the late  morning, and then stop for a bite to eat on our way home. One of our favorite places to go is the 99 Restaurant.

They serve popcorn while you wait for your meal. You can also see my diet Pepsi.
And I've had this meal before (and shown you before). Saturday's temperature wasn't really cold but it was raw and damp so a nice big bowl of pasta tasted good. And this bowl is so big I get leftovers to have another day.
That is always a good thing!
All my drink photos are my ticket to T this week. 

I hope this week is  quiet  and goes by quickly. We shall see how that goes. My new classes started today (Monday) and it is still too early to tell what they will be like. First impression not bad except I have to get used to my non-academic class. For 12 kids I have a team teacher and 2 paraprofessionals. I guess they are going to be a needy crowd, seeing there will be 4 adults for 12 kids.  Other than that  I am happy the days are getting longer, the weather is predicted to be winter mild, and there are no big snow storms in sight, at least according to the weather this morning.  And that is good for me.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Good evening Erika, I enjoyed reading your post-and I think you had a wonderful week as well. I love those roses-how sweet of your husband, good news your Mom did not break anything. My Mom (when she was still with us) fell in her mid 80's broke her hip and never got to go back home-I always felt so bad for her.
    anyways, your food looks delicious, and nice to have a day off with your daughter. I wish I had a hobby lobby near me-I have never lived where there was a store nearby-they have the best sales ever. I have purchased allot of beads from them in the past. Looks like you found some nice things
    Happy T wishes and for the upcoming week Hugs Kathy

  2. Well, with what went on last week and the worries I am happy for you that all is well, and that this week proved to be much, much better. Way to go hubby with the roses;)
    Sounds like wonderful outings- food wise and craft wise!I still have a bunch of those Colorbox ink sets:):)And the book should be lots of fun! I have one of JoAnne's other books and took two of her online classes. I guess I should be glad our Hobby Lobby is a bit of a pain to get to- haven't been there in months.
    Good luck with the new classes, and happy T day!

  3. Your mom was okay, your husband brought you flowers, had lunch with your daughter--sounds like a great week!

  4. What great news about your dog and your mother. Both were worrisome, I'm sure, but at least everything turned out better in the end. And your husband is a real keeper, too. Those roses are amazing and so healthy looking.

    Your Hobby Lobby prices for those Gelly Roll Metallics was cheaper NEW. I paid $14.00 for my set new. I can't believe yours were less than half that before the discount. You got a ton of great supplies. I wish I could get to a Hobby Lobby, but I just never think to go. I'm impressed you got so many pens, and those ink pads are AMAZING. Lucky, lucky you, dear.

    You had a lot of meals that make me hungry. I'm glad you didn't show the fish sandwich, because I'm craving one right now. I also LOVE Greek food. I need to go to the only one left in Wichita one of these days. But that pasta made me really hungry. Thanks for sharing your incredible finds at Hobby Lobby, your food, and your diet sodas and beer with us for T this almost Tuesday. And I'm SO happy to read your mom is doing well.

  5. Oh, wow, yes, a horror when you fall, especially at that age.
    Glad it was merely "nothing" but a huge shock.
    Your Hubby is cute :-)
    Oh, Greek food! And a beer :-)
    ... oh, help! I get hungry over here, it all looks so yummy!
    But! I´m doing some training now, ha ;-)
    A happy T-day to you!

  6. Hi Erika, fun post again. Glad to hear your Mom and the dog are both okay, how worrying for you. But I'm sure you're enjoying having your lovely daughter with you. Good that you went out and enjoyed yourselves. How lucky to have a Hobby Lobby when you go shopping! Hmmm, perhaps on second thoughts it's good there isn't one near here, I might spend all my money there. have fun with your bargains! Your food looks wonderful, and popcorn as a starter, wow! Love the roses. Your hubby's right, we need to celebrate everything while we can! And have fun soon being a great aunt! Hugs, Valerie

  7. A good weekend, indeed. Glad to hear your mother wasn't really seriously hurt. And Himself and I love the 99. Happy T Day

  8. Your week reminds me of an election campaign week where there is some really bad stuff but then there is some really good stuff that boosts you to the top of the polls! I'm grateful your mom wasn't more badly hurt and that your sweet dog does not have cancer. That's the best. And all the rest? That's the fun stuff and I love it all!

