Saturday, January 25, 2020

Not New But New

Hi everyone. Hope you are having a great weekend. 
Today (Saturday) was my day to get a few things done that needed to be done. I got up and finished some grading that wasn't completed so I can post grades Monday, and then my husband and I took off and went down to visit my mother. I hadn't been down to see her since the holidays and it was weighing on me as much as the unfinished grading was. But I must say it's good to have both tasks completed. 
And since today was cloudy, damp and raw, it was a good day to get these things done, as well a couple of smaller errands, so tonight I feel totally relaxed.  It's a nice feeling.
I am back with Something New for the Jo's fun challenge by that same name at Art Journal Journey.
Well sort of new.
You might remember this page from 2018. (Yup, lousy photo.)
Well I was looking through this journal recently  and when I came to this page, I looked at it and just felt like it could use a bit of a facelight. It wasn't bad, but the man and his botany supplies  just blended into the page.  
So that's my "new". I used some watered down cream colored paint  and smeared it around the page just to make the background a bit less white. Now the man stood out better but the page needed a little color. So I found these red flower stickers in my stash and decided they would work with the letters in word Paradise. and I outlined those letters with black Sharpie.
I still left the green gemstones , although I did a bed job including them in the photo.
I'm not sure the page is better than it started, but I like the change. For now at least. Maybe in a couple of years I will look through the journal again and think it needs another facelift. (smile)

And thanks to a suggestion from Alison    I am linking up to the We're All Getting Older at a Vintage Journey
That's it for me. Thanks for visiting.


  1. What a great amendment of your beautiful page, Erika. The cream colour really popped up the man and I love the red flowers you added. Your page looks perfect! Kisses, my friend.

  2. Love how you altered your page, I love doing things like that, too. Glad you have been able to visit your Mom and get the grading done. Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Both versions looked good to me Erika, the changes you made make the botanist and the words stand out more on page 2. A fabulous new make over and great for Jo's AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

  4. It's amazing what the right choice of background can do. You were so right - this looks FAR better with the creamy, beigey background rather than the white. Everything pops more and the theme becomes clearer. Love what you did, Erika.
    Cath x

  5. Wonderful update to the journal page.

    Did you get rain yesterday (Saturday)? It rained here in Connecticut, but was raw and chilly. (But I'll take rain over snow any day!)

  6. That´s a great "upgrade"!
    Yes, I understand your feelings. I still get ads for "stair lifts" despite my Mum passed in 2011. I miss her and I do know what a task it is when people, like my Grandma... well, it was hard. You have my understanding, my heart.
    Smile - and hugs.

  7. That's a great changing of the page, congratulations! Now the man is standing out much better and the color of the whole page is very beautiful!
    Wish you a happy Sunday! Hugs-Rike

  8. Great job. I like the botanist being in the forefront instead of the background. Have a good day

  9. That works so well, Erika. You know, I always panic doing that but you give me confidence!

  10. This was a very subtle, yet quite effective change you created. I think this face lift turned out great and those red flower stickers are amazing!! Thanks for sharing these with us at Art Journal Journal using Jo's theme.

  11. Such a beautiful transformation! I love the different vintage look and feel that you created, so cool 😀. Glad you got everything done you wanted to this weekend too! Thanks so much forjoiningus at Art Journal Journey! Hugs, Jo x

  12. Great update, Erika. Like the song says, "Everything old is new again." I do like how you toned down the white background. It surprised that this made the professor stand out better; or maybe it's that the eye isn't dstracted by the bright white. Interesting. Eileen xx

  13. I love how you gave this page an even more vintage look. The images were all perfect for a botanical page, but now with that wash of cream to age the page and the added red flowers of paradise, it looks properly olde-worlde! Beautifully done. (And perfect for our We're All Getting Older theme over at A Vintage Journey this month if you fancy it.)
    Alison x

  14. So glad you decided to come and play along... Thanks so much for joining us on A Vintage Journey this month.
    Alison x

  15. Isn't it funny how something we love after it's finished can suddenly look like it needs something more when we see it some time later! I really like the addition of the watered down paint on the background and the bright flowers! thanks for sharing with us at A Vintage Journey!

  16. Love the alteration to your beautiful page. Great to have you hop on with us over at A Vintage Journey for Alison’s challenge theme

    Best wishes
    Annie xx


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