  9. Definitely sounds like a very good week overall - funny how we can only see it once we get some distance. I'm very relieved to hear that your mother's fall wasn't too serious, and that the dog's biopsy was benign. Beautiful roses, great bargains and a lovely lunch with your daughter on MLK day - what's not to enjoy?!
    Alison x

  10. Glad all was ok with your mum and doggy Erika. Lovely roses and bargains! xx

  11. Sounds like your had a great week in the end! How lovely to receive those roses from your hubby, that's so thoughtful of him 😀. All those crafting goodies look amazing and wow, eating out four times in a week! So pleased that you had a lovely time with your family and friends - perfect! Cheers and wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  12. You've certainly had a busy, stressful week, and I'm glad all the medical news is good. Those flowers are gorgeous. What a treat :) The food looks like something I'd enjoy. Yummm! We have a Michael's nearby. Such temptations lol Happy T Tuesday!

  13. Wonderful post, Erika. It made me think of my phrase for the year, "It's all good." I'm glad all turned out well. The flowers were a lovely gesture. You Hobby Lobby haul has me drooling.

    The ColorBox inks: does each color lift out for use? Have fun with you new toys!

    Good luck with your new (last) classes. I taught junior high special ed and know about needy kids. It's good you have a whole team to keep the teacher:student ratio high.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  14. How great that your mom is doing better and not listening-feisty gal just like my mom. I am glad you are enjoying your food and drinks and the book club. It must have ben nice to have the day off and spend time with your daughter and to get flowers from your nice. That store looks dangerous...and fun to get lost in and buy crafty things. Love the dye inks you bought

  15. Gosh Erika you have had a busy and a worrying time recently. Its good that your Mom wasn't injured when she fell.
    Your husband gave you a beautiful bouquet of flowers as well.
    Enjoy using your bargain buys, you got some interesting looking packages, I would have been tempted to pick out a few, fortunately there are no stores near where I live, so its internet shopping for me.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s., good news about your dog as well.

  16. What a nice surprise for your husband to get you those beautiful flowers. It looks like you found a treasure trove of bargains at Hobby Lobby! (I keep meaning to go to the one closest to me here in CT, but I always forget to.) Your food looked delicious at 99 Restaurant, which is another place I've been meaning to go to. NOAA can't seem to make up their mind about this weekend's storm: all rain, then they say rain and snow, etc. Happy T-Day!

  17. Yes, that was a good week, all is well that ends well, as the saying goes.
    Hubby buying you flowers! That is great. (Mine never does) And they are beautiful roses too. Lucky girl.
    What is a non-academic class? Does it mean they are slow learners or special needs kids? Or attention deficit? 1 to 3 tuition is pretty special.
    I'm so glad your mum and your dog turned out to be okay. Phew!
    Wonderful you could have lunch with your daughter. And the meal you had on the way back from mum looks lovely. There's nothing better than a hot pasta dish on a cold day.
    We don't have hobbylobby here, in fact no type of craft stores at all. This could be a good thing actually, as i would be like you. Pop in every now and then and look for the reduced stickers. Well done on your bargains. What are the colorbox? are they water colours or ink/ stamp pads?
    Happy T-Day,

  18. Oh dear, I could not do with a grocery store next to a Hobby Lobby. Couldn't even do with a Hobby Lobby anywhere within striking distance. I'd spend all my tie and money in there. What a lovely haul you brought out with you. And what a lovely bouquet of roses your husband got for you, such a thoughtful thing to do.
    Love the photograph of your daughter, what a pretty girl and what a lovely smile she has.
    Good luck with the needy class - I remember having to take one of those one year when I was teaching - it went well so I am sure you will be fine, especially with all those helpers.
    Hugs & Good Luck
    Neet xx

  19. So glad to read your Mom is okay, she's a tough 90!
    Your plate of pasta looks sooooo good. I can see why you had some to take home.
    Your new class sounds interesting, who are academic classes for?
    WOW! you really score at Hobby Lobby.........we would never eat if it was next door to the grocery store I use.

    Roses for any reason, are beautiful.........lucky girl!!

    Belated T-day wishes

  20. Erica your roses are lovely, my husband isn’t a flower giving person, he sent me some for my seventeenth birthday and I had to wait 21 years before I had some more, I must say he is very generous but thinks flowers are a vast of money!!
    Pleased your week turned out ok in the end and your Mum isn’t badly hurt after her fall.
    Thanks for your visit, I’m in the hotel in northern Spain , it’s raining so no walking tonight!
    Jan x

  21. How lovely of hubby to get you those beautiful roses after your traumatic time! Love the bargains you found! That food looks so tasty...belated Happy T Day, Chrisx


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